Arti kata "mansplain" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata mansplain bahasa

Essentially when a man assumes a woman (sometimes a man) lacks knowledge in an area where she (or he) is known to be an expert


Me reading the other definitions of "mansplain": Wow, these all sound like they were written by men who have never experienced mansplaining themselves! Now, they're trying to explain what it is. CLASSIC mansplaining!! 2nd-year law student: I cannot believe Matt just mansplained me about the difference between prosecutors and defense attornies. This dude is referencing TV shows LMAO

Arti kata mansplain bahasa

An attempt by men/boys to help women/girls and provide information they believe that the women/girls need. Usually, the intent it to be helpful, not condescending; however, the effect is condescending. As a result, a great deal of controversy and anger exists; as with many -isms, it is the effect and not the intent that results in the definition. In addition, with many -isms, those guilty of mansplaining react with anger, derision, and ridicule rather than considering it a teachable moment.


Male runner at the start line of a trail race, observing a woman drinking from a water bottle: "You know, you should be careful the amount of water you drink, so that you don't suffer from hyponatremia. It's a very serious problem that can lead to death." Female runner: "Um, thanks for the mansplain. I have a degree in exercise science, so if you'd like more information on that subject, I can help you out. "

Arti kata mansplain bahasa

When someone "explains" something to another person about a topic they are already familiar with/understand. This is typically done in a condescending manner under the pretense that the speaker knows more about the topic than who they are speaking to, i.e. they are subordinate.


1) Explaining the rules of poker to a poker dealer 2)Repeating a point back to someone in your own way, even if they just said the same thing 3)Telling a person that you know more about something because of blank, even though they are a professional/have a degree in the field that you do not have Sidenote: it is okay to know a lot about a topic and make this known in conversation, but assuming that you know more than someone else, not accepting if you are wrong, not accepting that they may simply be more knowledgeable, and/or doing so in a condescending manner means that you are mansplaining. Note: this definition and examples were built together by both a man and a woman

Arti kata mansplain bahasa

When a man explains something to a woman, uninvited, about a topic she is either equally qualified or more qualified to talk on. A male doctor explaining something to a female patient, for example, would not be mansplaining. Examples: The guy who tried to tell Margaret Atwood about "The Handmaid's Tale", the guy who told Katie Mack, who has a PHD in Astrophysics, to "learn some science" because he thought climate change was a hoax, the man who tried to correct a woman about how to pronounce her own name correctly, an Englishman correcting a Welsh woman on her Welsh pronunciation. See also Dunning-Kruger effect.


Look at this idiot trying to mansplain periods to women... he thinks women only have nine periods a year... wait 'til you hear his lecture on how to insert a tampon correctly!

Arti kata mansplain bahasa

Mansplain is often referred to when someone extensively explains something that the other party already has knowledge of, often in a condescending manner. The term is a combination of the words "man" and "explain" due to the commonality of men doing this. However, it can be used more broadly than just with men. This term is a negative term and is usually used by women.


Person #1: So I'm picking up my new GPU on the way home from work, right, when some dude in the store decides that I don't know enough and mansplains how to build a rig from scratch. Person #2: But wait, didn't you build yours? Isn't that your job? Person #1: Yeah but the dude just wouldn't stop or listen. I had to lie about having an appointment so I could just go to the register.

Arti kata mansplain bahasa

verb, informal (For a man) to feel a need to explain something basic in great detail to a woman, in a condescending manner, based purely on the expectation that she is unfamiliar with the subject matter because she is female. Occasionally done as a well meaning, but ill aimed attempt to pick someone up.


This guy saw me changing my oil in my driveway. He came over and asked, "Do you need some help, there, sweetheart?" I said, "Thanks, but I've got it covered. I kind of like it, actually." He stayed to mansplain the entire process, step by step, AS I was doing it. Then he gave me his number and said to call him if I ever have any questions.

Arti kata mansplain bahasa

Quite regularly, during team meetings in front of every else, when a woman who is reporting on her own project work with which she is most experienced with and has worked in the field for over twenty years, another peer always feels the need to "complete" her sentences mid-way, talks over her, hijacks her time to shine, taking over the explanations, progress report, issue deconstruction, evaluation, or review, thinking that even though they only have one fifth of the experience, knows little to nothing of her project work in detail, they must though have the knowledge to report on the woman's work better than she can.


She (as the lead scientist): To report on my findings of the project work I have been completing for the past month, He (as the apprentice): the results show... bladibla… Her peers: rolling their eyes, internally thinking (there he goes again, mansplaining...what a narcissist!)

Arti kata mansplain bahasa

To mansplain is for a man to talk to a woman in a condescending tone that implies the man thinks of himself as smarter or superior in some way to the woman which he is not. Some people will use this term unnecessarily when a point they made has been proven incorrect and they have nothing else to say, but this is not, in fact, the correct use of the word. It is only correct to say a man is mansplaining if they have interrupted a woman or is explaining something to her which she did not ask him to explain or she has more experience on. An argument is often not a correct time to use the term “mansplain”


How “mansplain” should be used in a sentence: Female Doctor: “Kyle, I have been working as a doctor for fifteen years, I didn't ask you to mansplain to me how the digestive system works.” How “mansplain” should not be used in a sentence: Man winning an argument: “This is how feminism becomes a thing that is mocked and ridiculed in our society. Don’t let this happen and please use words correctl-” Woman, losing the argument: “Ugh, don’t be such a sexist. I didn’t ask you to mansplain it to me”

Arti kata mansplain bahasa

To explain in a condescending, oversimplified, and often inaccurate manner, without regard to the fact that the explainee knows more than the explainer, usually done by a man to a woman. Not all condescending explanations are mansplaining; the term does not apply when the man in question is indeed more knowledgeable about the topic than the woman. Mansplaining usually occurs on the topic of sexism, feminism, or gender inequality, but not always. For example, a male programmer could mansplain coding to a woman, despite the woman having more qualifications and writing better-quality code. Related terms include whitesplain, straightsplain, and cisplain. The overarching thread is someone privileged explaining something to someone less privileged, about a topic the explainer knows less about.


A: “Stop mansplaining. You have no idea what it feels like to be subjected to sexism.” B: “Feminists are ridiculous! Mansplaining is when a man’s point is discredited just because he’s male, not because he’s wrong!” A: “What the hell, did you just mansplain mansplaining to me?”

Arti kata mansplain bahasa

Explaining something but angrier and more condescending.


Kermit: I will now mansplain the entire Bee Movie script to Miss Piggy