Identify what is being asked in each question write the letter of the correct answer brainly

Identify what is being asked in each question write the letter of the correct answer brainly

We encounter ideas related to fractions, decimals, ratios and percents on a daily basis. Confident and flexible understanding of these ideas are key to everyday estimation and mental calculation in contexts as diverse as shopping and budgeting, diluting mixtures, understanding scales on maps, interpreting probabilities and odds, and converting among metric units.

Not only is understanding these ideas essential to being numerate they are also foundational to more sophisticated mathematical ideas. If you understand fraction, decimals, ratios and percents you have the basis for understanding topics such as similarity, trigonometry, coordinate geometry, and fancy algebra

Fractions, Decimals, Ratios and Percentages Pre-Test

Fractions are useful in many contexts. Fractions are commonly used in everyday life as well as in mathematics.

The system of decimal numbers is an extension of the whole-number number system. Decimal numbers are one way of representing fractions, ratios and percents.

Fractions, decimals and percentages are related and can be used to express the same number, or proportion in different ways.

An understanding of percent relationships helps us to compare and represent increasing and decreasing proportions.

Module 2: Fractions, Decimals, Ratios and Percentages Quiz

an·​swer | \ ˈan(t)-sər

Identify what is being asked in each question write the letter of the correct answer brainly

1a : something spoken or written in reply to a question His answer surprised us.

b : a correct response knows the answer

2 : a reply to a legal charge or suit : plea also : defense

3 : something done in response or reaction His only answer was to walk out.

4 : a solution of a problem More money is not the answer.

5 : one that imitates, matches, or corresponds to another The show is television's answer to the newsmagazines.

intransitive verb

1 : to speak or write in reply think carefully before answering

2a : to be or make oneself responsible or accountable answer for a debt

b : to make amends : atone He must answer for his crimes.

3 : to be in conformity or correspondence She answered to the description.

4 : to act in response to an action performed elsewhere or by another The home team scored first but the visitors answered quickly.

5 : to be adequate : serve an old bucket answered for a sink The school had to answer for a town hall.

transitive verb

1a : to speak or write in reply to answer a question answer me

b : to say or write by way of reply answer yes or no

2 : to reply to in rebuttal, justification, or explanation answer an accusation

3a : to correspond to answers the description

b : to be adequate or usable for : fulfill answer a need

4 : to act in response to answered the call to arms

5 : to offer a solution for especially : solve answer a riddle

6 obsolete : to atone for

an·​swer | \ ˈan-sər \

1 : something said or written in reply (as to a question)

2 : a solution of a problem Money is not the answer to improving this situation.

1 : to speak or write in order to satisfy a question

2 : to write a response to a letter or email

3 : to pick up (a ringing telephone)

4 : to open (a door) when someone knocks on it

5 : to react to something with an action answer a job posting

6 : to take responsibility The camp director answered for the children's safety.

answer back

1 : the defendant's written response to the plaintiff's complaint in a civil suit in which he or she may deny any of the plaintiff's allegations, offer any defenses, and make any counterclaims against the plaintiff, cross-claims against other defendants, or third-party claims against third parties otherwise not involved in the lawsuit


: a written response to a counterclaim, cross-claim, or third-party claim : reply — see also responsive pleading at pleading sense 1

Note: In federal cases, answers are governed by Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Under Rule 12, certain defenses (as lack of jurisdiction) may be made by motion rather than included in the answer.

1 : to serve or file an answer

2 : to make oneself responsible or accountable (as for the debt of another)

transitive verb

1 : to reply to in an answer answer the complaint

2 : to make a defense against (as a charge or accusation)