Cara menggunakan verot class upload php

Set this variable to true to allow automatic chmod of the destination directory if it is not writeable

Default value is true

Set this variable to true to allow automatic creation of the destination directory if it is missing (works recursively)

Default value is true

Set this variable to the default chmod you want the class to use when creating directories, or attempting to write in a directory

Default value is 0777 (without quotes)

Holds eventual error message in plain english

Set this variable to true to allow automatic renaming of the file if the file already exists

Default value is true

For instance, on uploading foo.ext,
if foo.ext already exists, upload will be renamed foo_1.ext
and if foo_1.ext already exists, upload will be renamed foo_2.ext

Note that this option doesn't have any effect if is true

Destination file name body (i.e. without extension)

Destination file extension

Set this variable to change the maximum size in bytes for an uploaded file

Default value is the value upload_max_filesize from php.ini

Set this variable to append a string to the file name body

Set this variable to prepend a string to the file name body

Set this variable to replace the name body (i.e. without extension)

Set this variable to change the file extension

Set this variable tu true to allow overwriting of an existing file

Default value is false, so no files will be overwritten

Set this variable to format the filename (spaces changed to _)

Holds eventual PHP error code from $_FILES

Uploaded file name body (i.e. without extension)

Uploaded file name extension

Uploaded file size, in bytes

Forbidden MIME types

Default is a selection of safe mime-types, but you might want to change it To only check for forbidden MIME types, and allow everything else, set to array('* / *') without the spaces

Simple wildcards are allowed, such as image/* or application/*

Background color, used to paint transparent areas with

If set, it will forcibly remove transparency by painting transparent areas with the color This setting will fill in all transparent areas in PNG and GIF, as opposed to which will do so only in BMP, JPEG, and alpha transparent areas in transparent GIFs This setting overrides

Default value is null

Adds a bevel border on the image

Value is a positive integer, representing the thickness of the bevel

If the bevel colors are the same as the background, it makes a fade out effect

Default value is null (no bevel)

Top and left bevel color

Value is a color, in hexadecimal format This setting is used only if is set

Default value is #FFFFFF

Right and bottom bevel color

Value is a color, in hexadecimal format This setting is used only if is set

Default value is #000000

Adds a single-color border on the outer of the image

Values are four dimensions, or two, or one (CSS style) They represent the border thickness top, right, bottom and left. These values can either be in an array, or a space separated string. Each value can be in pixels (with or without 'px'), or percentage (of the source image)

See for valid formats

If a value is negative, the image will be cropped. Note that the dimensions of the picture will be increased by the borders' thickness

Default value is null (no border)

Border color

Value is a color, in hexadecimal format. This setting is used only if is set

Default value is #FFFFFF

Corrects the image brightness

Value can range between -127 and 127

Default value is null

Corrects the image contrast

Value can range between -127 and 127

Default value is null

Set this variable to convert the file if it is an image

Possibles values are : ''; 'png'; 'jpeg'; 'gif'; 'bmp'

Default value is '' (no conversion)
If resize is true, convert will be set to the source file extension

Crops an image

Values are four dimensions, or two, or one (CSS style) They represent the amount cropped top, right, bottom and left. These values can either be in an array, or a space separated string. Each value can be in pixels (with or without 'px'), or percentage (of the source image)

For instance, are valid:

 $foo->image_crop = 20                  OR array(20);
 $foo->image_crop = '20px'              OR array('20px');
 $foo->image_crop = '20 40'             OR array('20', 40);
 $foo->image_crop = '-20 25%'           OR array(-20, '25%');
 $foo->image_crop = '20px 25%'          OR array('20px', '25%');
 $foo->image_crop = '20% 25%'           OR array('20%', '25%');
 $foo->image_crop = '20% 25% 10% 30%'   OR array('20%', '25%', '10%', '30%');
 $foo->image_crop = '20px 25px 2px 2px' OR array('20px', '25%px', '2px', '2px');
 $foo->image_crop = '20 25% 40px 10%'   OR array(20, '25%', '40px', '10%');

If a value is negative, the image will be expanded, and the extra parts will be filled with black

Default value is null (no cropping)

  • var: OR array;
  • access: public

Default color for non alpha-transparent images

This setting is to be used to define a background color for semi transparent areas of an alpha transparent when the output format doesn't support alpha transparency This is useful when, from an alpha transparent PNG image, or an image with alpha transparent features if you want to output it as a transparent GIFs for instance, you can set a blending color for transparent areas If you output in JPEG or BMP, this color will be used to fill in the previously transparent areas

The default color white

Flips the image vertically or horizontally

Value is either 'h' or 'v', as in horizontal and vertical

Default value is null (no flip)

Adds a multi-color frame on the outer of the image

Value is an integer. Two values are possible for now:

  1. for flat border, meaning that the frame is mirrored horizontally and vertically
  2. for crossed border, meaning that the frame will be inversed, as in a bevel effect
The frame will be composed of colored lines set in

Note that the dimensions of the picture will be increased by the borders' thickness

Default value is null (no frame)

Sets the colors used to draw a frame

Values is a list of n colors in hexadecimal format. These values can either be in an array, or a space separated string.

The colors are listed in the following order: from the outset of the image to its center

For instance, are valid:

 $foo->image_frame_colors = '#FFFFFF #999999 #666666 #000000';
 $foo->image_frame_colors = array('#FFFFFF', '#999999', '#666666', '#000000');

This setting is used only if is set

Default value is '#FFFFFF #999999 #666666 #000000'

  • var: OR array;
  • access: public

Turns the image into greyscale

Default value is FALSE

Flag set to true when the image is not true color

Flag set to true when the image is transparent

This is actually used only for transparent GIFs

Set this variable to set a maximum image height, above which the upload will be invalid

Default value is null

Set this variable to set a maximum number of pixels for an image, above which the upload will be invalid

Default value is null

Set this variable to set a maximum image aspect ratio, above which the upload will be invalid

Note that ratio = width / height

Default value is null

Set this variable to set a maximum image width, above which the upload will be invalid

Default value is null

Set this variable to set a minimum image height, below which the upload will be invalid

Default value is null

Set this variable to set a minimum number of pixels for an image, below which the upload will be invalid

Default value is null

Set this variable to set a minimum image aspect ratio, below which the upload will be invalid

Note that ratio = width / height

Default value is null

Set this variable to set a minimum image width, below which the upload will be invalid

Default value is null

Inverts the color of an image

Default value is FALSE

Applies a colored overlay on the image

Value is an hexadecimal color, such as #FFFFFF

To use with

Default value is null

Sets the percentage for the colored overlay

Value is a percentage, as an integer between 0 and 100

Unless used with , this setting has no effect

Default value is 50

Crops an image, before an eventual resizing

See for valid formats

Default value is null (no cropping)

  • var: OR array;
  • access: public

Set this variable to keep the original size ratio to fit within x

Default value is false

Set this variable to keep the original size ratio to fit within x

The image will be resized as to fill the whole space, and excedent will be cropped

Value can also be a string, one or more character from 'TBLR' (top, bottom, left and right) If set as a string, it determines which side of the image is kept while cropping. By default, the part of the image kept is in the center, i.e. it crops equally on both sides

Default value is false

Set this variable to keep the original size ratio to fit within x

The image will be resized to fit entirely in the space, and the rest will be colored. The default color is white, but can be set with

Value can also be a string, one or more character from 'TBLR' (top, bottom, left and right) If set as a string, it determines in which side of the space the image is displayed. By default, the image is displayed in the center, i.e. it fills the remaining space equally on both sides

Default value is false

Set this variable to keep the original size ratio to fit within x , but only if original image is bigger

Default value is false

Set this variable to keep the original size ratio to fit within x , but only if original image is smaller

Default value is false

Set this variable to a number of pixels so that and are the best match possible

The image will be resized to have approximatively the number of pixels The aspect ratio wil be conserved

Default value is false

Set this variable to calculate automatically , using and conserving ratio

Default value is false

Set this variable to calculate automatically , using and conserving ratio

Default value is false

Sets the color of the reflection background (deprecated)

Value is an hexadecimal color, such as #FFFFFF

Default value is #FFFFFF

This setting is relevant only if is set

This setting is now deprecated in favor of

Sets the height of the reflection

Value is an integer in pixels, or a string which format can be in pixels or percentage. For instance, values can be : 40, '40', '40px' or '40%'

Default value is null, no reflection

Sets the initial opacity of the reflection

Value is an integer between 0 (no opacity) and 100 (full opacity). The reflection will start from and end up at 0

Default value is 60

This setting is relevant only if is set

Sets the space between the source image and its relection

Value is an integer in pixels, which can be negative

Default value is 2

This setting is relevant only if is set

Set this variable to true to resize the file if it is an image

You will probably want to set and , and maybe one of the ratio variables

Default value is false (no resizing)

Rotates the image by increments of 45 degrees

Value is either 90, 180 or 270

Default value is null (no rotation)

Adds a text label on the image

Value is a string, any text. Text will not word-wrap, although you can use breaklines in your text "\n"

If set, this setting allow the use of all other settings starting with image_text_

Replacement tokens can be used in the string:

 gd_version    src_name       src_name_body src_name_ext
 src_pathname  src_mime       src_x         src_y
 src_type      src_bits       src_pixels
 src_size      src_size_kb    src_size_mb   src_size_human
 dst_path      dst_name_body  dst_pathname
 dst_name      dst_name_ext   dst_x         dst_y
 date          time           host          server        ip
The tokens must be enclosed in square brackets: [dst_x] will be replaced by the width of the picture

Default value is null

Sets the text alignment

Value is a string, which can be either 'L', 'C' or 'R'

Default value is 'C'

This setting is relevant only if the text has several lines.

Sets the text background color for the text label

Value is an hexadecimal color, such as #FFFFFF

Default value is null (no background)

Sets the text background visibility in the text label

Value is a percentage, as an integer between 0 and 100

Default value is 100

Sets the text color for the text label

Value is an hexadecimal color, such as #FFFFFF

Default value is #FFFFFF (white)

Sets the text direction for the text label

Value is either 'h' or 'v', as in horizontal and vertical

Default value is h (horizontal)

Sets the text font in the text label

Value is a an integer between 1 and 5 for GD built-in fonts. 1 is the smallest font, 5 the biggest Value can also be a string, which represents the path to a GDF font. The font will be loaded into GD, and used as a built-in font.

Default value is 5

Sets the text line spacing

Value is an integer, in pixels

Default value is 0

This setting is relevant only if the text has several lines.

Sets the text label padding

Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the text and the label background border

Default value is 0

This setting can be overriden by and

Sets the text label horizontal padding

Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the text and the left and right label background borders

Default value is null

If set, this setting overrides the horizontal part of

Sets the text label vertical padding

Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the text and the top and bottom label background borders

Default value is null

If set, his setting overrides the vertical part of

Sets the text visibility in the text label

Value is a percentage, as an integer between 0 and 100

Default value is 100

Sets the text label position within the image

Value is one or two out of 'TBLR' (top, bottom, left, right)

The positions are as following:

                        TL  T  TR
                        L       R
                        BL  B  BR

Default value is null (centered, horizontal and vertical)

Note that is and are used, this setting has no effect

Sets the text label absolute X position within the image

Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the left of the image and the label If a negative value is used, it will represent the distance between the right of the image and the label

Default value is null (so is used)

Sets the text label absolute Y position within the image

Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the top of the image and the label If a negative value is used, it will represent the distance between the bottom of the image and the label

Default value is null (so is used)

Applies threshold filter

Value can range between -127 and 127

Default value is null

Applies a tint on the image

Value is an hexadecimal color, such as #FFFFFF

Default value is null

Transparent color in a palette

This is actually used only for transparent GIFs

Adds a watermark on the image

Value is a local image filename, relative or absolute. GIF, JPG, BMP and PNG are supported, as well as PNG alpha.

If set, this setting allow the use of all other settings starting with image_watermark_

Default value is null

Sets the watermarkposition within the image

Value is one or two out of 'TBLR' (top, bottom, left, right)

The positions are as following: TL T TR L R BL B BR

Default value is null (centered, horizontal and vertical)

Note that is and are used, this setting has no effect

Sets the watermark absolute X position within the image

Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the top of the image and the watermark If a negative value is used, it will represent the distance between the bottom of the image and the watermark

Default value is null (so is used)

Sets the twatermark absolute Y position within the image

Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the left of the image and the watermark If a negative value is used, it will represent the distance between the right of the image and the watermark

Default value is null (so is used)

Set this variable to the wanted (or maximum/minimum) width for the processed image, in pixels

Default value is 150

Set this variable to the wanted (or maximum/minimum) height for the processed image, in pixels

Default value is 150

Quality of JPEG created/converted destination image

Default value is 85

Determines the quality of the JPG image to fit a desired file size

Value is in bytes. The JPG quality will be set between 1 and 100% The calculations are approximations.

Default value is null (no calculations)

Language selected for the translations

By default, the language is english (en_GB) Translations can be in separate files, in a lang/ subdirectory