Apa bahasa inggrisnya sarapan pagi

Present Continuous TenseThe translation:I am having breakfast.Untuk menterjemakan kalimat di atas kamu harus tahu tenses yang digunakan pada kalimat tersebut. Kalimat tersebut menggunakan pola kalimat present continuous tense karena ada kata "sedang" pada kalimat.

Perahatikan penelasan lebih lanjut tentang present continuous tense berikut ini!

Present continuous tense digunakan untuk membicarakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung sekarang atau rencana dimasa depan.  

Present continuous tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb “be”, berupa is/am/are – karena present tense (waktu sekarang), dan present participle (-ing).

Perhatikan penggunaan tibe pada kalimat present continuous tense berikut ini!

  • Is digunakan pada subject berupa singular noun (seperti: Tita, book) dan third person singular pronoun (seperti: she, he, it)
  • are pada plural noun (seperti: boys, men, books), plural pronoun (seperti: we, they) dan you
  • am pada I.  

Keterangan waktu:  

  • Now  
  • Right now  
  • At the moment  
  • At present  


  • (+) S + am/is/are + present participle (-ing)  
  • (-) S + am/is/are + not + present participle (-ing)  
  • (?) am/is/are + S + present participle (-ing)?  

Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini!  

1. (+) I’m driving a car to Bandung now.

   (-) I’m not driving a car to Bandung now

   (?) Are you driving a car to Bandung now?

2. (+) The buses are arriving in an hour.

    (-) The buses are not arriving in an hour

    (?) Are the buses arriving in an hour?

3. (+) The teacher is explaining the lesson

   (-) The teacher is not explaining the lesson

   (?) Is the teacher explaining the lesson

4. (+) Ammar is drinking a cup of coffee

    (-) Ammar is not drinking a cup of coffee

    (?) Is Ammar drinking a cup of coffee?

5. (+) My brother and my mom are watching TV  

   (-) My brother and my mom are not watching TV  

   (?) Are my brother and my mom watching TV?

6. (+) The students are studying together in the class right now

   (-) The students are not studying together in the class right now

   (?) Are the students studying together in the class right now?

7. (+) They are reading a new novel

   (-) They are not reading a new novel

   (?) Are they reading a new novel?

8. (+) She is preparing foods and drinks for the animals  

    (-) She is not preparing foods and drinks for the animals  

    (?) Is she preparing foods and drinks for the animals?

9. (+) They are cleaning the animal's cages  

    (-) They are not cleaning the animal's cages  

    (?) Are they cleaning the animal's cages?

10. (+) They are washing the animals  

    (-) They are not washing the animals  

    (?) Are they washing the animals?

11. (+) She is taking care of sick animals  

   (-) She is not taking care of sick animals  

   (?) Is she taking care of sick animals?


Materi tentang present continuous tense:  


Materi tentang present continuous tense:


Materi tentang present continuous tense:




Kelas : 8  

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 4  

Kode : 8.5.4



Anda dapat menganalisa sereal sarapan anda untuk GMO,

You can analyze your breakfast cereal for GMO's,

kemudian makan malam, dan juga sarapan.

then to dinner, to breakfast.

Anak-anak harus bangun jam 7 pagi dan sarapan jam 7.30.

The children must be woken at 7 and fed at 7:30.

Anda minum sediki bir waktu sarapan dan sedikit anggur waktu makan siang,

You would drink a little beer with breakfast and have a little wine at lunch,

Marmite adalah sejenis sarapan yang disukai orang Inggris.

Marmite is a breakfast spread beloved of the British.

dan setiap pagi mereka sarapan bersama nenek mereka.

and every morning they had breakfast with their grandmother.

Terutama di sini, di Washington, jika anda ingin membuat janji sarapan,

Especially here in Washington, if you try to make a breakfast date,

menandai daftar, membuat sarapan mereka sendiri,

checked the list, made themselves breakfast,

Kami akan sarapan keluarga. Kami akan bertemu untuk camilan sebelum tidur.

We'll have family breakfast. We'll meet for a bedtime snack.

Sarapan yang disediakan saat kita duduk

The breakfast that we eat as we sit down

Kami bahkan belum memulai sarapan

We are not even two bites into breakfast

Sebenarnya, saya belum sarapan.

Actually, I haven't had breakfast yet.

Sehingga sebelum sarapan

Then, so, before breakfast,

Lalu, sewaktu sarapan, bagian babi yang bersama anda,

Then, at breakfast, the pig that I followed,

Sarapan bersama istri dan anak-anak.

Have breakfast with my wife and children.

Ini adalah saya dan istri saya sedang memasak sarapan di dalam dapur.

This is my wife and I cooking breakfast in the kitchen,

para pelayan yang menyiapkan meja untuk sarapan,

waitresses setting tables for the morning rush,

Saya akan mengantarkan sarapan ke kamar beliau,

I would take him breakfast in bed,

Dan kita lebih suka membacanya selama sarapan,

And we'd rather read it during breakfast,

Sarapan pagi inggrisnya apa?

Sarapan pagi kalau diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Inggris yakni breakfast (noun).

Apa arti dari kata breakfast?

Arti kata "breakfast" Bahasa Inggris dalam Bahasa Indonesia. kb. sarapan, makan pagi.

Kenapa sarapan disebut breakfast?

Nah disebut breakfast karena saat kita tidur malam sebelumnya kita tidak mengkonsumsi apapun, lalu mulai makan di pagi harinya, jadi disebutlah breakfast.

Apa bahasa Indonesianya makan pagi?

Sarapan atau makan pagi adalah keadaan untuk mengonsumsi hidangan utama pada pagi hari.

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