How to see someones timeline on Twitter

cTwittLike is an app for iPhone and iPad that lets you view anyone's Twitter timeline. It's that concept we've all thought about once or twice but had no power to act on that's finally shaped into reality. The app works by allowing you to enter a username, then pulling the tweets of every account that person follows and pouring them all into one feed, simulating how the timeline looks when he or she logs in. cTwittLike is a universal app that requires iOS 8.0 or later and sells for US$0.99.

Don't get your hopes too high. This doesn't grant you access to another person's account to tweet with their username or favorite and retweet others as another identity. cTwittLike just lets you see tweets from accounts the one you specify is following. This is something you could do in theory just by visiting the profiles of accounts that someone follows, but the app saves time and effort by aggregating all of them together in one stream like Twitter's Home screen.

cTwittLike is extremely basic. A single empty field draws you in to enter the username of the account you want to essentially simulate. Though it's basic, you may run into problems. I'm not sure if this is at the fault of the app or Twitter's API limitations, but if I guessed I'd say it's a mix of both. The app asks for permission to access your Twitter accounts, but it's not until I granted that permission that I started getting errors. I then had to turn this off in Settings and for some reason, that's when the cTwittLike started working.

I didn't actually think Twitter would let a service like this exist, especially given the past few years with Twitter really tightening up how developing can use its API. To my surprise, it works. I tried a few different Twitter accounts and they all pulled in tweets from the accounts they follow. The app streams new tweets in real time, but unfortunately it doesn't load anything that anyone already tweeted, so don't be surprised if when you type in a username you have a blank timeline for a while. If the username follows a lot of accounts, the timeline is more likely to populate a lot faster.

By now you're probably asking yourself, what about private accounts? Does cTwittLike reveal private tweets or let you view the timelines of private accounts? The answers are no and no, thankfully. Everyone's right to privacy is left completely in tact. Out of curiosity I tried out a private account I know of and received an error message in return. It was the most relieving error message I've ever received.

cTwittLike doesn't seem to have any practical usage, but at the very least it's entertaining. It's interesting to see Twitter from a different perspective. It's not interactive whatsoever, so you can't tap through to see profiles or even decide to follow from your own account - two features that would definitely enhance the app - but if nothing else, cTwittLike is a novel idea. It's $0.99 for iOS.

Update: The developer of this app got in touch with me to point out that cTwittLike was previously free for a weekend, but is $0.99 regularly. Changes above in this article reflect that.

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Author here: In developing this I discovered that Twitter really doesn't care about lists. The limits on API usage and aggressive following are well documented, but anything about lists is minor.

Also, if anyone from Twitter is reading: it would be nice if Twitter implemented a way to subscribe to someone's timeline instead of having to resort to this method.

Still befuddles me how badly Twitter has neglected list functionality. On every device/platform, there's a differently-obfuscated way to just see the damn lists you've created, nevermind create them. I get that making lists isn't fun, but they never seemed to try to make them easy to make. The end result is that new users who enthusiastically follow others see a stream of unfiltered shit and end up either just quitting, or obsessively pruning their follow list.

I don't get this as well. The only reason i use Tweetbot instead of the official client is because it allows me to set a list as a custom timeline. This is such a wonderful functionality: i can easily switch between the 'firehose' of everyone i follow (around 700 accounts or so) and a custom timeline that has around 50-100 accounts that i don't want to miss. You get the feeling that the only thing Twitter cares about is building new features (e.g. moments) instead of improving existing features.

I moved to a new city and I wanted to see who I followed that lived there. I had to spend 8 hours learning the API and writing a script to put those people into a list. I shouldn't have to do that.

This feature used to exist in the web client and was removed. I am loathe to say why because my memory is faulty and I wasn't directly involved with it, but IIRC there were (odd to me) privacy concerns and the usage wasn't high.

I am sure there's an endpoint to get the timeline of someone else because tweetdeck had such a feature some time ago.

If you're concerned about API usage limits, just use the API keys of any official client (google them) and enjoy.

Imo they realized it doesnt work for their users core usecases that well. Therefore they removed efforts.

The problem here is in the end that there isnt a easy way for a company to communicate it's product strategy to api users and people are left to reverse engineer it.

It doesn't work for their users' core use-cases because they never made it usable in their core web and mobile products. They don't spend engineering time on making it useful in their core web and mobile products because their users don't use it. See the problem here?

It's like they gauged interest on half-an-MVP of a feature and never bothered to truly complete it and make it actually useful.

Interesting. Really highlights how both sides attack eachother - I'm noticing a large amount of basically accusing the other side of authoritarianism. I guess "the other guys want to take your freedom" is always an easy argument that looks completely valid.

Do not set the created list as public, this generates notifications to every person in the list. Kinda fun to explain afterward :D

I've found that people tend to use public lists as a way to insult people that they don't like. "List of nutjobs", "List of {blankety blanks}", etc.

I've both made (a long while ago!) and been on those lists. Damned if I can find it now, but I would have sworn that at some point, Twitter started dropping the hammer on people that misuse list notifications like that.

>> and a follow limit of 1,000 a day

I only follow under a hundred people and find it cumbersome to keep up. How do you follow more than 1,000 users and manage to keep up with that stream?

You don't.

You jump in occasionally, see what's going on and then continue on with whatever. I follow about 2k people and most of those are acquaintances, some colleagues, etc. The only reasonable way to keep an eye on things is lists or custom searches.

When I'm attending a conference, I add a hashtag search a few weeks in advance and kill it a few days after the event. I can catch all the last minute "who's in town?" or "here are my slides!"

And then lists are key. I have a few set up for specific topics, former colleagues (private), and my local tech community. That way I can stay plugged in regardless of other stuff happening.

When I first started using twitter, I found the upper limit on how many people I could follow without feeling overwhelmed was ~100, but as the years have gone by that maximum has grown to the point where I'm following around 700 people at the moment. Muting heavy retweeters helps a lot.

Depending on how chatty they all are, I think you could reasonably follow around 1,000 people and keep up with it alright. Much more than that and you're just periodically sampling a chaotic timeline you're not really engaged with, though.

Bear with me, as I don't use twitter:

If you mute a heavy retweeter on twitter, isn't that the same as just deleting them? Why continue to follow someone you've muted?

Not exactly the same. There are a few reason I might mute someone (opposed to unfollow):

1) They don't know I've muted them, which can be nice for personal friends that are just too damn chatty.

2) They can still DM me, again useful for closer acquaintances.

3) I'll often mute temporarily, e.g., I'll probably mute several people for a week during the RNC convention, because they'll be much chattier than usual. Or I just recently muted somebody who would not stop with Brexit articles. I care about it, but as a USA citizen, I don't need 70 tweets a day about it.

4) I still see replies to the muted person (from other people I follow). I don't see tweets directed to other people unless I also follow them. So if muted-friend-1 tweets something and unmuted-friend-2 responds to 1, I'll see that tweet and can swipe over to see the full conversation. IOW, I still see "@mutedfriend that's awesome!", whereas if I unfollowed, I would only see responses that purposefully broaden their reach, e.g., ".@mutedfriend blah".

Anyway, not a huge difference, but yes, there are enough small differences that I'll often choose to mute rather than delete/unfollow.

You can mute someone's retweets, while still seeing all tweets directly posted by that person. That's what I was referring to above.

But it can also be useful to just outright temporarily mute someone who's at an event or something and swamping your timeline with irrelevant tweets that you know are timeboxed and will soon return to normal. A 7 day mute or whatever beats unfollowing and forgetting to refollow.

I follow about 7,000 users, most of whom I don't know personally but have followed because we're in the same industry. But I don't ever attempt to read my feed beyond a couple of minutes. If a Tweet from a user I care about gets drowned out by 20 tweets from the randoms I's no big deal. I follow enough like minded people that many of them will retweet something that I want to see. And I like seeing random stuff from semi-random people...that to me is what Twitter is for.

Many of the accounts I follow only tweet sporadically. Some are weekly, some only at weekends, some in different timezones.

It isn't a novel which is needs to be read from start to finish.

I curate the number of accounts I follow to be exactly 187. That seems to be my sweet spot for Signal to Noise.

You're not. There was a little button on profile pages that did exactly this. I remember them removing it in a hurry when people took notice.

You might be thinking of a similar hack someone made for Instagram. Instagram ended up shutting it down.

Do these lists to default to Private or Public? Want to experiment with this but don't want to send out notifications (if that applies here).

Can you see someone elses Twitter feed?

There's a Twitter-friendly website called TwtRoulette that allows you to become someone else, so to speak. The site allows you to peruse another person's Twitter timeline, exactly how they see it.

How do you see someones timeline on Tweetdeck?

Choose Add Column, then Home, then enter the username of the person whose timeline you want to see.

How can I see all tweets of a user?

Scroll down to Accounts and in the From these accounts field, type in the username of the person whose tweets you want to search. You'll need to put in their exact @ name — you won't get suggestions. 4. Scroll back up to Words and specify what keywords or phrases you want to search that user's tweets for.

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