Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?

People You May Know doesn’t use things like your current location, information from third-party apps or search history to make friend suggestions. People on Facebook won’t know you’ve searched for them or visited their profile.

Mutual friends show up first. As you type close to some name and the results are not your friends and you had never visited their profiles, then it is someone who visited you recently. Also the pages and people you visit the most pop up first.

Also question is, Can you tell if someone searches for you on Facebook?

No, Facebook doesn’t tell people that you’ve seen their profile. Third-party apps also can’t provide this functionality. If you come across an app that claims to offer this ability, please report the app.

Article SummaryX

1. Open Facebook.
2. Click your name.
3. Click Friends.
4. Review the top 10 to 20 results.
5. Consider each of your top friends.
6. Look at friend suggestions.

Did this summary help you?YesNo

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There are ways to get insights into who is following you and other friend-related activities, but it’s impossible to see who specifically viewed your Facebook profile.

One of the most frequently asked-for features by Facebook users is to see who viewed their Facebook profile. Despite this desire from so many users, Facebook has never provided the feature.

That hasn’t stopped countless third-party apps from promising to provide insight into this.

There are ways to get insights into who follows you and other friend-related activities, but it’s impossible to see who specifically viewed your Facebook profile.

Let’s look at what you can see and what you can’t around who viewed your Facebook profile.

Can I See Who Viewed My Facebook Profile?

The definitive answer to whether you can see who viewed your Facebook profile comes from Facebook itself. In the Help Center, Facebook reports:

No, Facebook doesn’t let people track who views their profile. Third-party apps also can’t provide this functionality. If you come across an app that claims to offer this ability, please report the app.

You can report any app that promises to do this (that you’ve joined with your Facebook profile) by:

  1. Select the right drop-down icon in the Facebook menu and select Settings.
  2. Select Apps and Websites from the left menu. Use the search field to find the app by name.
  3. Select View and edit next to the app name.
  4. At the bottom of the page, select Give Feedback.
  5. Select the issue you’d like to report the app for and select Next.
  6. Select Done to finish.

Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?
Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?

Taking the time to report such apps should reduce the number of these scams on Facebook.

Apps That Claim To Let You See Who Viewed Your Profile

Unfortunately, because so many people are trying to see who viewed their profile on Facebook, even more of these apps keep showing up.

Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?
Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?

Never install any app on your computer or mobile phone that promises to show you who viewed your Facebook profile. These are always apps that put your Facebook account’s privacy and security at risk. Once you’ve signed into the app with your Facebook ID and password, the app makers can access everything in your Facebook account.

Why would app makers continue to create these apps if they don’t actually work? There are many reasons.

  • To access your personal data like your likes and preferences to sell that information to advertising companies.
  • Some hackers use these apps to hack your Facebook account, change the password, and take it over to post their own content.
  • To see your purchase settings to steal your credit card information or other sensitive data.
  • Many of these apps are malware that may infect your browser, your computer, or your mobile phone.

If you’ve installed one of these apps and you’re concerned it might have compromised your Facebook account, you should immediately change your Facebook password. You should also revoke app permissions on Facebook.

What Can You See About Your Account On Facebook

This doesn’t mean you’re completely out of luck. There is still plenty of information you can learn about your friends using native tools already found inside Facebook.

Please review all of your interactions with specific friends by going to their profile page and selecting the three dots to the right of the Message icon. Select See Friendship from the drop-down.

Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?
Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?

This timeline shows you all of the past interactions you’ve had with that friend over time.

If you want to see your entire activity log, including interactions you’ve had with friends, groups, and everywhere else on Facebook, your Activity Log is the place to check.

To see this, select the same drop-down icon as before on the right side of the Facebook menu. Select Activity Log from the drop-down.

Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?
Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?

The Activity Log shows you everything. The main page shows you all your likes, reactions, and posts, all ordered by date. It also includes how all of your friends have interacted with you as well.

Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?
Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?

Selecting Review Items in the Timeline Review box (or selecting Timeline Review in the left menu) shows you all posts where someone has tagged you. Selecting Photo Review from the left menu shows you all of the photos where a friend has tagged you.

You can also filter the Activity Log by selecting one of the filter options in the left menu, including:

  • Activity You’re Tagged In
  • Others’ Posts to Your Timeline
  • Photos and Videos
  • Likes and Reactions
  • Comments

If you select More, you’ll see a list of 25 additional filters you can use to see your Facebook activity. You can also clear all listings in your Activity Log if you want to.

See Who Viewed Your Facebook Pages

While you can’t see any information about how many people (or who) have viewed your personal Facebook profile, there are ways to get information about who viewed any Facebook Pages you run.

To see this information, go to your Facebook Page and select Insights on the top menu.

Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?
Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?

The Insights Overview page shows you interesting information like the number of page views, how many likes your page has received, followers, engagements, and much more.

Different options in the left menu on this page show you some fascinating information about how people are interacting with your page.

  • Likes: How many people have liked your page, and where those likes occurred.
  • Reach: The number of people who’ve seen posts on your page at least once.
  • Page Views: How many people have visited your page and viewed the content.
  • Page Previews: People who hovered over links to your page to see the page preview content.
  • Actions on Page: The number of people who took action on your page, like clicking on a website link.

You may not be able to see the names of people who’ve viewed your Facebook page, but you can see important demographics. You can see this by selecting People in the left menu.

This page shows you a breakdown of your fans, followers, people you’ve reached, and people who engaged with your page.

Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?
Is people you may know on Facebook people who visit your profile?

The page shows you all of the following about your fans:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Country and City
  • Native Language

This may not reveal the names of people who viewed your page but still offers a great deal of insight.

Just remember that it’s impossible to see who viewed your personal Facebook profile, and any app or website that claims it can provide you with that information is lying.

What determines people you may know on Facebook?

People You May Know suggestions come from things like: Having friends in common. Your networks, such as your current city, school or work. Being in the same Facebook group.

Why do people appear in people you may know?

The People You May Know feature on your My Network page suggests LinkedIn members for you to connect with. These recommendations are based on commonalities between you and other LinkedIn members, as well as contacts you've imported from your email and mobile address books.

Are suggested friends on Facebook stalkers?

These people are not all stalkers. The way Facebook works, it suggests friends, with any action at all on their part. Usually this is because you have some mutual friends. But if you make public posts, people will just friend you if they like what you post.