Which of the following fields are likely to use computers today

5 Trends in Computer Science Research main image

There’s never been a brighter outlook for young computer science students than today. As these recent stats show, computer science graduates have some of the highest starting salaries out there and are in such high demand that they can afford to be picky about the type of job and industry they opt for.

And it’s not hard to see why. Technology has been growing so exponentially over recent years, there has been a steadily increasing demand for bright graduates to come in and help to transform areas ranging from data infrastructure to cyber security. If you are interested in pursuing a career in computer science, it’s important to stay up to date with the latest trends in computer science research, to make an informed choice about where to head next. Check out these five trends storming the tech industry!

1. Artificial intelligence and robotics

With the global robotics industry forecast to be worth US$80 billion by 2024, a large portion of this growth is down to the strength of interest and investment in artificial intelligence (AI) – one of the most controversial and intriguing areas of computer science research. The technology is still in its early stages, but tech giants like Facebook, Google and IBM are investing huge amounts of money and resources into AI research. There’s certainly no shortage of opportunities to develop real-world applications of the technology, and there’s immense scope for break-through moments in this field.

2. Big data analytics

Back in 2012, the Harvard Business Review branded data science the ‘sexiest job’ of the 21 century. Yes, you read that correctly. There has been a surge in demand for experts in this field and doubled efforts on the part of brands and agencies to boost salaries and attract data science talents. From banking to healthcare, big data analytics is everywhere, as companies increasingly attempt to make better use of the enormous datasets they have, in order to personalize and improve their services.

3. Computer-assisted education

The use of computers and software to assist education and/or training, computer-assisted education brings many benefits and has many uses. For students with learning disabilities, for instance, it can provide personalized instruction and enable students to learn at their own pace, freeing the teacher to devote more time to each individual. The field is still growing but promising, with many educators praising its ability to allow students to engage in active, independent and play-based learning.  

4. Bioinformatics

A fascinating application of big data, bioinformatics, or the use of programming and software development to build enormous datasets of biological information for research purposes, carries enormous potential. Linking big pharma companies with software companies, bioinformatics is growing in demand and offers good job prospects for computer science researchers and graduates interested in biology, medical technology, pharmaceuticals and computer information science.  

5. Cyber security

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, cyber security jobs are predicted to grow by 28 percent between 2016 and 2026 – much faster than average for all occupations, and raising concerns about the shortfall in qualified graduates. In February 2015, Barack Obama spoke of the need to “collaborate and explore partnerships that will help develop the best ways to bolster our cyber security.” It’s not hard to understand why he might think so. We live in a hyper-connected world, in which absolutely everything – from banking to dating to governmental infrastructure – is done online. In today’s world, data protection is no longer optional, for either individuals or nations, making this another growing strand of computer science research.

This article was originally published in October 2016. It was updated in April 2019.

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This article was originally published in April 2019 . It was last updated in March 2022

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Within the last 3 decades, computer has been recognized as the most life changing and successful invention solving problems in human life. Today, where business caters, there you find applying computer usage. Look at educational sector, health, transportation, or communication sector, we can see the influence and application of computer. It's difficult to survive a business without adopting computer usage either directly or indirectly in this modern world.

The subject "Computer and Human Life" has become one of the most interesting subject in schools and colleges. Thus, in many essays and group discussions, particularly in schools and colleges, students are often asked to write "How have computers changed our life?" or "Influence of Computers in Human Life".

Computer has been intervened to every sphere of human life such as Mobile phones, TV shows, Supermarkets, Hospitals, Railways, Matrimonial, Share Tradings, Online Purchasing, Banking, Sports, Traffic controls, Security Surveillance systems, Job Recruitment, Robotics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence etc. are a few of them, perhaps difficult to list all.

1. Computer and Human Life Correlated with Communication

Computer can bring people closer together and facilitate contacts between them using Email, Chatting, Videoconferencing, Mobile Phones and Social Medias. It saves time, efforts and money compared with letters used, before making influence of computers in human life. These days, we seldom use hand written letters, put in the envelopes and transport over long distances because most of us have computer and education to make use of it.

Print media, Television and Radio play important role in our life. They too have influence of computers from production, control, storage and broadcasting. Using computers we are able to create a document, display it on screen, modify and print it on a printer or publish in front of the world through world wide web. Computer connected with internet has ability to publish ideas, thoughts, criticism etc, instantly across the world. Social networking sites like, Facebook, Twitter, blogger, Youtube, Whatsapp etc. opens another sophisticated yet easy to use viral communication, reveals the importance of computer and human life. If it is not exaggerated, our younger generation has become addicted to use these modern tools. A majority of college students cannot have a day without login to at least one social networking site.

2. Influence of Computer in Education

No doubt! Computer has made massive makeover in education field. Three decades ago, if anyone has a doubt to be clarified in a learning process, finding right expert itself was a cumbersome task and there may not be available further opinion about the subject. Although the different and more easiest clarification or solution are available on the other side of the world, we were unable to know its whereabouts because lack of communication. In this modern world, our "Guru" as all we know is "Google search" being evolved as Human Assist adopting Artificial Intelligence (the latest trends in Computer application).

Tablet PC for Education

In education sector, teaching and learning reached new highs after started using computers in our life. We can find answers virtually on any subjects in a moment, and can communicate this information to number of ways in real time. Needless to say, we can see every educational institution has interaction of students with computers and most of them are equipped with smart class rooms.

The invention of tablet computer made smooth transition to student with computer from heavy bags carrying books and other learning accessories.

Libraries have gone digital as well, so the public have access larger amount of information virtually anywhere. Connecting to the internet gives us access to worlds of information right at our fingertips and anywhere. Distant education through online and online exams are getting more popular and becomes the paradigm of the higher education.

3. A New Era in Education - MOOC

Most of the universities offer distant education and exams using online channels to their students in which many famous universities have made tie-ups with MOOC providers. MOOCs become a paradigm in the heart of real knowledge seekers who gets new horizon to the world of learning with learner's convenience.

What is MOOC?

MOOC is the acronym for Massive Open Online Course. The title itself declare that learner has to be online for MOOC's course, ie., connected through internet. It taught by various universities all around the world with the help of MOOC technology. MOOCs are available (both free and paid) for anyone with an internet connection, time and thirst for knowledge. Some of the popular MOOC providers include Coursera, edX, Udacity, and FutureLearn partnered with universities, companies, and professors to provide MOOCs. A learner has to signup with MOOC technology provider's website or mobile application prior joining a course.

Education Through MOOC

Some popular universities partnered with online education providers, for example, Coursera, Khanacademy are famous among them. More and more universities added day by day to Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) concept in education. It brings learning process to the learner's convenience as well as unlimited participants.

MOOC course

4. Influence of Computer in Utility Facilities

Computer also facilitate comfort to our life and provides convenience. For transportation, it facilitate the way people travel. Airways, Roadways and waterways uses computers to control their operation. It saves time and relieve severity of traveling difficulties.

GPS and map application permits us to go virtually anywhere in the world without fear and deviation. If we straggled in a city or desolated place, these technology help us reaching exactly where we want to be. Google Map capable to predict time required, traffic conditions, traffic block, weather status and sometimes, giving vital advises and alerts about the roads and destinations we are traveling. GPS enabled map devices have become a standard equipment in modern vehicles.

Other utility facilities like Electricity, Water, Agriculture, etc. are more sophisticated and improved by computer influence.

Computer simplifies Security and Monitoring system using access control and CCTV surveillance system. It helps bringing down robbery, theft and violence in sensitive areas. Most of the educational institutions, industries, offices, shops, traffic signals, railway stations, trains have equipped these facilities.

5. Computer Brings Tremendous Progress in Health Care Sector

Computers provide potential for improving the effectiveness of medical care. It uses storing data of hospital such as patient data and medical information. Doctors and nurses can access to this data easier which resulted in decreasing the process of time. In addition, many operations are no longer manually perform, rather computers are used to manage these tasks.

6. Latest Trends and Near Future Expectations by Computers

While discussing changes computer has made in human life, it's worth mentioning the changes computer bring in the near future. Some of the predicted changes are of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Interest Based Education, 3D Printing, Driver-less Vehicles and Space Traveling.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence takes over work places of repetitive jobs, reduce human intervention upto the end of job cycle. Minimum or nil supervision and management for production units. Factories will be transformed into one single machine that accept raw material at one point and the other point receives output of finished products. In between there won't be any kind of human work force, supervision or management employees.

Machine Learning (ML)

Machines are being capable to learn new things to accomplish what humans want to get it done. It will be task based learning that machines become smarter devices human wanted to make use of.

Interest Based Education

New dimensions and methods will be adopted for teaching and learning. In our traditional system, most learners taught the subject they never liked or interested. A few of them are lucky mastering subjects they loved or interested. In the near future, computer can predict which is the flair subject a person can learn and interact actively. This way education will be more smarter than ever.

3D Printing

3D printing sweepstakes in the small scale manufacturing industry. Once 3D printing become affordable and common, it will badly affect traditional small scale manufacturers.

Conclusion to "How Have Computers Changed Our Life"

To conclude, computers have changed our life beyond imagination and continue to play important role on human life and behaviors. It provides advanced facilities for our life and also create effective learning, production, control and utilization.

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