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From: The Dawn of the Mesolithic on the Plains of Poland

No. Site Region Radiocarbon age BP Sample code Calibrated date BC (2σ) Sample Context References
1 Bolków 1, concentration 1 Pomerania 10,280 ± 40 MKL-1875 10,430–10,400 (1.7%) 10,290–10,260 (2.5%)

10,230–9880 (91.2%)

Charcoal Pit no. 2 Galiński 2015a, 11
2 Bolków 1, concentration PF/2011, layer 7/6 Pomerania 9910 ± 50 MKL-3349 9650–9600 (5.2%) 9550–9480 (5.2%)

9460–9270 (85%)

Birch wood Settlement concentration Galiński 2018, Table 1
3 Bolków 1, concentration PF/2011, layer 6 Pomerania 9680 ± 50 MKL-3351 9270–9120 (62.7%) 9080–9050 (1.7%)

9020–8840 (31%)

Birch wood Settlement concentration Galiński 2018, Table 1
4 Całowanie 3 Mazovia 10,455 ± 90 GrN-5409 10,680–10,100 Charcoal Shore zone of island Schild 2014, Table II
5 Całowanie 3 Mazovia 10,140 ± 80 Gd-1648 10,130–9450 Charcoal Shore zone of island Schild 2014, Table II
6 Całowanie 3 Mazovia 10,030 ± 120 Gd-2147 10,060–9290 Burned twig Shore zone of island Schild 2014, Table II
7 Całowanie 3 Mazovia 9935 ± 110 GrN-5254 9980–9940 (1.0%)
9880–9230 (94.4%)
Charcoal Shore zone of island Schild 2014, Table II
8 Całowanie 3 Mazovia 9750 ± 80 Gd-1662 9370–9110 (74.3%) 9080–9040 (2.0%)

9020–8840 (19.0%)

Charred twig Shore zone of island Schild 2014, Table II
9 Całowanie 3 Mazovia 9700 ± 80 Gd-1717 9300–9100 (55.1%)
9090–8830 (40.3%)
Charred twig Shore zone of island Schild 2014, Table II
10 Grabek 11 Central Poland 10,430 ± 90 Lod-939 10,630–10,060 Peat Connected with Swiderian settlement Płaza et al. 2015, Table 2
11 Kochlew 1 Great Poland 10,320 ± 220 Lod-142 10,720–9440 (94.8%)
9430–9410 (0.6%)
Charcoal Fireplace (structure V) Cyrek 1996
12 Kochlew 1 Great Poland 10,260 ± 210 Lod-143 10,630–9340 Peat Connected with Swiderian settlement Cyrek 1996
13 Kopanica 29 Great Poland 10,470 ± 60 Poz-76625 10,620–10,170 Charcoal Near campsite Schild 2016, Table I
14 Krutynia River Masuria 10,045 ± 40 AAR-26646 9810–9440 (92.3%)
9430–9400 (3.1%)
Lyngby axe of reindeer antler Stray find Philippsen et al. 2019, Table 1
15 Łęg Ręczyński Central Poland 10,270 ± 220 Lod-328 10,670–9340 Peat Connected with Swiderian settlement Płaza et al. 2015, Table 2
16 Łykowe 1 Great Poland 10,380 ± 220 Lodz-148 10,760–9640 (90.7%)
9620–9460 (4.7%)
Charcoal Next to Late Palaeolithic artefacts Cyrek 1996
17 Mokracz Central Poland 10,260 ± 210 Lod-280 10,630–9330 Charcoal Settlement layer Płaza et al. 2015, Table 2
18 Morąg Masuria 9840 ± 45 AAR-26647 9380–9240 Lyngby axe of reindeer antler Stray find Philippsen et al. 2019, Table 1
19 Murowana Goślina Great Poland 9890 ± 50 Poz-15118 9650–9610 (2.4%) 9520–9500 (1.4%)

9460–9250 (91.6%)

Lyngby axe of reindeer antler Stray find Goslar et al. 2006, 7
20 Wojnowo 2, WKT I/88 Lubusz Land 9880 ± 170 Gd-2976 10,050–9110 (86.3%)
9090–8830 (9.1%)
Charred wood Peat bog near campsite Kobusiewicz and Bower 2016, 228; Schild 2016, Table I
21 Wojnowo 2, WKT I/88 Lubusz Land 10,130 ± 120 Gd-2975 10,280–10,270 (0.3%)
10,210–9310 (95.1%)
Charred wood Peat bog near campsite Kobusiewicz and Bower 2016, 228; Schild 2016, Table I
22 Wojnowo 2, WKT I/86 Lubusz Land 10,260 ± 100 Gd-5045 10,560–10,560 (0.2%) 10,470–9660 (94.9%)

9570–9560 (0.3%)

Charcoal Peat bog near campsite Kobusiewicz and Bower 2016, 228; Schild 2016, Table I
23 Wojnowo 2, WKT I/88 Lubusz Land 10,340 ± 130 Gd-6096 10,630–9750 (94.7%)
9720–9690 (0.7%)
Charcoal Peat bog near campsite Kobusiewicz and Bower 2016, 228; Schild 2016, Table I
24 Wojnowo 4, WTIII/11 Lubusz Land 10,000 ± 60 Poz-43873 9800–9780 (1.4%)
9780–9310 (94.0%)
Charcoal Peat bog near campsite Kobusiewicz et al. 2016, 279; Schild 2016, Table I
25 Wojnowo a Lubusz Land 10,410 ± 50 Poz-66522 10,580–10,520 (6.7%)
10,490–10,120 (88.7%)
Charcoal Flint concentration Kobusiewicz 2016, 179
26 Wojnowo a Lubusz Land 10,400 ± 50 Poz-66524 10,570–10,520 (4.4%)
10,480–10,110 (91.0%)
Charcoal Flint concentration Kobusiewicz 2016, 179
27 Wojnowo a Lubusz Land 10,310 ± 50 Poz-66521 10,440–10,000 (93.9%)
9920–9900 (1.5%)
Charcoal Flint concentration Kobusiewicz 2016, 179
28 Wojnowo a Lubusz Land 10,250 ± 50 Poz-66523 10,420–10,410 (0.2%) 10,280–10,260 (0.7%)

10,220–9810 (94.5%)

Charcoal Flint concentration Kobusiewicz 2016, 179
29 Wojnowo a Lubusz Land 10,210 ± 50 Poz-66525 10,170–9800 (94.5%)
9790–9770 (0.9%)
Charcoal Flint concentration Kobusiewicz 2016, 179