The provision of a urinal was reported with e0325. what do you know about the patient?

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Page 2

Gender-Specific Procedure Codes Related to Condition Code 45 and the KX Modifier

HCPCSValid sexCode descriptionHCPCSValid sexCode description
0071TFemaleU/s leiomyomata ablate <20057545FemaleRemove cervix/repair pelvis
0072TFemaleU/s leiomyomata ablate >20057550FemaleRemoval of residual cervix
00842FemaleAnesth amniocentesis57555FemaleRemove cervix/repair vagina
00846FemaleAnesth hysterectomy57556FemaleRemove cervix/repair bowel
00851FemaleAnesth tubal ligation57558FemaleD and c of cervical stump
00865MaleAnesth removal of prostate57700FemaleRevision of cervix
00906FemaleAnesth removal of vulva57720FemaleRevision of cervix
00908MaleAnesth removal of prostate57800FemaleDilation of cervical canal
00914MaleAnesth removal of prostate58100FemaleBiopsy of uterus lining
00920MaleAnesth genitalia surgery58110FemaleBx done w/colposcopy add‐on
00921MaleAnesth vasectomy58120FemaleDilation and curettage
00922MaleAnesth sperm duct surgery58140FemaleMyomectomy abdominal method
00924MaleAnesth testis exploration58145FemaleMyomectomy vaginal method
00926MaleAnesth removal of testis58146FemaleMyomectomy abdominal complex
00928MaleAnesth removal of testis58150FemaleTotal hysterectomy
00930MaleAnesth testis suspension58152FemaleTotal hysterectomy
00932MaleAnesth amputation of penis58180FemalePartial hysterectomy
00934MaleAnesth penis nodes removal58200FemaleExtensive hysterectomy
00936MaleAnesth penis nodes removal58210FemaleExtensive hysterectomy
00938MaleAnesth insert penis device58240FemaleRemoval of pelvis contents
00940FemaleAnesth vaginal procedures58260FemaleVaginal hysterectomy
00942FemaleAnesth surgery on vaginal/urethral58262FemaleVaginal hysterectomy including t/o
00944FemaleAnesth vaginal hysterectomy58263FemaleVaginal hysterectomy w/t/o and vaginal repair
00948FemaleAnesth repair of cervix58267FemaleVaginal hysterectomy w/urinary repair
00950FemaleAnesth vaginal endoscopy58270FemaleVaginal hysterectomy w/enterocele repair
00952FemaleAnesth hysteroscope/graph58275FemaleHysterectomy/revise vagina
01960FemaleAnesth vaginal delivery58280FemaleHysterectomy/revise vagina
01961FemaleAnesth cs delivery58285FemaleExtensive hysterectomy
01962FemaleAnesth emergency hysterectomy58290FemaleVaginal hysterectomy complex
01963FemaleAnesth cs hysterectomy58291FemaleVaginal hysterectomy including t/o complex
01965FemaleAnesth inc/missed ab procedure58292FemaleVaginal hysterectomy t/o and repair complex
01966FemaleAnesth induced ab procedure58293FemaleVaginal hysterectomy w/uro repair complex
01967FemaleAnesth/analg vaginal delivery58294FemaleVaginal hysterectomy w/enterocele complex
01968FemaleAnes/analg cs deliver add‐on58300FemaleInsert intrauterine device
01969FemaleAnesth/analg cs hysterectomy add‐on58301FemaleRemove intrauterine device
0336TFemaleLap ablat uterine fibroids58321FemaleArtificial insemination
0500FFemaleInitial prenatal care visit58322FemaleArtificial insemination
0501FFemalePrenatal flow sheet58323FemaleSperm washing
0502FFemaleSubsequent prenatal care58340FemaleCatheter for hysterography
0503FFemalePostpartum care visit58345FemaleReopen fallopian tube
11976FemaleRemove contraceptive capsule58346FemaleInsert heyman uteri capsule
19300MaleRemoval of breast tissue58350FemaleReopen fallopian tube
3015FFemaleCerv cancer screen docd58353FemaleEndometrial ablate thermal
36460FemaleTransfusion service fetal58356FemaleEndometrial cryoablation
37788MaleRevascularization penis58400FemaleSuspension of uterus
46744FemaleRepair of cloacal anomaly58410FemaleSuspension of uterus
46746FemaleRepair of cloacal anomaly58520FemaleRepair of ruptured uterus
46748FemaleRepair of cloacal anomaly58540FemaleRevision of uterus
50722FemaleRelease of ureter58541FemaleLsh uterus 250 g or less
51845FemaleRepair bladder neck58542FemaleLsh w/t/o ut 250 g or less
51920FemaleClose bladder–uterus fistula58544FemaleLsh w/t/o uterus above 250 g
51925FemaleHysterectomy/bladder repair58545FemaleLaparoscopic myomectomy
52010MaleCystoscopy and duct catheter58546FemaleLaparomyomectomy complex
52270FemaleCystoscopy and revise urethra58548FemaleLap radical hyst
52275MaleCystoscopy and revise urethra58550FemaleLaparo‐asst vaginal hysterectomy
52285FemaleCystoscopy and treatment58552FemaleLaparovaginal hysterectomy including t/o
52402MaleCystourethro cut ejaculatory duct58553FemaleLaparovaginal hysterectomy complex
52450MaleIncision of prostate58554FemaleLaparovaginal hysterectomy w/t/o complex
52601MaleProstatectomy (turp)58555FemaleHysteroscopy dx sep procedure
52647MaleLaser surgery of prostate58558FemaleHysteroscopy biopsy
52648MaleLaser surgery of prostate58559FemaleHysteroscopy lysis
52649MaleProstate laser enucleation58560FemaleHysteroscopy resect septum
52700MaleDrainage of prostate abscess58561FemaleHysteroscopy remove myoma
53210FemaleRemoval of urethra58562FemaleHysteroscopy remove fb
53215MaleRemoval of urethra58563FemaleHysteroscopy ablation
53230FemaleRemoval of urethra lesion58565FemaleHysteroscopy sterilization
53235MaleRemoval of urethra lesion58570FemaleTlh uterus 250 g or less
53410MaleReconstruction of urethra58571FemaleTlh w/t/o 250 g or less
53415MaleReconstruction of urethra58572FemaleTlh uterus over 250 g
53420MaleReconstruct urethra stage 158573FemaleTlh w/t/o uterus over 250 g
53425MaleReconstruct urethra stage 258578FemaleLaparo proc uterus
53430FemaleReconstruction of urethra58579FemaleHysteroscope procedure
53440MaleMale sling procedure58600FemaleDivision of fallopian tube
53442MaleRemove/revise male sling58605FemaleDivision of fallopian tube
53502FemaleRepair of urethra injury58611FemaleLigate oviduct(s) add‐on
53505MaleRepair of urethra injury58615FemaleOcclude fallopian tube(s)
53510MaleRepair of urethra injury58660FemaleLaparoscopy lysis
53515MaleRepair of urethra injury58661FemaleLaparoscopy remove adnexa
53520MaleRepair of urethra defect58662FemaleLaparoscopy excise lesions
53600MaleDilate urethra stricture58670FemaleLaparoscopy tubal cautery
53601MaleDilate urethra stricture58671FemaleLaparoscopy tubal block
53605MaleDilate urethra stricture58672FemaleLaparoscopy fimbrioplasty
53620MaleDilate urethra stricture58673FemaleLaparoscopy salpingostomy
53621MaleDilate urethra stricture58679FemaleLaparoscopy procedure oviduct–ovary
53660FemaleDilation of urethra58700FemaleRemoval of fallopian tube
53661FemaleDilation of urethra58720FemaleRemoval of ovary/tube(s)
53665FemaleDilation of urethra58740FemaleAdhesiolysis tube ovary
53850MaleProstatic microwave thermotx58750FemaleRepair oviduct
53852MaleProstatic rf thermotx58752FemaleRevise ovarian tube(s)
53855MaleInsert prost urethral stent58760FemaleFimbrioplasty
53860FemaleTransurethral rf treatment58770FemaleCreate new tubal opening
54000MaleSlitting of prepuce58800FemaleDrainage of ovarian cyst(s)
54001MaleSlitting of prepuce58805FemaleDrainage of ovarian cyst(s)
54015MaleDrain penis lesion58820FemaleDrain ovary abscess open
54050MaleDestruction penis lesion(s)58822FemaleDrain ovary abscess percut
54055MaleDestruction penis lesion(s)58825FemaleTransposition ovary(s)
54056MaleCryosurgery penis lesion(s)58900FemaleBiopsy of ovary(s)
54057MaleLaser surgery penis lesion(s)58920FemalePartial removal of ovary(s)
54060MaleExcision of penis lesion(s)58925FemaleRemoval of ovarian cyst(s)
54065MaleDestruction penis lesion(s)58940FemaleRemoval of ovary(s)
54100MaleBiopsy of penis58943FemaleRemoval of ovary(s)
54110MaleTreatment of penis lesion58951FemaleResect ovarian malignancy
54111MaleTreat penis lesion graft58952FemaleResect ovarian malignancy
54112MaleTreat penis lesion graft58953FemaleTah rad dissect for debulk
54115MaleTreatment of penis lesion58954FemaleTah rad debulk/lymph remove
54120MalePartial removal of penis58956FemaleBso omentectomy w/tah
54125MaleRemoval of penis58957FemaleResect recurrent gyn mal
54130MaleRemove penis and nodes58958FemaleResect recur gyn mal w/lym
54135MaleRemove penis and nodes58960FemaleExploration of abdomen
54150MaleCircumcision w/regionl block58970FemaleRetrieval of oocyte
54160MaleCircumcision neonate58974FemaleTransfer of embryo
54161MaleCircum 28 days or older58976FemaleTransfer of embryo
54162MaleLysis penil circumic lesion58999FemaleGenital surgery procedure
54163MaleRepair of circumcision59000FemaleAmniocentesis diagnostic
54164MaleFrenulotomy of penis59001FemaleAmniocentesis therapeutic
54200MaleTreatment of penis lesion59012FemaleFetal cord puncture prenatal
54205MaleTreatment of penis lesion59015FemaleChorion biopsy
54220MaleTreatment of penis lesion59020FemaleFetal contract stress test
54230MalePrepare penis study59025FemaleFetal nonstress test
54231MaleDynamic cavernosometry59030FemaleFetal scalp blood sample
54235MalePenile injection59050FemaleFetal monitor w/report
54240MalePenis study59051FemaleFetal monitor/interpret only
54250MalePenis study59070FemaleTransabdom amnioinfus w/us
54300MaleRevision of penis59072FemaleUmbilical cord occlusion w/us
54304MaleRevision of penis59074FemaleFetal fluid drainage w/us
54308MaleReconstruction of urethra59076FemaleFetal shunt placement w/us
54312MaleReconstruction of urethra59100FemaleRemove uterus lesion
54316MaleReconstruction of urethra59120FemaleTreat ectopic pregnancy
54318MaleReconstruction of urethra59121FemaleTreat ectopic pregnancy
54322MaleReconstruction of urethra59130FemaleTreat ectopic pregnancy
54324MaleReconstruction of urethra59135FemaleTreat ectopic pregnancy
54326MaleReconstruction of urethra59136FemaleTreat ectopic pregnancy
54328MaleRevise penis/urethra59140FemaleTreat ectopic pregnancy
54332MaleRevise penis/urethra59150FemaleTreat ectopic pregnancy
54336MaleRevise penis/urethra59151FemaleTreat ectopic pregnancy
54340MaleSecondary urethral surgery59160FemaleD and c after delivery
54344MaleSecondary urethral surgery59200FemaleInsert cervical dilator
54348MaleSecondary urethral surgery59300FemaleEpisiotomy or vaginal repair
54352MaleReconstruct urethra/penis59320FemaleRevision of cervix
54360MalePenis plastic surgery59325FemaleRevision of cervix
54380MaleRepair penis59350FemaleRepair of uterus
54385MaleRepair penis59400FemaleObstetrical care
54390MaleRepair penis and bladder59409FemaleObstetrical care
54400MaleInsert semirigid prosthesis59410FemaleObstetrical care
54401MaleInsert self‐contd prosthesis59412FemaleAntepartum manipulation
54405MaleInsert multi‐comp penis prosthesis59414FemaleDeliver placenta
54406MaleRemove muti‐comp penis pros59425FemaleAntepartum care only
54408MaleRepair multi‐comp penis prosthesis59426FemaleAntepartum care only
54410MaleRemove/replace penis prosthesis59430FemaleCare after delivery
54411MaleRemov/replc penis pros comp59510FemaleCesarean delivery
54415MaleRemove self‐contd penis pros59514FemaleCesarean delivery only
54416MaleRemv/repl penis contain pros59515FemaleCesarean delivery
54417MaleRemv/replc penis pros compl59525FemaleRemove uterus after cesarean
54420MaleRevision of penis59610FemaleVbac delivery
54430MaleRevision of penis59612FemaleVbac delivery only
54435MaleRevision of penis59614FemaleVbac care after delivery
54440MaleRepair of penis59618FemaleAttempted vbac delivery
54450MalePreputial stretching59620FemaleAttempted vbac delivery only
54500MaleBiopsy of testis59622FemaleAttempted vbac after care
54505MaleBiopsy of testis59812FemaleTreatment of miscarriage
54512MaleExcise lesion testis59820FemaleCare of miscarriage
54520MaleRemoval of testis59821FemaleTreatment of miscarriage
54522MaleOrchiectomy partial59830FemaleTreat uterus infection
54530MaleRemoval of testis59840FemaleAbortion
54535MaleExtensive testis surgery59841FemaleAbortion
54550MaleExploration for testis59850FemaleAbortion
54560MaleExploration for testis59851FemaleAbortion
54600MaleReduce testis torsion59852FemaleAbortion
54620MaleSuspension of testis59855FemaleAbortion
54640MaleSuspension of testis59856FemaleAbortion
54650MaleOrchiopexy (fowler‐stephens)59857FemaleAbortion
54660MaleRevision of testis59866FemaleAbortion (mpr)
54670MaleRepair testis injury59870FemaleEvacuate mole of uterus
54680MaleRelocation of testis(es)59871FemaleRemove cerclage suture
54690MaleLaparoscopy orchiectomy59897FemaleFetal invas px w/us
54692MaleLaparoscopy orchiopexy59898FemaleLaparo proc ob care/deliver
54699MaleLaparoscope proc testis59899FemaleMaternity care procedure
54700MaleDrainage of scrotum64435FemaleN block inj paracervical
54800MaleBiopsy of epididymis74440MaleX‐ray male genital tract
54830MaleRemove epididymis lesion74445MaleX‐ray examination of penis
54840MaleRemove epididymis lesion74710FemaleX‐ray measurement of pelvis
54860MaleRemoval of epididymis74740FemaleX‐ray female genital tract
54861MaleRemoval of epididymis74742FemaleX‐ray fallopian tube
54865MaleExplore epididymis74775FemaleX‐ray examination of perineum
54900MaleFusion of spermatic ducts76801FemaleOb us <14 weeks single fetus
54901MaleFusion of spermatic ducts76802FemaleOb us <14 weeks addl fetus
55000MaleDrainage of hydrocele76805FemaleOb us >/=14 weeks sngl fetus
55040MaleRemoval of hydrocele76810FemaleOb us >/=14 weeks addl fetus
55041MaleRemoval of hydroceles76811FemaleOb us detailed sngl fetus
55060MaleRepair of hydrocele76812FemaleOb us detailed addl fetus
55100MaleDrainage of scrotum abscess76813FemaleOb us nuchal meas 1 gest
55110MaleExplore scrotum76814FemaleOb us nuchal meas add‐on
55120MaleRemoval of scrotum lesion76815FemaleOb us limited fetus(s)
55150MaleRemoval of scrotum76816FemaleOb us follow‐up per fetus
55175MaleRevision of scrotum76817FemaleTransvaginal us obstetric
55180MaleRevision of scrotum76818FemaleFetal biophys profile w/nst
55200MaleIncision of sperm duct76819FemaleFetal biophys profile w/o nst
55250MaleRemoval of sperm duct(s)76825FemaleEcho examination of fetal heart
55300MalePrepare sperm duct x‐ray76826FemaleEcho examination of fetal heart
55400MaleRepair of sperm duct76827FemaleEcho examination of fetal heart
55450MaleLigation of sperm duct76828FemaleEcho examination of fetal heart
55500MaleRemoval of hydrocele76830FemaleTransvaginal us non‐ob
55520MaleRemoval of sperm cord lesion76831FemaleEcho examination uterus
55540MaleRevise hernia and sperm veins76941FemaleEcho guide for transfusion
55550MaleLaparo ligate spermatic vein76945FemaleEcho guide villus sampling
55559MaleLaparo proc spermatic cord76946FemaleEcho guide for amniocentesis
55600MaleIncise sperm duct pouch76948FemaleEcho guide ova aspiration
55605MaleIncise sperm duct pouch77057FemaleMammogram screening
55650MaleRemove sperm duct pouch78761MaleTesticular imaging w/flow
55680MaleRemove sperm pouch lesion80055FemaleObstetric panel
55700MaleBiopsy of prostate81025FemaleUrine pregnancy test
55705MaleBiopsy of prostate81500FemaleOnco (ovar) two proteins
55706MaleProstate saturation sampling81503FemaleOnco (ovar) five proteins
55720MaleDrainage of prostate abscess81507FemaleFetal aneuploidy trisom risk
55725MaleDrainage of prostate abscess81508FemaleFtl cgen abnor two proteins
55801MaleRemoval of prostate81509FemaleFtl cgen abnor three proteins
55810MaleExtensive prostate surgery81510FemaleFtl cgen abnor three anal
55812MaleExtensive prostate surgery81511FemaleFtl cgen abnor four anal
55815MaleExtensive prostate surgery81512FemaleFtl cgen abnor five anal
55821MaleRemoval of prostate82120FemaleAmines vaginal fluid qual
55831MaleRemoval of prostate82143FemaleAmniotic fluid scan
55840MaleExtensive prostate surgery82731FemaleAssay of fetal fibronectin
55842MaleExtensive prostate surgery84112FemaleEval amniotic fluid protein
55845MaleExtensive prostate surgery84135FemaleAssay of pregnanediol
55860MaleSurgical exposure prostate84138FemaleAssay of pregnanetriol
55862MaleExtensive prostate surgery84152MaleAssay of psa complexed
55865MaleExtensive prostate surgery84153MaleAssay of psa total
55866MaleLaparo radical prostatectomy84154MaleAssay of psa free
55870MaleElectroejaculation84163FemalePappa serum
55873MaleCryoablate prostate84830FemaleOvulation tests
55875MaleTransperi needle place pros85460FemaleHemoglobin fetal
55876MalePlace rt device/marker pros85461FemaleHemoglobin fetal
55899MaleGenital surgery procedure88141FemaleCytopath c/v interpret
55970MaleSex transformation m to f88142FemaleCytopath c/v thin layer
55980FemaleSex transformation f to m88143FemaleCytopath c/v thin layer redo
56405FemaleI and d of vulva/perineum88147FemaleCytopath c/v automated
56420FemaleDrainage of gland abscess88148FemaleCytopath c/v auto rescreen
56440FemaleSurgery for vulva lesion88150FemaleCytopath c/v manual
56441FemaleLysis of labial lesion(s)88153FemaleCytopath c/v redo
56442FemaleHymenotomy88154FemaleCytopath c/v select
56501FemaleDestroy vulva lesions sim88155FemaleCytopath c/v index add‐on
56515FemaleDestroy vulva lesion/s compl88164FemaleCytopath tbs c/v manual
56605FemaleBiopsy of vulva/perineum88165FemaleCytopath tbs c/v redo
56606FemaleBiopsy of vulva/perineum88166FemaleCytopath tbs c/v auto redo
56620FemalePartial removal of vulva88167FemaleCytopath tbs c/v select
56625FemaleComplete removal of vulva88174FemaleCytopath c/v auto in fluid
56630FemaleExtensive vulva surgery88175FemaleCytopath c/v auto fluid redo
56631FemaleExtensive vulva surgery88267FemaleChromosome analysis placenta
56632FemaleExtensive vulva surgery88269FemaleChromosome analysis amniotic
56633FemaleExtensive vulva surgery89264MaleIdentify sperm tissue
56634FemaleExtensive vulva surgery89300FemaleSemen analysis w/huhner
56637FemaleExtensive vulva surgery89310MaleSemen analysis w/count
56640FemaleExtensive vulva surgery89320MaleSemen anal vol/count/mot
56700FemalePartial removal of hymen89321MaleSemen anal sperm detection
56805FemaleRepair clitoris89329MaleSperm evaluation test
56810FemaleRepair of perineum89330MaleEvaluation cervical mucus
56820FemaleExamination of vulva w/scope89331MaleRetrograde ejaculation anal
56821FemaleExamination/biopsy of vulva w/scope99500FemaleHome visit prenatal
57000FemaleExploration of vagina99501FemaleHome visit postnatal
57010FemaleDrainage of pelvic abscessA4261FemaleCervical cap contraceptive
57020FemaleDrainage of pelvic fluidA4264FemaleIntratubal occlusion device
57022FemaleI and d vaginal hematoma ppA4266FemaleDiaphragm
57023FemaleI and d vaginal hematoma non‐obA4267MaleMale condom
57061FemaleDestroy vaginal lesions simpleA4268FemaleFemale condom
57065FemaleDestroy vaginal lesions complexA4269FemaleSpermicide
57100FemaleBiopsy of vaginaA4281FemaleReplacement breast pump tube
57105FemaleBiopsy of vaginaA4282FemaleReplacement breast pump adpt
57106FemaleRemove vagina wall partialA4283FemaleReplacement breast pump cap
57107FemaleRemove vagina tissue partA4284FemaleReplacement breast pump shield
57109FemaleVaginectomy partial w/nodesA4285FemaleReplacement breast pump bottle
57110FemaleRemove vagina wall completeA4286FemaleReplacement breastpump lok ring
57111FemaleRemove vagina tissue complA4326MaleMale external catheter
57112FemaleVaginectomy w/nodes complA4327FemaleFemale urinary collect dev cup
57120FemaleClosure of vaginaA4328FemaleFemale urinary collect pouch
57130FemaleRemove vagina lesionC9739MaleCystoscopy prostatic imp 1‐3
57135FemaleRemove vagina lesionC9740MaleCysto impl 4 or more
57150FemaleTreat vagina infectionE0325MaleUrinal male jug type
57155FemaleInsert uteri tandem/ovoidsE0326FemaleUrinal female jug type
57156FemaleIns vaginal brachytx deviceE0602FemaleManual breast pump
57160FemaleInsert pessary/other deviceE0603FemaleElectric breast pump
57170FemaleFitting of diaphragm/capE0604FemaleHosp grade elec breast pump
57180FemaleTreat vaginal bleedingG0027MaleSemen analysis
57200FemaleRepair of vaginaG0101FemaleCa screen; pelvic/breast exam
57210FemaleRepair vagina/perineumG0102MaleProstate ca screening; dre
57220FemaleRevision of urethraG0103MalePsa screening
57230FemaleRepair of urethral lesionG0123FemaleScreen cerv/vaginal thin layer
57240FemaleRepair bladder and vaginaG0124FemaleScreen c/v thin layer by md
57250FemaleRepair rectum and vaginaG0141FemaleScr c/v cyto, autosys and md
57260FemaleRepair of vaginaG0143FemaleScr c/v cyto, thin layer, rescr
57265FemaleExtensive repair of vaginaG0144FemaleScr c/v cyto, thin layer, rescr
57267FemaleInsert mesh/pelvic flr addonG0145FemaleScr c/v cyto, thin layer, rescr
57268FemaleRepair of bowel bulgeG0147FemaleScr c/v cyto, automated sys
57270FemaleRepair of bowel pouchG0148FemaleScr c/v cyto, autosys, rescr
57280FemaleSuspension of vaginaG0202FemaleScreeningmammographydigital
57282FemaleColpopexy extraperitonealG0416MaleBiopsy prostate 10–20
57283FemaleColpopexy intraperitonealG0417MaleBiopsy prostate 21–40
57284FemaleRepair paravag defect openG0418MaleBiopsy prostate 41–60
57285FemaleRepair paravag defect vaginalG0419MaleBiopsy prostate: >60
57287FemaleRevise/remove sling repairG0458MaleLdr prostate brachy comp rat
57288FemaleRepair bladder defectG8806FemaleTransab or transvag us
57289FemaleRepair bladder and vaginaG8807FemaleDoc reas no us
57291FemaleConstruction of vaginaG8808FemaleNo transab or transvag us
57292FemaleConstruct vagina with graftG8809FemaleRh‐immunoglobulin order
57295FemaleRevise vaginal graft through vaginaG8810FemaleDoc reas no rh‐immuno
57296FemaleRevise vaginal graft open abdG8811FemaleNo rh‐immunoglobulin order
57307FemaleFistula repair and colostomyP3000FemaleScreen pap by tech w md supv
57308FemaleFistula repair transperineP3001FemaleScreening pap smear by phys
57310FemaleRepair urethrovaginal lesionQ0091FemaleObtaining screen pap smear
57311FemaleRepair urethrovaginal lesionS0610FemaleAnnual gynecological examina
57320FemaleRepair bladder‐vagina lesionS0612FemaleAnnual gynecological examina
57330FemaleRepair bladder‐vagina lesionS4005FemaleInterim labor facility globa
57335FemaleRepair vaginaS4011FemaleIVF package
57400FemaleDilation of vaginaS4013FemaleComplete GIFT case rate
57410FemalePelvic examinationS4014FemaleComplete ZIFT case rate
57415FemaleRemove vaginal foreign bodyS4015FemaleComplete IVF nos case rate
57420FemaleExamination of vagina w/scopeS4016FemaleFrozen IVF case rate
57421FemaleExamination/biopsy of vaginal w/scopeS4017FemaleIVF canc a stim case rate
57423FemaleRepair paravag defect lapS4018FemaleF EMB trns canc case rate
57425FemaleLaparoscopy surg colpopexyS4020FemaleIVF canc a aspir case rate
57426FemaleRevise prosth vaginal graft lapS4021FemaleIVF canc p aspir case rate
57452FemaleExamination of cervix w/scopeS4022FemaleAsst oocyte fert case rate
57454FemaleBx/curett of cervix w/scopeS4023FemaleIncomplete donor egg case rate
57455FemaleBiopsy of cervix w/scopeS4025FemaleDonor serv IVF case rate
57456FemaleEndocerv curettage w/scopeS4026MaleProcure donor sperm
57460FemaleBx of cervix w/scope leepS4027FemaleStore prev frozen embryos
57461FemaleConz of cervix w/scope leepS4028MaleMicrosurg epi sperm asp
57500FemaleBiopsy of cervixS4030MaleSperm procure init visit
57505FemaleEndocervical curettageS4031MaleSperm procure subs visit
57510FemaleCauterization of cervixS4035FemaleStimulated IUI case rate
57511FemaleCryocautery of cervixS4037FemaleCryo embryo transf case rate
57513FemaleLaser surgery of cervixS4040FemaleMonit store cryo embryo 30 d
57520FemaleConization of cervixS4989FemaleContracept IUD
57522FemaleConization of cervixS4993FemaleContraceptive pills for bc
57530FemaleRemoval of cervixS9001FemaleHome uterine monitor with or
57531FemaleRemoval of cervix radicalS9436FemaleLamaze class
57540FemaleRemoval of residual cervixS9437FemaleChildbirth refresher class
   S9438FemaleCesarean birth class
   S9439FemaleVBAC class