What was the first area check when your AVG program started the scan

Like others have posted, a few days ago I noticed that my scheduled scans were no longer happening, and that it said that the date of my last scan had been "6 months ago".  I ran a manual scan, and it updated to say the the latest scan had been a seconds ago. Then I re-created a daily scheduled scan. However, I can't tell if these are actually happening or not.

There used to be a feature where you could pull up a history of all your scans, and it would show you how many objects were scanned, how long it took, and what was found. I understand that this feature was disabled a few releases back. Without it, though, I have no way of knowing if the scans are even taking place. All I get is a notification that everything is OK, but I have no proof of it. I really want to see the scan history come back. I haven't had anything show up in the virus vault in about 8 months, and to be honest I find it hard to believe there hasn't been a single questionable file in all that time.  Bottom line is, right now I have no proof that my virus protection is actually doing anything.

Please bring back the scan history or some other way that I can see what was scanned and what threats were found.

Joan Duckett


In response to your email, I performed a manual scan and the date of my last scan showed this scan as having been performed “a few seconds ago ” which was correct. However when my scheduled scan starts each morning the scan takes up to an hour to finish but the manual scan I’ve just done was completed in 2 minutes. How can I know if the scan actually scanned correctly when it was this fast.


Some time after this manual scan had finished my scheduled daily scan started. Even though the scan was showing on my computer screen with the “magnifying glass going round a computer screen” which is normal, what was not normal was that the progress bar was showing Zero the whole time. On the task bar the AVG icon was showing that a scan was taking place as this showed a green line advancing across the icon. When the scan had finished the icon on the taskbar disappeared but the magnifying glass etc. on my computer screen continued to show a scan taking place and still showing Zero progress. I had to manually stop this scan. The time of this most recent scan did not record but still showed the time of my first manual scan. I would add that in the past I have also had the problem with a scan showing as taking place but the progress never changing from Zero.


As for your comment that, and I quote “Last scan run date only if you press Scan Computer floating button manually and not for any other scans.” This is clearly not the case as in the past every time my scheduled scan starts in the morning the last scan run time shows the time of this scan correctly.

 I would like answers to these points please. As I said in my original message I am quickly losing faith in AVG as I have had so many problems like this in the past few months. It seems that each time one of these errors is corrected there are more that appear. 



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