Cara menggunakan mysql collation performance

1. Apa itu collation pada MySQL? Collation dapat diartikan sebagai: Collation adalah: Sekumpulan rule atau aturan yang digunakan oleh database untuk untuk membandingkan karakter yang ada pada sebuah character set. Sedangkan character set sendiri dapat diartikan sekumpulan character dengan jenis tertentu.

Berapa jenis SQL?

Ada tiga jenis SQL (Structured Query Language) yang wajib untuk diketahui diantaranya, yaitu Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Definition Language (DDL), dan Data Control Language (DCL).

5 Apa Tujuan DBMS Data Base Management System?

Pengertian DBMS adalah suatu sistem atau software yang dirancang khusus untuk mengelola suatu database dan menjalankan operasi terhadap data yang diminta oleh banyak pengguna. Tujuan utama penggunaan DBMS dalam jaringan komputer adalah untuk menghindari kekacauan dalam hal pengolahan data yang jumlahnya besar.

Jelaskan apa itu SQL beserta jenis perintah yang ada pada SQL?

SQL adalah bahasa kueri yang digunakan untuk merancang dan membuat struktur basis data terkait dengan kebutuhan pengembangan aplikasi. Terdapat beberapa perintah dasar dari penerapan Structured Query Language, yaitu DDL, DML, dan DCL.

Apa tujuan dari membangun sistem database?

Fungsi dan Manfaat Database Mengelompokkan data dan informasi sehingga lebih mudah dimengerti. Mencegah terjadinya duplikat data maupun inkonsistensi data. Mempermudah proses penyimpanan, akses, pembaharuan, dan menghapus data. Menjaga kualitas data dan informasi yang diakses sesuai dengan yang diinput.

Direct database manipulation is not covered by our Atlassian Support Offerings and should be up to your DBAs discretion. 

Our recommended method for migrating databases is as follows

  1. Create a new database with the required collation as per the appropriate documentation (for example Connecting JIRA to a Database)
  2. Follow our Switching Databases using an XML backup to migrate from the old database (with the incorrect collation) to the new one, with the correct collation.

If the recommended method for some reason is not suitable for your scenario, please follow this article to manually fix the collation at the database server side. After the solution is implemented, please test the application thoroughly to ensure everything works correctly and as expected.

What is Collation?

The collation determines how results are sorted and ordered. In newer versions of Atlassian applications, collation changes may become more strict - i.e, an application requires a certain collation. You must ensure your database has the correct collation for the application it will be used with.

Collation in MySQL can be complicated because you can have a separate collation set at:

  1. The database level
  2. The table level
  3. The column level

Additionally, the information inside a column may be encoded incorrectly as well - causing the data in that column to be displayed incorrectly.

Which collation can you use?

Not all versions of Jira and Confluence support utf8mb4 (which provides support for 4-byte characters). You may need to use utf8.

Must use utf8mb4Can use utf8mb4Must use utf8

  • Confluence 8.0 or later, running on MySQL 8.0 or later
  • Jira 8.12 or later
  • Confluence 7.3 and later, running on MySQL 5.7.9 or later
  • Jira 8.0 - 8.11, running on MySQL 5.7 or later
  • Confluence 7.2 and earlier
  • Jira 7.13 and earlier
  • Any Jira and Confluence versions running on MySQL 5.6

Setup Guides for MySQL

To setup your MySQL database correctly, see the following resources for each product:

  • Bamboo
  • Confluence
  • Crowd
  • Fisheye / Crucible
  • JIRA
  • Bitbucket Server

Always back up your data before performing any modifications to the database. If possible, test any alter, insert, update, or delete SQL commands on a staging server first.

You may wish to add all the ALTER TABLE statements to a single file for easier execution.

Checking the collation and character set

It may be necessary throughout the process to re-check the settings at the database, table, and column level.  

Here are the commands for checking it:

To check database collation: use jiradb; SELECT @@character_set_database, @@collation_database;   To check Table collation: SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA , TABLE_NAME , TABLE_COLLATION FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES To check Column collation: SELECT TABLE_NAME , COLUMN_NAME , COLLATION_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS

Dealing with Foreign Key constraints

It may be necessary to ignore foreign key constraints when making changes to a large number of columns.

mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.

You can use the SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS command to ignore foreign key constraints while you update the database.

SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- Insert your other SQL Queries here... SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;

This should be done for each session that is opened to the database

Changing the database collation

In the example below, change: 

  • <yourDB> to your actual database name
  • mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.0 to either mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.1 or mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.2
  • mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.3 to either mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.4 or mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.5

To change the database collation:


Changing table collation

Please note, the query below will produce a series of mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.6 statements, which you must then run against your database. 

In the example below, change: 

  • <yourDB> to your actual database name
  • mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.0 to either mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.1 or mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.2
  • mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.3 to either mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.4 or mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.5

To change table collation:

SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>;') FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T, information_schema.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` AS C WHERE C.collation_name = T.table_collation AND T.table_schema = '<yourDB>' AND ( C.CHARACTER_SET_NAME != '<charset>' OR C.COLLATION_NAME != '<collation>' );

Changing column collation

Please note, similar to the query above, the queries below (one for SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- Insert your other SQL Queries here... SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;4 columns, and one for non-SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- Insert your other SQL Queries here... SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;4 columns) will produce a series of mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.6 statements, which you must then run against your database. 

In the examples below, change: 

  • <yourDB> to your actual database name
  • mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.0 to either mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.1 or mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.2
  • mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.3 to either mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.4 or mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.5

To change column collation for SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- Insert your other SQL Queries here... SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;4 columns:

SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` MODIFY `', column_name, '` ', DATA_TYPE, '(', CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, ') CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>', (CASE WHEN IS_NULLABLE = 'NO' THEN ' NOT NULL' ELSE '' END), ';') FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '<yourDB>' AND DATA_TYPE = 'varchar' AND ( CHARACTER_SET_NAME != '<charset>' OR COLLATION_NAME != '<collation>' );

To change column collation for non-SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- Insert your other SQL Queries here... SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;4 columns:

SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` MODIFY `', column_name, '` ', DATA_TYPE, ' CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>', (CASE WHEN IS_NULLABLE = 'NO' THEN ' NOT NULL' ELSE '' END), ';') FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '<yourDB>' AND DATA_TYPE != 'varchar' AND ( CHARACTER_SET_NAME != '<charset>' OR COLLATION_NAME != '<collation>' );

Optional Step

Upon executing the above queries, a list of individual ALTER statements is generated for each table and column. For performance reasons you may wish to optimize the resultant queries by hand before execution on the database, particularly if the tables being modified have hundreds of thousands to millions of rows. Query execution time can be reduced by combining multiple ALTER statements for the same TABLE (but different columns) into a singular statement, which avoids MySQL having to process the whole table multiple times. For example, 

ALTER DATABASE <yourDB> CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>6 
ALTER DATABASE <yourDB> CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>7

and so on, would become

ALTER DATABASE <yourDB> CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>8 
ALTER DATABASE <yourDB> CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>9 
SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>;') FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T, information_schema.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` AS C WHERE C.collation_name = T.table_collation AND T.table_schema = '<yourDB>' AND ( C.CHARACTER_SET_NAME != '<charset>' OR C.COLLATION_NAME != '<collation>' );0 

  The "DATA_TYPE" query currently fails for enum columns.  When "DATA_TYPE" is replaced with "COLUMN_TYPE", the generated SQL is also valid for enum columns.

Server character set considerations for Confluence

If you want to use utf8mb4, and SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>;') FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T, information_schema.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` AS C WHERE C.collation_name = T.table_collation AND T.table_schema = '<yourDB>' AND ( C.CHARACTER_SET_NAME != '<charset>' OR C.COLLATION_NAME != '<collation>' );1  is not set to mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.2  in the SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>;') FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T, information_schema.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` AS C WHERE C.collation_name = T.table_collation AND T.table_schema = '<yourDB>' AND ( C.CHARACTER_SET_NAME != '<charset>' OR C.COLLATION_NAME != '<collation>' );3  or SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>;') FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T, information_schema.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` AS C WHERE C.collation_name = T.table_collation AND T.table_schema = '<yourDB>' AND ( C.CHARACTER_SET_NAME != '<charset>' OR C.COLLATION_NAME != '<collation>' );4  file on your MySQL Server and you can't change this (for example mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.1 is required for a database used by another application) you will need to add the SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>;') FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T, information_schema.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` AS C WHERE C.collation_name = T.table_collation AND T.table_schema = '<yourDB>' AND ( C.CHARACTER_SET_NAME != '<charset>' OR C.COLLATION_NAME != '<collation>' );6 parameter to your connection URL in order to use mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_SESSION CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible. mysql> ALTER TABLE AO_1FA2A8_SCRUM_POKER_VOTE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; ERROR 3780 (HY000): Referencing column 'SESSION_ID' and referenced column 'ISSUE_KEY' in foreign key constraint 'fk_ao_1fa2a8_scrum_poker_vote_session_id' are incompatible.2. See the Connector/J 8.0 or Connector/J 5.1 documentation for more information. 

1. Stop Confluence

2. Edit the SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>;') FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T, information_schema.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` AS C WHERE C.collation_name = T.table_collation AND T.table_schema = '<yourDB>' AND ( C.CHARACTER_SET_NAME != '<charset>' OR C.COLLATION_NAME != '<collation>' );8  file

3. Update the following line to add the SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` CHARACTER SET <charset> COLLATE <collation>;') FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T, information_schema.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` AS C WHERE C.collation_name = T.table_collation AND T.table_schema = '<yourDB>' AND ( C.CHARACTER_SET_NAME != '<charset>' OR C.COLLATION_NAME != '<collation>' );6  parameter to your database connection URL, as in the example below. 

<property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://yourhost:3306/confluence?connectionCollation=utf8mb4_bin</property>

4. Restart Confluence. 

You might also need to make sure that your collation and character set are properly defined at your my.cnf file (e.g. using character-set-server = utf8mb4 collation-server = utf8mb4_bin)

DescriptionThe collation determines how results are sorted and ordered. In newer versions of Atlassian applications, collation changes may become more strict - i.e, an application requires a certain collation. You must ensure your database has the correct collation for the application it will be used with.ProductJira, Confluence, Bamboo, Bitbucket, FisheyePlatformServer

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