You provide ____ testimony when you answer questions from the attorney who hired you.

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11.____ is an attempt by opposing attorneys to prevent you from serving on an important case.a.Conflict of interestc.Depositionb.Warrantd.Conflicting outANS: DPTS:1REF:568

12.____ evidence is evidence that exonerates or diminishes the defendant’s liability.PTS:1REF:569

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13.You provide ____ testimony when you answer questions from the attorney who hired you.PTS:1REF:569

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14.The ____ is the most important part of testimony at a trial.PTS:1REF:569

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15.Generally, the best approach your attorney can take in direct examination is to ask you ____ questionsand let you give your BPTS:1REF:569

16.Leading questions such as “Isn’t it true that forensics experts always destroy their handwritten notes?”are referred to as ____ questions.PTS:1REF:570

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17.Sometimes opposing attorneys ask several questions inside one question; this practice is called ____questions.PTS:1REF:571

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18.A ____differs from a trial testimony because there is no jury or judge.PTS:1REF:573

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19.There are two types of depositions: ____ and testimony preservation.a.examinationc.directb.discoveryd.rebuttalANS: BPTS:1REF:573

20.Discuss any potential problems with your attorney ____ a deposition.PTS:1REF:574

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21.A(n) ____ hearing generally addresses the administrative agency’s subject matter and seeks evidencein your testimony on a subject for which it’s contemplating making a rule.

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COMPLETION1.The ______________________ of evidence supports the integrity of your evidence.

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PTS:1REF:5592.Depending on your attorney’s needs, you might provide only your opinion and technical expertise tohim or her instead of testifying in court; this role is called a(n) _______________________.

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PTS:1REF:5603._____________________ is a pretrial motion to exclude certain evidence because it would prejudicethe jury.

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PTS:1REF:5624.At a trial, _____________________ are statements that organize the evidence and state the applicablelaw.

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PTS:1REF:5635.The purpose of the _____________________ is for the opposing attorney to preview your testimonybefore trial.

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PTS:1REF:573MATCHINGMatch each item with a statement belowa.Plaintifff.CVb.Motion in limineg.Testimony preservation depositionc.Voir dire of veniremanh.Voir dired.Opening statementsi.MD5e.Discovery deposition1.part of the discovery process for trial2.presents the case during a trial3.provide an overview of the case during a trial4.questioning potential jurors to see whether they’re qualified

5.usually requested by your client to preserve your testimony in case of schedule conflicts or healthproblems6.a hashing algorithm7.lists your professional expert witness qualification phase9.

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