The product of two rational numbers is 7 if one of the two number is 5 find the other number

The product of two rational numbers is –7. If one of the number is –5, find the other?

Given, one number = – 5

Suppose, the other number be x.

Given, – 5x = – 7

⇒ `x = (-7)/(-5)`

⇒ `x = 7/5`

HEnce, the other number is `7/5`.

Concept: Rational Numbers Between Two Rational Numbers

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The product of two rational numbers = -7

One number = -5

Find out

We have to determine the other number


Let us assume the other number be n.

According to the given details, we get to know that

= n × (-5) = -7

= n = -7/ (-5)

= n = 7/5


So, the other number is 7/5

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The product of two rational numbers is 7. If one of the number is 5, find the other?

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