How to download Fuzzy Lookup in Excel

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August 19, 2020 - by Bill Jelen

How to download Fuzzy Lookup in Excel

When you use VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, or INDEX/MATCH, Excel is expecting an exact match. But in real life, data is messy. Several years ago, the research team at Microsoft Labs released a free Fuzzy Lookup add-in. The functionality was never added to Excel, but later showed up in SQL Server. However, the free tool is still available from

Download and install the add-in. The last step of the install process lets you open the install folder where you will you will find a ReadMe document and a sample Excel file.

Open the sample file. On the Fuzzy Lookup tab, choose Fuzzy Lookup. In the panel that opens, choose the Left Table, the Right Table, and the columns in common.

How to download Fuzzy Lookup in Excel

Optionally, choose that you want to see the best 2 or best N matches. Although it is more work, I always ask for at least two matches because Fuzzy Matches are never perfect.

How to download Fuzzy Lookup in Excel

Here are the results. Note if you had asked for only 1 match, you would not see the choice between Coca-Cola Company and Coca-Cola Enterprises. Also - beware of Fuzzy Match algorithms: ATT Corp and ITT Corporation are very similar and could be reported as a match. Someone should always review the matches to determine if they are accurate.

How to download Fuzzy Lookup in Excel

Title Photo: Dayne Topkin at

This article is an excerpt from MrExcel 2020 - Seeing Excel Clearly.

How to download Fuzzy Lookup in Excel

Bill Jelen is the author / co-author of:
Guerrilla Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel - 3rd Edition

Two of the leading Excel channels on YouTube join forces to combat bad data. This book includes step-by-step examples and case studies that teach users the many power tricks for analyzing data in Excel. These are tips honed by Bill Jelen, "MrExcel," and Oz do Soleil during their careers run as financial analysts.

Software Name Fuzzy Lookup Add-In For Excel
Platform Windows
Vendor Microsoft Applications
Architecture 64-bit
Download Path Setup.exe
Silent Installation Switch Setup.exe /install /quiet /norestart
Silent Uninstallation Switch Setup.exe /qn /norestart

Disclaimer: This webpage is intended to provide you information about patch announcement for certain specific software products. The information is provided "As Is" without warranty of any kind. The links provided point to pages on the vendors websites. You can get more information by clicking the links to visit the relevant pages on the vendors website.

How do I download and add fuzzy Lookup in Excel?

We do this by clicking on the File tab, and then selecting Options/Add-Ins. In the menu below, select the COM Add-Ins option, and then in the window that appears, select the option to activate. If you've done everything right, a new ribbon wil appear that contains only one option will appear – Fuzzy Lookup!

How do I install fuzzy in Excel?

Uninstall any previous versions of Fuzzy Lookup Add-In for Excel..
Run Setup.exe to install the add-in per-user..
Save Setup.exe, right-click Setup.exe and Run As Administrator..

How do I find duplicate fuzzy cells in Excel?

Select the search range in your table and you will see its address in the Select range field at the top. Tip. If you want to find fuzzy duplicates in a single column, select this column or any cell in that column. To fuzzy match within several Excel columns or any block of cells, select them.