Why is my CSV not importing correctly?

Why is import CSV not working?

Common issues with importing a CSV (and the work-arounds to fix them) The most common CSV import errors include: The file size is too large - The CSV import tool of the program you're using might have a file size requirement. To reduce the file size, you can delete unnecessary data values, columns, and rows.

Why is my CSV file not opening correctly in Excel?

To open a comma-delimited (CSV) file properly, use Excel's Data Import from Text feature to open the import wizard and set all columns as text. If you click the file and allow Excel to open it automatically, the columns might be formatted improperly.

Which is the correct way to import a CSV file?

On the File menu, click Import. In the Import dialog box, click the option for the type of file that you want to import, and then click Import. In the Choose a File dialog box, locate and click the CSV, HTML, or text file that you want to use as an external data range, and then click Get Data.

How do I fix a messed up CSV file?

To fix the issue you will need to change system settings and assign comma to be the separator. In any Windows system you will need to navigate to Control Panel and access Region and Language menu. Change these settings so that Decimal symbol is set to period and Digit grouping symbol is set to comma.