How to make mie instan goreng

Looking for an easy snack that hits the spot every time? Learn my favorite way of preparing Indomie’s mi goreng instant noodles. If you love instant ramen, you’ll love these noodles with runny egg yolks. 🍝

How to make mie instan goreng

My first memory of Indomie Mi Goreng instant noodles was at my nanny’s house. Aunty Choo is Indonesian Chinese and began looking after me before I turned 1 so that my mum could work. Her husband, Uncle Lawrence, is Malay Chinese and worked as a chef.

Even though I enjoyed plenty of homemade authentic Asian dishes, like the best laksa and bak kut teh I’ve ever tasted, one of the peak experiences was eating mi goreng instant noodles. 

Aunty Choo’s pantry was always stocked with several packets of Indomie mi goreng. Along with kaya toast, mi goreng instant noodles must have been Uncle Lawrence’s favorite snack considering how frequently he ate it.

He always soft boiled an egg to accompany his noodles. He meticulously peeled the egg and broke the runny yolk over the noodles.

Today, I eat mi goreng once or twice a week (5 times a week if I’m honest). More than 25 years after watching Uncle Lawrence prepare his mi goreng, I still make mine the same way. I’ll show you how in this recipe. 

What’s Indomie Mi Goreng? 

Indomie is the company and brand that makes an instant noodle called Mi Goreng. The instant noodle Mi Goreng (a.k.a. mie goreng or mee goreng) is named after the popular Indonesian spicy fried noodle dish with the same name. 

The homemade version of mi goreng is made with thin and curly yellow with a soy sauce and tomato-based spicy sauce. It’s often served with fried shallots, shrimp, egg, chicken, beef, and/or cabbage. 

How to make mie instan goreng

Where can I buy it? 

I buy the Indomie Mi Goreng from my local Asian supermarket. You can find the loose packets in the noodle aisle.

I’ve also seen it sold at one of my local grocery stores—King Soopers, which Kroger owns—but not all conventional American grocers carry it (my local Safeway doesn’t). 

TIP: The last time I bought mi goreng I got a box with 30 packets. It saved me a few cents per packet (67¢ versus 59¢ per packet when purchased in bulk) and helped me stock up so I’d always have mi goreng on hand.

If you don’t have an Asian market near where you live, you can purchase the noodles from online stores.

Affiliate disclosure: When you buy through affiliate links in this article, I earn a commission. There is no additional cost for you.

For example, you can buy a box of Indomie mi goreng from Amazon. 

Mi goreng variations

My favorite mi goreng is the original flavor, which comes in the white packaging. Indomie sells different flavor spinoffs, including vegetable, chicken, chicken curry, hot & spicy, barbeque chicken, and rendang. 

Feel free to try one of these varieties in case you end up preferring them over the original. 

Noodle mix-ins

My #1 favorite way to eat mi goreng is with 2 soft-boiled eggs that have runny yolks. My second favorite way is to eat the noodles with 2 crispy pan-fried eggs—sunny side up—always with runny yolks.

How to make mie instan goreng

You can add as many or as few eggs as you like to your noodles.

NOTE: One packet of mi goreng is sufficient as a snack but not filling enough for a full meal. If you’re looking for bulk up the noodles for lunch or dinner, you can cook 2 packets or consider these add-ins for a complete meal.

To make a complete meal with the noodles: 

  • Protein:
    • Add cooked and shredded chicken
    • Cubed ham
    • Cubed baked tofu or five-spice tofu
    • Egg (soft boiled, hard boiled or fried)
    • Garlic butter cooked shrimp
    • Fish balls
  • Vegetables:
    • Wilted spinach
    • Softened tomato
    • Stir-fried shredded cabbage
    • Shredded lettuce
    • Any julienned vegetables (carrots, zucchini, bell peppers / capsicum) 

TIP: I usually prefer not to dilute the flavor of mi goreng noodles by adding mix-ins (other than runny egg yolks). So I’d rather eat the noodles with side dishes instead. Check out these side dish ideas.

How long to cook the noodles

Even though the package instructions recommend cooking the noodles for 3 minutes, the worst thing you can do is overcook these noodles. 

The noodles taste best al dente. They’ll continue cooking from residual heat once you remove them from the boiling water (unless you rinse them in cold water). 

I recommend cooking the noodles in boiling water for 2 minutes. Remove as soon as the timer chirps. 

TIP: Preventing overcooking is the reason why I get the seasoning and eggs ready while the noodles are boiling. If you’re worried about multitasking, rinse the noodles in cold water as soon as removing them from the boiling water. Then you can take your sweet time to prepare the seasonings and eggs.  

Helpful equipment 

  • Timer: Cook the noodles once the water reaches a rolling boil for 2 minutes max. A timer helps you avoid overcooking. 
  • Strainer: I drain the noodles through a strainer to get every last piece of noodle out of my saucepan. It also ensures the noodles aren’t sitting in the hot water longer than necessary. 

Tips for success

  • The noodles are designed to be “dry”: While there’s a generous amount of sauce to coat the noodles, it’s not a noodle soup. You can add 1 tablespoon of water to the seasoning when you mix the noodles if it’s too dry. But avoid making it soupy.
  • Don’t throw away the seasoning packets: When I read someone saying that he throws away the seasoning packets from mi goreng because they’re not healthy and that’s what he always does with Maruchan ramen, I thought, “What a shame!” Enjoy Indomie mi goreng with the seasoning packet. Otherwise, what’s the point? If you want “healthy” noodles, try this noodle stir fry or 5-minute cucumber and egg noodle “salad”. As long as you’re spending the money to buy mi goreng, enjoy every last bit of seasoning.
  • Hold the chili: That said, if you dislike spice, add a smaller amount of the chili sauce in the seasoning packet. I don’t find mi goreng to be spicy. But if you’re sensitive to spice, add a bit at a time. 
  • How to scale the recipe: Cook as many packets of mi goreng as you can fit in your pot of boiling water. If you’re cooking for multiple people, avoid agitating the noodles in the boiling water. They’ll still cook. But when the noodles retain their individual shapes, it’s easier to separate them into different bowls. 

How to make mie instan goreng

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This mi goreng instant noodle is so simple to make and goes perfectly with soft boiled eggs. The saucy egg yolks add an extra rich flavor to your noodles. Enjoy it as a snack or add vegetables to make it into a full meal.

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes

Course: Main Course, Side Dish, Snack

Cuisine: Indonesian

Keyword: 10 ingredients or less, 5-minute recipe, carbs, comfort, family-friendly, noodles, refreshing

Servings: 1 people

Calories: 517kcal

Cost: $1.50

  • Saucepan

  • Chopping Board

  • Knife

  • Strainer

  • scissors

  • 1 packet Indomie Mi Goreng, use 2 packets if you're very hungry
  • 2 large eggs, the fresher the better
  • 1 small sprig green onion, optional garnish

  • Boil at least 1 L (33 fl. oz.) water in a kettle. Transfer the boiled water to a saucepan and heat on high until the water is boiling.

  • Gather the ingredients.

    How to make mie instan goreng

  • Add the eggs to the boiling water. Soft boil the eggs. (For my kitchen, at 5,328 ft. / 1.624 km elevation, it takes 7 minutes.) Use a timer for precision.

  • While the eggs are boiling, add the seasoning in the little packets to a bowl.

  • Prepare a bowl with cold water to submerge the eggs when you remove them from the saucepan.

  • Remove the eggs from the boiling water when the timer goes off. Add them to the bowl of cold water.

  • Carefully peel the soft boiled eggs.

  • Add the noodles to the boiling water. Cook for 2 minutes. Use a timer.

  • When the timer goes off, drain the noodles through a strainer and discard the water.

  • Add the noodles to the seasonings bowl and mix thoroughly.

  • Add the eggs to the flavored noodles. Break the soft-boiled eggs and mix the yolks with the noodles, if desired.

    How to make mie instan goreng

  • (Optional) Top the noodles with a few pieces of green onion cut with kitchen shears for a garnish.

  • Enjoy your mi goreng instant noodles!

Calories: 517kcal | Carbohydrates: 56g | Protein: 22g | Fat: 23g | Saturated Fat: 10g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 372mg | Sodium: 1875mg | Potassium: 323mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 670IU | Vitamin C: 3mg | Calcium: 89mg | Iron: 5mg

Can it be made in advance? 

Not really. You can cook it ahead of time but it won’t taste good as leftovers. The noodles get soggy and lose their al dente texture.

I recommend cooking once you’re ready to eat the noodles. That means if you plan to prepare side dishes to accompany the noodles, make the side dishes first.

NOTE: Because I don’t recommend making instant noodles ahead of time, I don’t have advice on how to store leftovers, reheat, or freeze them. It’s not something I do because instant ramen is designed to eat immediately!

What to eat with instant ramen

5-minute spicy garlic cucumber salad

This refreshing garlic cucumber salad is an ideal side dish to balance a heavy main course thanks to its crisp texture and addictive spicy sauce. You'll love it with the original Chinese sauce or the variation sauce if you can't source the exotic ingredients.

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Sautéed Garlic Scapes with Bacon and Shallots

This simple dish of sautéed garlic scapes is packed with flavor. It's a fantastic introduction to garlic scapes if you've never tried them before. The shallots add a sweetness to balance the bacon and garlicky flavor.

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5-Minute Five-Spice Tofu with Peanut Butter Sauce

The star of this recipe is the creamy and savory peanut butter sauce. You can serve it with the five-spice tofu. Or you could use it as a dip for carrot sticks. Or a salad dressing over blanched broccoli.

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Bagaimana petunjuk cara membuat mie instan?

Cara Memasak Mie Instan.
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Apakah Indomie digoreng?

Bukan direbus, Indomie itu benar-benar diolah dengan cara digoreng di dalam minyak banyak dan panas.

Apa saja bahan pembuatan mie instan?

Bahan-bahan yang digunakan pada proses pembuatan mie instan antara lain : tepung terigu, tepung mocaf, air, garam, soda abu dan cmc (carboxyl methyl cellulose). Bahan-bahan pembantu yang digunakan pada proses pembuatan mie instan, antara lain : tepung tapioka dan minyak goreng.