What is a website content view on Facebook?

What is Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel is a code that allows you to monitor the effectiveness of your Facebook ads, retarget people who have previously visited your website, and build custom audiences for future Facebook ad campaigns. The Pixel identifies actions on your websites such as purchases or contacts submissions then creates a cookie that tracks the activity of visitors to your website, allowing you to target these groups with Facebook ads later on.

Most of the eCommerce companies find their target audience on social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram. For this very reason, they heavily market their products via Facebook advertisements. But do they know if their advertisements are yielding any results? If they are visiting the website or meeting any end goals? 

It tracks the best and worst performances of Facebook activities on your website. Every campaign you run, every tactical decision was taken to achieve website results through Facebook Ads or remarketing – is tracked by Facebook Pixel. This allows eCommerce companies to make informed decisions about campaigning activities and amplify results.

Want to know a bit more about Facebook Pixels?

  • Facebook Ads are popular! Nearly 93% of Social Media experts use Facebook Ads
  • Did you know that Facebook ranks at 88% for the most effective B2C Social Media Platform 
  • Facebook US advertising expenditures are projected to grow 15.5% in 2022.
  • Through Facebook advertisements, they can potentially reach 2.11 billion people 
What is a website content view on Facebook?
Social Media Statistics

Why Facebook Pixels is important and How Conversios Can Help Out

Understanding the dynamics of the company, its Facebook advertisements, and campaigns are vital in reaching out to the right audience. But, is that enough to get leads or visibility in the market? Is posting ads continuously and rigorously enough to reach the right audience?

Facebook Pixels answers all these questions. It is an ID that needs to be placed on the website. This code monitors the standard WooCommerce events like Page View, Content View, Add to Cart, Checkout, and Purchase activities. Moreover, it also measures advertisement results, tracks conversions, ensures the right target audience, optimizes advertisements, and much more!

Conversios and Facebook Pixel 

Conversios ensures these activities are performed correctly and bridges the gap between your eCommerce website and Facebook Pixel. It ensures that you have single-page visibility of all your actions and creates a business journey through its integrated tools.

For instance, GlobalHigh wants to track Facebook ads performance and monitor the website traffic. They also want to list their product and advertise them on the Google platform. But, will all these three activities be possible to perform from a single page? GlobalHigh wants something simple and user-friendly to help them uncomplicate their activities.

So instead of linking separate plugins for each and tracking the user journey, Conversios simplifies these activities by giving all these insights under one platform. 

In short, GlobalHigh can now track user journeys, understand audience behavior, automate the shopping process, and track website visitors to market products through retargeting. 

What all does Conversios offer – Facebook Pixel Conversion Tracking

A feature-rich and easy-to-use plugin to the WooCommerce platform, Conversio empowers e-shop owners with the tools they need to run their online business more efficiently. It integrates Google Analytics, Merchant Center, and Google Ads. To top it all, it also configures Facebook Pixel. A powerful tool that tracks the conversions through Facebook Ad and monitors your website performance based on it. 

And all you need to do is add the Pixel ID down there and get digging!

What is a website content view on Facebook?

These are the five parameters that Coversios tracks through Facebook Pixel.

1. Page View

The targeting option called PageView allows you to choose those who viewed a specific number of pages. So that you can target those who spent a certain amount of time on any particular page.

For instance: You launched a Facebook Ad to promote ‘Purchase Red Boots’. Now, you want to track the purchase completion. Through Facebook Pixel, it will automatically be able to track data from the /thank-you-for-the-purchase’ page. Now you can view and track users who have completed the purchase and met your end goal.

What is a website content view on Facebook?
Facebook Pixel – Page View

2. View Content

View Content is a Facebook Pixel parameter that tells when someone views or if a user navigates to a web page. But it doesn’t tell you what they do or see after they get in there. You can use this parameter to track the number of users viewing the desired page of your website.

For instance: A newly-designed homepage OR a landing page OR a webinar page.

What is a website content view on Facebook?
Facebook Pixel – View Content Example

3. Add to Cart

The ‘Add to Cart’ parameter records when a user adds an item to a shopping cart or basket. You can use this parameter to track the behavior and activities of users’ shopping carts.

For instance: You are promoting a ‘50% discount on all items’ in your campaign. Users are clicking over it and are saving items in their cart. This visibility – You will get through the Facebook Pixel Add to Cart parameter.

What is a website content view on Facebook?
Facebook Pixel – Add to Cart Example

4. Checkout

This parameter tracks users who have clicked on the ‘Checkout’ button. It is the initial step or beginning of the checkout process.

What is a website content view on Facebook?
Facebook Pixel ID on Checkout page

5. Purchase/Thank You

As a standard feature of Facebook Pixel, this parameter helps track the confirmation stage. The completion of a transaction is usually signified by receiving either an order confirmation or a receipt.

What is a website content view on Facebook?
Facebook Pixel – Purchase-Thank You page


The Facebook Pixel is a versatile marketing tool that eCommerce stores can use for FB Pixel Conversion Tracking and give more insights about the user and user journey. It’s a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals, target the right audience, build new audiences and improve targeted advertising. Facebook Pixel is a great tool that helps in remarketing as well!

Conversios helps align Facebook Pixel activities along with visibility through Google Analytics and market the right products through Merchant Center. This makes Conversios a great WooCommerce plugin as it supports all these activities under one platform. What else makes it great? We have a client base of 45000+ users and we provide a free version too! So, try it out for yourself and get back to us!

What is a website content view?

View Content View Content is a Facebook Pixel parameter that tells when someone views or if a user navigates to a web page. But it doesn't tell you what they do or see after they get in there.

What is website content view in Facebook ads?

Website Content Views: The number of content views tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad. Website Conversion Value: The total value of website conversions.

What is the difference between page view and view content?

The difference between “ViewContent” and “Landing Page” optimization is that If your goal is to get more people viewing more content on your site overall (not landing on specific destination URLs of ads), Facebook recommends optimizing for ViewContent conversions instead of landing page views, since the former ...

What is content type in Facebook?

The 5 types of Facebook posts: Photo/Video. Photo Albums. Photo Carousel. Slideshow. Instant Experiences.