Aplikasi facebook lite terbaru untuk android

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Free light mobile Facebook app

Facebook Lite is a standalone Android Facebook app designed for those with poor connection or low smartphone storage. It lets you access the original platform’s features, optimizing resource usage and running smoothly while displaying an outdated but functional version of the social network.

Connect with people

People increasingly use smartphone social media apps, not web platforms, to communicate with others and to keep up with the world. However, if you live in an area with a spotty connection or own an older Android device, running Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook can be more trouble than it’s worth.

That’s where Facebook Lite steps in. It’s a stripped-down, 2MB app that grants you access to all essential Facebook functionalities without eating up your data. It runs on 2G networks, too, which many find highly beneficial.

While it resembles the app layout from a decade ago, it still provides everything you’d need for everyday use. 

Still feature-packed

Although it lacks the new features the developers introduced over the years, FB Lite is still Facebook through-and-through. You can:

  • Create a new account or log in with an existing one
  • Find and add people as friends
  • Share status updates and photos on your timeline
  • Like, comment, and share other people’s posts
  • Access social events and RSVP
  • Receive interaction notifications
  • Enjoy the safety features
  • Buy and sell on the Marketplace

There’s no audio or video support for posts, but nothing else changes too much. You’ll see a loading bar, the familiar banner, and all the old interface layout traits. 

Regular vs. Lite

Despite its lack of extras, Facebook Lite remains highly functional and easy to use. It’s the ideal solution for those looking to minimize their Facebook use too, removing bells and whistles that keep you scrolling longer than you should. 

Its drawbacks stem from the fact it doesn’t look as slick as the regular app. Both apps accomplish similar purposes; your choice depends on how heavily you use Facebook.

Our take

Overall, Facebook Lite serves as a more accessible way to use the popular social platform. It’s a straightforward, no-frills app that lets you stay connected hassle-free. 

Should you download it?

Yes, if the Facebook app ends up eating all your data or your phone can’t run it properly. Otherwise, stick to the regular version.


  • Lightweight
  • Straightforward interface
  • Contains all essential features
  • Everything loads quickly


  • Looks outdated
  • No video support

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Bagaimana cara download aplikasi Facebook Lite?

Untuk mengunduh Facebook Lite di perangkat Android Anda: Buka situs web Facebook Lite atau Google Play Store untuk mengunduh Facebook Lite untuk Android.

Bagaimana cara membuka fb Lite yang tidak bisa dibuka?

Cara Mengatasi Facebook Lite yang Tidak Bisa Dibuka.
Restart Ponsel. Cara mengatasi Facebook Lite yang tidak bisa dibuka pertama adalah dengan memulai ulang atau restart ponsel. ... .
Pastikan Koneksi Internet Stabil. ... .
3. Bersihkan File Cache. ... .
4. Hapus Data Facebook Lite. ... .
Instal Ulang Facebook Lite..

Bagaimana cara memperbarui aplikasi Facebook Lite?

Jika Anda menggunakan Facebook Lite untuk Android, Anda bisa bergabung dengan Program Facebook Lite Beta:.
Buka Google Play Store..
Unduh versi beta Facebook Lite dari Google Play Store..
Aktifkan update otomatis. Versi beta Facebook Lite akan diupdate beberapa kali setiap minggunya..

Apakah FB Lite resmi?

Sekarang Facebook Lite sudah resmi diluncurkan, versi mini Facebook untuk Android ini diperuntukkan bagi pengguna di kawasan yang memiliki jaringan internet lambat.

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