Windows Update repair tool Windows 7

If you find that you are facing any issues in running Windows Updates, due to any reasons, you might want to check out the Windows Update Troubleshooter from Microsoft.

Windows Update Troubleshooter

Open the Windows Update Troubleshooter and follow the on-screen instructions.

The troubleshooter will run and attempt to identify if any problems exist which prevent your computer from downloading and installing Windows Updates.

What does the Windows Update Troubleshooter do?

It will clear the Windows Update-related temporary files, clear the contents of the SoftwareDistribution folder, check the status of Windows Update-related Services, repair and reset Windows Update components, check for pending updates, temporarily disables the automatic running of Disk Cleanup until devices install Updates and more.

You can let it fix it for you automatically or you can choose to see the fixes and decide to apply them.

If your computer is having problems finding and installing operating system updates, try using this Windows Update troubleshooter to fix the problem.

How to run the Windows Update troubleshooter in Windows 11?

If anything has changed with Windows 11 significantly in comparison to Windows 10, it is the way the Settings menu was arranged. Most of the options have changed menus, and the names of the main menus have also changed. The same is the case with the Windows Update troubleshooter in Windows 11. To access it, the procedure is as follows:

Right-click on the Start button and select Settings.

In the Settings menu, select System from the menu of the left-hand side and scroll down to Troubleshoot in the right-pane. Click on it.

Now select Other troubleshooters.

From the list of troubleshooters, select Run corresponding to the Windows Update troubleshooter. This will invoke the Windows Update troubleshooter.

Windows 10: Open Settings > Updates and security > Troubleshoot tab and run it.

Windows 8.1 too has this tool built-in.

Download pages:

  • Windows 7/8 users may download it here from Microsoft. [Download appears to have been removed]
  • Windows 11/10 users may download it here from Microsoft.

You may also use Microsoft’s online troubleshooter to Fix Windows Update Errors.

TIP: Use the Reset Windows Update Components Tool or see this post if your Windows Updates fail to Install.

Is Windows Update necessary? What if I don’t want to perform a Windows Update?

Usually, there are methods to defer featured updates on your system and many users are rightly apprehensive about featured updates. At times, these updates cause issues. Thus, it is advisable to install featured updates a few days after launch and review them by others. However, please do not miss any security updates. They are very important and ignoring them would put your computer at massive risk.

TIP: If Windows Update Troubleshooter is not working or is taking forever & is stuck on resolving problems or at checking for pending restart, then see the linked post.

Can downloading updates manually solve the problem?

In many cases manually downloading updates from can be helpful as a workaround, while for some, it might fix the main problem. Especially in cases, where the issue isn’t with the update components, but a specific update. Nonetheless, it is worth a try if everything else fails.

If you have been experiencing errors with Windows Update on your Windows machine, and didn’t find any useful info on the web, because it crashed/failed and came up with some weird error code, then Microsoft has an official tool for you to fix Windows Update, with some commonly seen error codes.

This tool will be especially useful for people without a deep technical knowledge, or at least who is not tech savvy when it is appears to fix up his/her computer on his/her own and often times feel unsympathetic when it comes to Microsoft support either at the community forums or via some other medium.

Fix Windows Update errors

What does this guided walk-through do?

This guided walk-through provides steps to fix problems when installing updates. Here are some commonly seen error codes: 0x80073712, 0x800705B4, 0x80004005, 0x8024402F, 0x80070002, 0x80070643, 0x80070003, 0x8024200B, 0x80070422, 0x80070020. These steps should help with all errors and not just the ones listed.

How does it work?

We’ll walk you through a series of troubleshooting steps to get your Windows up to date. Be sure to follow the steps in order.

Here is how to proceed:

  1. Browse to this page
  2. Scroll down and select your version of Windows, whatever you are on.(Dont know? Get help)
  3. Once you select the version, you will be taken to step 2 and asked to download the appropriate troubleshooting tool for your version of Windows.
  4. Download the tool and run it. Follow the steps in the wizard to check for errors.
  5. If the tool was helpful, don’t forget to come back to page on step 1, and sent feedback where it says, Did this resolve the issue?

This tool works with Windows 7, Windows 8.1 as well as Windows 10.

Do let us know if you have been facing any errors lately on your machine? and does this tool help to eliminate the errors?

How do I fix a Windows Update error in Windows 7?

How to Fix Update Error.
Restart the Computer and Run Windows Update Again. ... .
Check for Driver or Hardware Conflict. ... .
Vacate Space on Your Drive. ... .
Try the Windows Update Troubleshooter Tool. ... .
Stop Updates. ... .
Erase Software Distribution Log. ... .
Download the Latest Feature Update from Microsoft. ... .
Run the System File Checker (SFC) Scan..

How do I fix a corrupted Windows Update?

Reset Windows Update using Troubleshooter tool.
Open Settings on Windows 10..
Click on Update & Security..
Click on Troubleshoot..
Click the “Additional troubleshooters” option..
Under the “Get up and running” section, select the Windows Update option..
Click the Run the troubleshooter button..

What is Windows Update repair tool?

It's able to delete temporary files, scan, detect and repair corruptions with the Windows System image, scan all protected system files and replace any corrupted files, change invalid values in the Windows Registry, reset Winsock settings and more.

Can DISM fix Windows Update?

Windows updates and service packs may fail to install if there are corruption errors. For example, an update might not install if a system file is damaged. The DISM or System Update Readiness tool may help you to fix some Windows corruption errors.

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