How do you add a link to text in pages?

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Creating text links

Last updated December 29, 2022 20:10


You can add a link to most text on your site. Use text links to link visitors to more information within bodies of text, like related pages in text blocks, phone numbers or email addresses on contact pages, or an artist's website in an image block caption.

You can add links to other pages in your website. For example, you might want to take the sentence “For more information, contact us with your questions”, and make the words “contact us” into a link that jumps to your Contact Us page.

Add a link to another page
  1. In the Pages tab, click the pencil icon for the text block where you want to add the link.
  2. Select the text that you want to turn into a link. Click the link icon which looks like a chain.
  3. In the Add link box, use the dropdown next to Select an internal page to link to, to specify what page the link should go to.
  4. Click OK.

In Pages, you can link to other pages in Page Layout documents, and in Numbers, you can create links to other sheets in your spreadsheet. There are other types of links you can add in Pages and Numbers on Mac that are just as handy, and this tutorial walks you through all of them.

How do you add a link to text in pages?

Keep in mind that you can only link to other pages in your document if you’re using a Page Layout document. And Page Layout documents cannot link to bookmarks as Word-Processing documents can. (To convert, click Documents from the top right and use the Documents Body check box. You’ll lose your work while doing so.)

Here are the link types and where they’re available:

  • Webpage: Both document types
  • Email: Both document types
  • Phone Number: Both document types
  • Bookmark: Word-Processing document
  • Page: Page Layout document

1) Select the text that you want to link. From the Pages toolbar, click Insert > Link and choose the link type or use the keyboard shortcut Command + K and select the type from the drop-down.

2) Enter the details for the type of link you choose. For example, enter the URL for a webpage or the email address and optionally a subject for the email. You can also adjust the Display text here if needed.

3) Click the button to apply the link. The name of the button will change depending on the type of link you use.

How do you add a link to text in pages?

In Numbers on Mac, you can link to another sheet in your current spreadsheet or to a webpage or email like in Pages.

1) Select the text that you want to link. From the top menu bar, click Format > Add Link and choose the link type or use the keyboard shortcut Command + K and select the type from the drop-down.

2) Enter the details for the type of link you choose. For instance, select a sheet from the drop-down or enter the URL for a webpage. You can also adjust the Display text here if you like.

3) Click the button to apply the link; the name of the button will change depending on the type of link you use.

How do you add a link to text in pages?

The ability to add links in Pages and Numbers is convenient for so many situations, like at work, home, or school. And both applications make it really easy.

Are you going to use the updated “add link” feature in either Pages or Numbers? Let us know which types of links you’ll use the most!

Pages, Apple’s word processing/document creation software, automatically detects website addresses (URLs) and email addresses you type and formats them as active links. You can edit these links or deactivate them so they appear and behave as normal text.

If you don’t want Pages on macOS to automatically detect links, you can turn off Smart Links in Edit > Substitutions (from the Edit menu at the top of your computer screen with Pages open).

How do you add a link to text in pages?

You can also edit or deactivate a link in Pages. Click the link, click Edit, then make your changes. Select Remove to deactivate the link.

How do you add a link to text in pages?

You can also turn text into a link. This allows you to use a word or phrase as a link without showing the URL or email address in your Pages document.

How do you add a link to text in pages?

Its no secret that content is the key that unlocks amazing backlinks.

But here’s the deal:

Simply publishing content isn’t going to land you any links.

As it turns out, certain types of content work best for link building.

And here are the 4 types of content that tend to generate the most links:

Add a link.
Tap an object, text box, or selected text you want to turn into a link, then tap Link..
Tap Link To and choose a link type (Webpage, Email, Phone Number, Page, or Bookmark)..
Specify details for the destination:.
Add a hyperlink to existing text.
Select the text that you want to turn into a hyperlink, and right-click it..
On the shortcut menu, click Hyperlink..
In the Insert Hyperlink dialog, paste the link in the Address box and click OK..
Add links to documents on Mac.
Type a URL, and it becomes a link automatically..
Select the text to change to a link, choose Edit > Add Link or Format > Add Link, then type or paste the URL..