A researcher conducts an independent-measures study comparing two treatments

Question: A researcher conducts an independent-measures study comparing two treatments and reports the t statistic as

t (30) = 2.085.

  1. How many individuals participated in the entire study?
  2. Using a two-tailed test with α = .05, is there a significant difference between the two treatments?
  3. Compute r 2 to measure the percentage of variance accounted for by the treatment effect.

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  • The NAEP considers that a national average of 283 is an acceptable performance. Using α = .05, run a two-tail t-test for one sample to test Ho: µ=283 for the 2019 scores. Report the t-obt, df, and p-values. Would you reject the null hypothesis that the 2019 scores come from a population with average 283? If this is the case, does it come from a population from larger or smaller average?

    For a special pre-New Year's Eve show, a radio station personality has invited a small panel of prominent local citizens to help demonstrate to listeners the adverse effect of alcohol on reaction time, thus drinking an alcohol increases reaction time. The reaction times (in seconds) before and after consuming four drinks are in Sheet 11. Test a hypothesis to see if the showman claim is supported by the given data (use alpha=0.01 significance level). Sheet 11 Subject Before After 1 0,32 0,39 2 0,39 0,44 3 0,36 0,49 4 0,41 0,53 5 0,37 0,46 6 0,35 0,39 7 0,37 0,49 8 0,37 0,52 9 0,32 0,43 10 0,39 0,45 11 0,39 0,39 12 0,41 0,49 13 0,32 0,48 14 0,38 0,48 15 0,34 0,4 16 0,35 0,52   Select one: a. The alternative hypothesis that the reaction time before consuming alcohol is less than after is not accepted as the p-value= 0.0000 is less than alpha=0.005 b. The Null hypothesis that the reaction time before consuming alcohol is less than after is rejected…

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  • A study was conducted simultaneously in two different communities in New York City to examine an association between variable A and variable B. The resulting analysis yielded two different p-value in the two communities? Study in Community A yielded a p-value of 0.01.Study in Community B yielded a p-value of 0.05. Which of the above values provides a stronger indictment of the null hypothesis? A. 0.01B. 0.05

    Also, using α = .05, run a two-tail t-test for one sample to test Ho: µ=283 for the 2009 scores. Report the t-obt, df, and p-values. Would you reject the null hypothesis that the 2009 scores come from a population with average 283? If this is the case, does it come from a population from larger or smaller average?

    A nutritionist compared the effectiveness of an online diet program to that of an inperson diet program. After three months, she compared the number of pounds of weight lost. The control group (in-person) lost a mean of 18.00 pounds (s = 14.50, n = 16) and the experimental group (online) lost 16.00 pounds (s = 13.30, n = 21). Use an alpha of .05, a two-tailed test, s2pooled = 191.19, and sM1−M2 = 4.5 to determine if there is a difference between the two programs.

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    please help me solve this in simple steps. thank you.

    A researcher conducts an independent-measures study comparing two treatments and reports the t statistics as t(25)= 2.071. How many individuals participated in the entire study? use a two tailed test with o=.05 and the distributions tool below to determine if there is significant difference between the two treatments. t-critical=_ ______ * Reject the null hypothesis; there is no significant difference * Fail to reject the null hypotheses; there is no significant difference. * Reject the null hypothesis, there is a significant difference

    * Fail to reject the null hypothesis; there is a significant difference.

    Compute r2 to measure the percentage of variance accounted for by the treatment effect. * 14.6% *7.1% * 7.6%


    © BrainMass Inc. brainmass.com December 24, 2021, 11:36 pm ad1c9bdddf

    Answers: The number of individuals participated in the entire study = 27 t-critical= +/- 2.060 Reject the null hypothesis, there is a significant difference

    r2 = 14.6%

    Explanations: Here, the degrees of freedom of the test is given to be 25.

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