Treatment of an incomplete abortion that was treated surgically during the second trimester

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  • The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:

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  Group 1: Misoprostol Group 2: Surgical p-value
  n = 480 n = 380  
Age in years: mean ± SD (range) 28.1 ± 7.2 (13-48)a 28.7 ± 7.3 (14-46)b 0.19
Education level: % (n)    0.63
 No education 30.6 (118/385) 28.3 (80/283)
 Primary 24.9 (96/385) 23.7 (67/283)
 Secondary 30.9 (119/385) 31.1 (88/283)
 Tertiary 13.5 (52/385) 17.0 (48/283)
Marital status: % (n)    0.20
 Single 11.5 (55/478) 8.3 (31/372)
 Married 87.0 (416/478) 90.9 (338/372)
 Divorced 1.5 (7/478) 0.8 (3/372)
Parity: mean ± SD (range) 2.1 ± 2.1 (0-11)c 2.3 ± 2.2 (0-11)d 0.09
Abortion type according to provider: % (n)    0.23
 Spontaneous 94.0 (440/468) 95.9 (349/364)
 Induced 6.0 (28/468) 4.1 (15/364)  

  1. * Denominators vary due to response rate for each question.
  2. a n = 478.
  3. b n = 375.
  4. c n = 479.
  5. d n = 377.