How to increase ad account Creation limit on Facebook

Hi there. Welcome to Hopps help where we try to answer commonly asked questions in under two minutes. The customer going to answer today is how do I increase the number of advertising accounts on my Facebook business manager? Well, I'm going to show you how to create accounts for your business manager. And then I'm going to tell you the limit and how you could possibly get around that. So go ahead and open up a new tab and go to Okay. Off to the right click on create an account, put in all the information, go to the email, accept it, and create a business manager. You can have up to five business managers on one account. Okay. What happens if you use all five? So I'm going to show you a way around this. What you're going to do is you're going to go to your ad accounts tab. Okay. Under your settings, Go to settings, go to accounts, and you're going to add accounts, take your ad account where it's assigned, partners. And go ahead and click that. Get this link to share, check off all these boxes and copy this link, and put it in a notepad. Same thing with pages. Okay. So go to pages, do the same thing. Copy it. Okay. And, and put that link assigned partners, get linked to share. Boom, boom, copy. Putting a notepad. Now you're going to go to a new browser. So now if you use Chrome, go to internet Explorer, go to Firefox. If you don't, you could always use the incognito tab. If you don't have another browser control shift pen. Okay. You could do that as well. And use this, this window. Now pick those links, sign onto a client account or into a family member's account, but their permission granted, you know, obviously that you're allowed to do this and work under their account and paste that link in those accounts, have those accounts accept those invitations. And now it's almost like you have a giant web, okay. You can manage multiple accounts under one account. So you can have now 10 accounts, right? And then you could do with another account of 15 accounts and another account of 20 accounts. So you can have a lot of accounts together, get permission from your family members. You have permission from clients you work with. If that is something you need to do. And you know, that's not something we can help you out with your own hops, but this is a workaround that I have used for my own business. So I hope that helped if you need any additional help with Facebook or Instagram ads, just make sure to hop on // to work with a live expert today.

So, what should we do to increase the limit? Right, your favorite thing (being sarcastic here), to contact technical support of Facebook. So go to contacts page at // and choose “Add Account Settings” or “Ad Management Tools”.

Scroll down and bump into…the opportunity to chat with support in Messenger!

When I did this for the first time about a year ago, you could contact technical support only by e-mail. Click the Messenger icon and get to the next page.

Here we fill out all fields using only real information. Don’t forget to include your phone number too. Then click “Start chat” button and get into Messenger, where you will see something like this:

It said that the response time was about 21 hours but in fact, in 40 minutes already a guy from the support named Philip was writing me. Communication is in English only, so if you have problems with it, Google Translate will surely help you. Here what I wrote in my request to increase the limit:

We were able to find a common language fast and Philip asked me to send some additional information. Here is a list:

After that, Philip told me that my request was sent for review and asked if I had any questions.
There are a few things you should check before applying to make sure your request will be approved. Here is their list:
1. At least one of the e-mails attached to your Business Manager must be corporate. What does it mean? This means that at least one of the employees that you added to the Business Manager should have an e-mail address that contains the name of the company in it. For example,
It looks like this

2. All ad accounts must have a payment card added.
3. No debts on your account. Make sure you have all debts paid off before applying. Luckily, it can be done quickly.
As you applied, don’t forget to check your e-mail, maybe in 3–7 days you will receive a positive answer…or not positive.
All the requirements I described above are based on my negative experience. Those were the reasons why my limit wasn’t increased that time even though I kept writing Technical Support every 2 weeks reminding about my request and complaining about their employee Philip who didn’t help me. I had to try again and from a different account and a month later instead of a few days I got my so desired letter. It said:

If you did everything I mentioned above and got the letter like mine, you can check your Business Manager (Business info) again. Your limit should be increased now.

How do I increase my Facebook ad account limit?

To update an account spending limit:.
Open your Facebook app, tap. and then tap Ads Manager..
Tap Billing..
Tap Account Spending Limit..
Enter the limit you'd like to use..
Tap Change Limit..

Why do I have an ad account creation limit?

We all start with an ad account creation limit of one. That can increase once we've made our first confirmed payment. Limits can be adjusted due to historical spending and your use of ad accounts. Having ad accounts in bad standing may also prevent your limit from increasing.

How do I reset my ad account spending limit?

Reset the amount spent towards an account spending limit.
Go to your payment settings in Ads Manager..
In the Set your account spending limit section, click Reset..
Click Reset amount spent..

Why does Facebook keep restricting my ad account?

We may apply advertising restrictions when an advertiser doesn't follow our Meta Advertising Standards or other policies and terms. We may also apply advertising restrictions in the following scenarios: We suspect an advertiser's Meta Business Account or business assets have been compromised, or hacked.

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