What is the smallest number by which was 47916 must be multiplied so that the product is a perfect cube?

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Find the least number that should be multiplied to 5488 to make a perfect cube and also find the cube root of the product please answer my questions

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      2  |47916       2  | 23958       3  | 11979       3  |  3993      11 |   1331      11 |    121      11 |    11           |     1

= 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 11 * 11 * 11

since 2 and 3 are not forming triplets , they should be multiplied by 47916 to get a perfect cube .   = 47916 * 2 * 3   =  47916 * 6

  =  287496

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