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Page 2

Haplogroupsa Marsh Arabs

(N = 145)

(N = 176)
Haplogroupsa Marsh Arabs

(N = 145)

(N = 176)
West Eurasia 77.8% 84.1% West Eurasia (cont.)   
R0 24.1% 33.5% N 15.1% 6.8%
R0 0.7 -    I 0.7% 1.7%
R0a 6.9 4.0 I 0.7 0.6
    I1 - 1.1
   HV 4.1% 12.5%    
HV* 3.4 9.1    N1 8.2% 2.3%
HV0a 0.7 - N1b1 4.8 2.3
HV1 - 3.4 N1c 3.4 -
   H 12.4% 17.0%    W 4.8% 1.1%
H* 7.6 10.8 W 2.7 1.1
H1 0.7 1.7 W4 0.7 -
H5 3.4 2.8 W6 1.4 -
H6b - 0.6    X 1.4% 1.7%
H14a 0.7 1.1 X2 1.4 1.7
KU 15.9% 19.4% North/East Africa 2.8% 1.8%
   K 6.2% 4.6%    
K1 4.1 3.4 M1a 1.4 0.6
K1a8 2.1 0.6 M1a1 - 0.6
K2 - 0.6 M1b2 1.4 -
   U 9.7% 14.8% U6a - 0.6
U - 1.1    
U1a'c - 2.3 Sub-Saharan Africa 4.9% 9.1%
U1b - 0.6    
U2e - 0.6 L0a1'4 0.7 -
U3 5.5 2.8 L0a2 - 1.1
U3a - 0.6 L1b 1.4 -
U3b1a1 - 0.6 L1c2 - 0.6
U4 2.1 4.0 L1c3a - 0.6
U5a1 1.4 1.1 L2a1'2 0.7 -
U5b3 0.7 - L2a1 0.7 2.8
U9 - 1.1 L3* 0.7 -
    L3b - 0.6
JT 22.7% 24.5% L3e5 - 1.1
   J 15.2% 11.9% L3f 0.7 -
J1* 0.7 - L3f1b - 2.3
J1b 5.5 5.7    
J1b1b - 0.6 East Asia 1.4% 1.1%
J1c 2.1 1.1    
J1d 0.7 1.1 B4 - 1.1
J1d1 - 1.1 B4c2 1.4 -
J1d2 - 0.6    
J2a 4.1 1.7 Southwest Asia 10.4%** 4.0%
J2b 2.1 -    
    M* 0.7 -
   T 7.6% 12.6% M33a2a 0.7 -
T1a 3.4 2.3 M37e 1.4 -
T1a1 - 0.6 R2 2.8 -
T1b 2.1 2.8 R5a - 0.6
T2 - 2.3 U2d - 0.6
T2a1b - 1.1 U7 4.8 2.8
T2b 0.7 0.6    
T2c - 2.3 Others 2.8% -
T2c1 0.7 - N* 0.7 -
T2e 0.7 0.6 R* 2.1 -

  1. a nomenclature according to van Oven and Kayser, built 12 (20 July 2011) [22].
  2. b included in the sample analysed by Al-Zahery et al. [12]; * indicates: groups of mtDNAs not belonging to any of the listed sub-haplogroups. For example, H* contains all H mtDNAs not belonging to the sub-clades investigated in this survey (H1, H5, H6, H14) ** value statically significant at p < 0.05.