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1.tata rias dan busana tari jaipong?2.properti yang digunakan tari jaipong?3.tata rias dan busana tari serumpun?4.properti yang digunakan tari serumpu … n5.tata rias dan busana tari baris?6.properti yang digunakan tari baris?7.tata rias dan busana tari lariangi?8.properti tari yang digunakan tari lariangi?​

tuliskan 4 manfat menyanyi secara vokal grup​

Tarian yang menggambarkan perjuangan Pangeran Diponegoro adalah..a. gambyongb. kuda lumpingc. Serimpid. Bondan.Persiapan US terakhir..​

sebutkan suhu yang tepat dalam pembuatan bakar kaca​

gerak tubuh berdasarkan drama yang menghasilkan unsur keindahan dan makna yang mendalam disebut A iringan B kostum teater C Tari​

Alat apakah yang digunakan sebagai penyampai pesan dalam pementasa pantomim​Bantu Kak ... Nanti Di Kumpul ...

sebutkan contoh lagu yang dapat dinyanyikan dengan dua suara?..................Plis bantuin yah​

Ini gimana yah susah banget ☺ bantu jawab yah, soalnya besok harus dikumpulin

Gawenen ukara nganggo tembung ngapak Banyumasan: a. Lombo:.... b. Njugur:jawab​

menyebutkan fungsi ragam hias ?​

B. Complete the following text with the provided words in the box! *** Yesterday my school... (1) International Day festival. We had performances, baz … aar, and some of us... (2) various costumes. We ... (3) our day off with performances. The performance I... (4) in was called Labamba, but the one I liked best was the one from the fourth graders. It was a game performance. Straight after (5) we had our lunch. There... (6) food stalls. There were special foods from five continents: Asian food, European food, American food, African food, and Australian food. Everyone had a job and I... (7) my job after I had lunch. My job was to sell International books. We also had displays in the hall. The displays... (8) from many countries. The ... (9) were good but I did not get to see them because I had to keep the book stall. Although I felt tired, International Day was still.... (10) starteddidwas wore heldfunwere performance displays came ​

1. What is the purpose of the announcement? 2. When the English Club will start? 3. Where the English Club will be held? 4. Who makes the announcement … ?​

READING Task 4 Read the following text carefully! Holiday in Nice Last Summer I went to Nice. That was a wonderful place I have ever soon. People were … very friendly and hospitable. Especially, the port of Nice is a fantastic place to visit. On the first day, we had a dinner in a restaurant with a terrace. It had a wonderful view of the sea. Also the dishes were absolutely delicious. On the second day, we went to two museums. First, we went to an artmuseum. There weren't many pictures, but there were many contemporary art productions. I didn't like them a lot. Gambar: Nice Then, we mored to a very unusual museum of bric-à-brac. There was a lot of old bric-à-brac from diffe laces of the World. It was really interesting to see. After visiting the museums, we returned to our hote e were really tired.- At last, we spent a whole day at the great beaches of Nice. We swam, sunbathed, and had great time ach of Nice. It was a short but very entertaining and relaxing holiday. I definitely want to go to Nice again​

Read the dialogue for questions number 1 and 2. What are Jaka and Niko talking about?

Daddy, You know how much I love you I need you forever, I'll stay by your side Daddy oh Daddy I won't always please you But I'll never stop trying. To … be your number one You understand me, You teach me how to pray. And you play the games I love to play I have no fear here when you are near You guide me through the darkest night I love you Daddy You are my hero (and you're always in my dream) I love you daddy oh daddy You are my superstar 1. Decide TRUE or FALSE for each statement! 1. The lyrics are addressed to a father. 2. The lyrics represent that the writer is probably a son. 3. The lyrics show how much a son misses his father. 4. The lyrics show how much a son is proud of his father. 5. The lyrics show that the son never disappoints his father. 6. The lyrics show that the father is the son's idol. 7. The lyrics teach the parents that for children a father is a hero. 8. The lyrics teach the parents to demand their children to win (to be number one) in every competition. Daddy. You know how much I love you I want you to help me, Please show me the way Daddy oh Daddy. Sometimes I might do wrong But I never stop trying. To be your number one I wanna show you, I'll be as strong as you When I grow up I'll still look up to you So have no fear, I'm always here I will be my daddy's boy You're one in a million and a million in one Forever I want to be by your side You 're one in a million, Show me the way Guide me through my life​

buat 2 soal dialog simple present tense dan jawabannya​

bantu guys b Inggris​

temukanlahORIENTATIONEVENT (s)REORIENTATIONdari teks berikut​

isthe hotel hard work for harley? how do you know​

•Paman sedang berbicara dengankuubah ke dalam bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk Pasif/aktif voice​

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