Wo finde ich das administrator passwort

Mein Cousin hat einen Laptop und ein PC Fachspezialist hat dort ein Administrator Account erstellt allerdings ohne ihm das Passwort zu sagen. Kann ich irgendwie das Passwort knacken ohne zu booten? Er hat einen Acer Laptop mit Windows 10. Der Laptop ist von MM, und ich habe es schon über die cmd.exe probiert aber wenn ich es als Admin ausführen will muss man das Passwort eingeben.

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Wo finde ich das administrator passwort

Wie willst du das passwort rauskriegen ohne ihn zu booten? Wenn du im loginscreen in die cmd.exe kommst kannst du den lokalen Administrator aktivieren. Ansonsten gibt es genügend Tools von denen du booten kannst... wenn keins für dich in Frage kommt kannst du auch eine der vielen Linux Distributionen hernehmen.

Wo finde ich das administrator passwort

Wenn du in deinem Profil Admin Rechte hast, kannst du doch das andere Profil Einfach löschen.

Wo finde ich das administrator passwort

Lade dir von ComputerBild auf einem anderen Rechner die Notfall-DVD herunter und installiere sie auf einem Stick oder auf einer CD. (Stick wäre besser, da schneller. Aber dabei werden Daten gelöscht, wenn welche drauf sind!).

Dann startest du deinen PC und gehst ins BIOS. Du änderst dann die Bootreihenfolge (Stick an erste Stelle). Dann steckst du ihn an, speichert die Änderung und der PC startet vom Stick. Es dauert eine Weile. Dann kannst du irgendwo das Passwort zurück setzen (weiß nicht genau wo, habe es noch nicht benutzt.)


"Vergessenes Windows-Kennwort löschen

Sie haben nach einem langen Urlaub das zuvor geänderte Windows-Kennwort vergessen? Dann hilft der Schlüsseldienst der „Notfall-DVD“. Die Bedienung ist dank übersichtlicher Oberfläche kinderleicht."

Wo finde ich das administrator passwort

Ich hatte das Problem Auch nur mit meinem Vater aber ich habe ein Video gesehen was wirklich hilft (hab's selber ausprobiert) https://youtu.be/HRKKrzeSaPI

Windows 7, Administrator Passwort herausfinden


meine Mutter hat zu meinem Leidwesen leider ein Kennwort für mein Laptop eingerichtet. Ich würde jetzt gerne wissen, wie ich dieses Kennwort herausfinden kann, also nicht zurücksetzen, entfernen oder sonstiges, sondern bloß herausfinden. Ich habe schon gegooglet, und es mit cmd.exe probiert, aber bei mir wird der Zugriff verweigert, da ein Fehler 5 vorhanden ist oder so. Mein Laptop läuft mit Windows 7 Home Premium, ich bin selbst Administrator, und möchte von diesem Konto das Passwort wissen. Mein Laptop an sich ist ein Samsung RV515. Das sind eigentlich die wichtigsten Infos. Und ich wäre SEHR dankbar, wenn ihr die Antwort so kurz/einfach wie möglich halten könntet, da ich ein totaler Idiot auf dem Gebiet 'Computer' bin.

Wo finde ich das administrator passwort

  1. There are a few ways to find your administrator password on Windows 10.
  2. One way is to look for the password in your account settings.
  3. Another way is to use a password recovery tool.

You may get into a situation where you need to reset your Windows 10 password on a PC, but don’t know the original admin account password. Here’s how to access the administrator account and change its password without knowing it.

If you have ever been helped by someone else using their administrative or System account (the one that has full access to everything on your computer), then you are going to have problems changing it back after they left. In this case, we will remove all user accounts from the computer completely, including their Home folder, e-mails, and settings so basically you would end up with a brand new installation of Windows 10 without any files involved which can be replaced later when setting up proper administrator account credentials.

The administrator account is the only one that has full access to everything on your computer, from changing settings and installing programs to viewing other user accounts. This may not seem like a big deal for just using your computer at home, but it becomes a major problem if you share this PC with someone or have multiple users who need access. While you can limit access by removing local administrators and limiting user accounts in the Group Policy Editor for Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise, some applications also require full privileges which cannot be granted through these methods without knowing the original password of the administrator account. Here are two different ways to reset/remove the admin password without knowing it!

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When you want to open the administrator account of your Windows 10, first it seems very easy, just press the button Win+X or right-click on the Start menu and select “Command Prompt (Admin)”. This is certainly an easy way to start a command prompt in Admin mode using a shortcut key. How do I know if I am logged in as an Administrator? But what if there is no keyboard attached to your PC and you want to log into the administrator user account from outside? You can try entering Ctrl + Alt + Del which will bring up the login screen. Type in your username and password then press enter. The problem here is that when RDP or Remote Desktop Connection client has enabled this method will not work since the UI is prevented from displaying the login screen.

But there is a way to start Command Prompt in Admin mode outside of Windows 10, which is by using the task scheduler. The Task Scheduler will run commands or programs automatically when you turn on your computer or even at scheduled times. All you need to do is create a simple program and then configure it to run as Administrator every time you log onto your PC. The procedure below works for any version of Windows: XP, 7, 8, and Windows 10. We are going to use our new favorite command prompt program called RunAsAdmin which can help us perform this task easily.


How do I find out my administrator password Windows 10?

Step 2: On the screen that follows, you will find a few options in the left sidebar.
Step 3: Next to Password, please enter your new password and then hit Enter.

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Is there a default administrator password for Windows 10?

Actually, there is no default administrative Windows password. If you are a forgetful person who can’t remember your password – like me – take your most frequently used one as the default for setting up a new computer.
Changing the word “default” to “most often used” makes it more intelligible.

What do I do if I forgot my Windows administrator password?

To change the administrator password, enter net user account_name new_password.

How do I turn off school restrictions in Windows 10?

To disable school restrictions on Windows 10, open the Settings app and go to Accounts > Family & other people. Under “Other people” in the sidebar, click “Add someone else to this PC”. Enter the email address or phone number of the person you want to add and click Next. They’ll receive an email or text with instructions on how to set up their account.

How do I reset my school laptop password?

If you’ve forgotten your school laptop password, you can reset it by following these steps:Reboot your laptop and press the F8 key repeatedly until you see the Advanced Boot Options menu.Select the Repair Your Computer option and click Next.Select the operating system that you want to repair and click Next.

Click the Command Prompt option and type the following command: net user administrator /active:yes.

How do I get administrative privileges on my school computer?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the process for obtaining administrative privileges on a school computer will vary depending on the specific school’s IT setup. However, in general, you will likely need to speak with your school’s IT administrator in order to obtain administrative privileges.

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How do I access my school computer settings?

To access your school computer settings, you’ll need to log in to your school’s network. Once you’re logged in, you should be able to open your browser and navigate to your school’s website. From there, you should be able to find a page with all of the computer settings for your school.

What happens if I delete Administrator Account Windows 10?

If you delete the Administrator account in Windows 10, you will not be able to log in to the computer. The only way to log in will be with a user account that has administrator privileges.

Can you wipe a school laptop?

It is generally recommended not to wipe school laptops as this can erase important information and files. If the laptop needs to be wiped for some reason, consult with the school’s IT department to see if there is a specific process or protocol to follow.

How do I change my school password?

To change your school password, you’ll need to know your current password and your new password.Log in to your school account.Click on the “Forgot Password?” link.Enter your current password and click “Submit.”Enter your new password and click “Submit.”

Check your email to confirm your new password.

How do I get administrator rights on my school computer Windows 10?

There are a few ways to get administrator rights on your school computer running Windows 10. One way is to ask your teacher or school administrator for help. Another way is to search the internet for a guide on how to do it.