Complete the table below by giving two (2) examples for each question

Complete the table below.

The lesson is about concept paper and the table must be completed. An example is given on number 1 with education.

Complete the table below by giving two (2) examples for each question

Image transcription text

[RECORDED] Learning Task 3: Complete the table below. CONCEPTS PURPOSE MOST SIGNIFICANT PART SIMILAR TO 1. Education innovation framework research 2. Business 3. Research 4. Food 5. Architectural

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Complete the table below by giving two (2) examples for each question
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The answers were based from the the definition and relation to each other

Complete the table below by giving two (2) examples for each question

Complete the table below by giving two (2) examples for each question
Complete the table below by giving two (2) examples for each question

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James S.


7 months, 1 week ago

We don’t have your requested question, but here is a suggested video that might help.

Earth science Human Activity and water quiz. What did people rely on rivers for during the eighteenth century? Select the three correct answers. (2 points) powering mills transporting people and goods collecting drinking water producing 1).electricity sending telegrams

Complete the table below by giving two (2) examples for each question

Complete the table below by giving two (2) examples for each question

Transcribed Image Text:Activity 3. Media at Four Ages Directions: Complete the table below by giving two (2) examples for each question. What did What did peo ple What did Age people use to communicate eachother? use to share or broadcast information? people useto store information? Pre-industrial Age Industrial Age Electronic Age New/Informati onalAge Source: Ferdinand B. Pitagan, Ph.D, "Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information Literacy tion 2016 Philipnines Ou Cituu

You can see the table in the picture below.

Further explanation:

The Information Age, also referred to as the Computer Age, Digital Age, Silicon Age, or New Media Age, is a historical era that started in the middle of the 20th century and was marked by a quick transition from the traditional industries created by the Industrial Revolution to an economy predominately based on information technology.

The invention of the transistor in 1947, which serves as the fundamental component of contemporary electronics, and the optical amplifier in 1957. Which forms the basis of long-distance fiber optic communications, and Unix time measured from the beginning of January 1, 1970, which serves as the foundation of Coordinated Universal Time and Network Time Protocol. So now synchronizes all computers connected to the Internet, have all been linked to the beginning of the Information Age.

Communication technology:

  • Papers and other writing supplies were readily available throughout the pre-industrial era.
  • Pen, paper, and the typewriter throughout the industrial era.
  • Phone and telegraph in the electronic age.
  • Smartphones, laptops, computers, and social networking throughout the information era.

What tools/formats are used by people to store information?

  • Stone tables, archaic writing instruments, and paper in the pre-industrial era.
  • Age of Industry throughout books.
  • Books, computers, and the printing press in the electronic age.
  • The use of laptops, computers, and mobile devices in the information age.

What tools/formats are used by people to store information?

  • Pre-industrial era desire for painting, traditional writing instruments, and stone tables.
  • The industrial era with books, magazines, and newspapers
  • Computers, books, printing presses, radios, and newspapers in the electronic age.
  • Mobile phones, laptops, social media, wearable technology, digital books, paperback books, ink pens, and stone tables are all examples of the information era.

Information broadcasting equipment/format.

Pre-industrial era desire for painting, traditional writing instruments, and stone tables.

The industrial era with books, magazines, and newspapers

Computers, books, printing presses, radios, and newspapers in the electronic age.

Mobile devices, computers, laptops, social media, wearable technology, digital books, books, and printing are all examples of the information era.

Learn more about the information age here: