How to get top fan badge on Facebook fast

If you’re active on Facebook then you must have noticed the chatter about the top fan badge in Facebook’s comments section. That’s because several people commenting on Facebook pages have got a “Top Fan” badge and are bragging about it. While the rest are posting amusing comments and finding out ways to get the new top fan badge for their profile. For those unaware, Facebook introduced the top fan badge in the mid of 2018 and it now seems to be live for everyone.

What does a Top Fan on Facebook mean?

The new badges such as Top Fan, Sharrer, and Valued Commenter are often seen in the post comments of a Facebook page. A top fan badge, for instance, is displayed next to the user profile name along with a star symbol. This badge is Facebook’s way of recognizing the most active users, motivate them and increase page engagement. It’s a sort of reward or achievement that fans get by interacting the most and staying active on their favourite pages.

Moreover, getting a top fan status helps you stand out from all the people following a certain page on Facebook. Top fans also get a satisfactory feeling that their active engagement is being appreciated and giving them exposure. At the same time, it should be noted that the Top fans feature is only available on eligible pages and not on user profiles.

A top fan badge is certainly a great addition for both page admins as well as fans. A page admin can also view and track all the top fans on their page and connect with them through Messenger. The admin or page owner also has the right to remove the top fan badge for individual fans or simply disable top fan badges for their page.

Getting Top Fan badge on a Facebook page

There is no straightforward procedure to be a top fan on Facebook. In fact, it can be tricky to get a top fan badge and the criteria can vary from user to user. According to Facebook, you can become a top fan or top contributor by being one of the most active people on a page. For this, you have to interact a lot with a page by liking or reacting to a post, commenting, sharing, and watching the page’s videos.

However, doing so alone won’t guarantee your qualification for the top fan badge. For instance, there are users who became top fans just by liking the posts while those engaging via comments, sharing, etc. haven’t got it. To increase your chances, make sure you’re consistently active on a certain page. The higher the interaction, the more will be the chance to earn the badge. Also, you need to keep engaging with a particular page to maintain your top fan status.

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Displaying the Top Fan badge

The top fan badge isn’t enabled automatically. Facebook first sends you an in-app as well as a push notification informing you that you have been recognized as one of the top fans on a certain Facebook page. To show off your top fan badge, tap the notification and select Okay. After this, the badge will appear next to your name whenever you interact with the page for which it is enabled.

You can simply tap the “Top Fan” badge to see your page activity, see all top fans, and manage the badge.

To hide or turn off the top fan badge, visit the Community tab of the particular page. Then tap on manage next to your name and turn off the toggle for “Display Top Fan Badge” under badge settings.

Have you already got the Top Fan badge? Do let us know.

Mayur Agarwal is the founder and editor-in-chief of WebTrickz. As a Technology enthusiast and an Internet addict, he loves sharing useful How To’s and Tips & Tricks.

If you are an avid Facebook user, like the other 2.934 billion (Monthly active users), you must have seen Top Fan badges on some Facebook pages.

Facebook introduced this jeweled icon badge to reward an active contributor to a particular community to stand out from others.

Facebook badges are ways by which any group or page can recognize the roles and significance of each member in their community.

The Top Fan badge feature is available for Facebook business pages to recognize and award the distinctive member of that page. Similarly, ten other badges, like Rising Star, are available for Facebook groups.

You can get a top fan badge by actively participating in any Facebook business page. You will earn this badge from any Facebook page if you frequently react, comment, share, and view their posts or videos. Once you receive it, the top fan badge will appear next to your name in all your interactions and the community tab on the page.

Let’s learn more about the Top Fan badge and how you can get it.

What Are Business Pages on Facebook?

Facebook groups and pages are the ways you can promote your business. Your Facebook Business page involves more professional and strictly business-oriented interactions with your customers.

Conversely, you can create more personalized experiences for your clients through Facebook groups.

Facebook groups and pages allow you to create brand awareness, find your target market, enhance your reach, increase traffic to your website, improve customer services, and generate leads.

According to research, 93% of marketers use Facebook. Facebook plays a significant role in social media marketing strategy for any business. Instagram is the second most popular social media platform for marketers worldwide.

Your Facebook Business page is highly significant for your business. It can help you connect with your customers and enable them to learn more about your business.

It offers them basic information about your business (contact details), upcoming events, new products, offers, and releases. 

Then, with Facebook Ads, you can further enhance your reach to your target market and create more loyal customers for your brands.

Your Facebook business page is like your free business website. It opens doorways to new avenues for your business.

Why Are Top Fan Badges Important?

Adding more customers to your customer base is significant, but we cannot ignore the importance of retention of loyal customers. Your loyal customers can create more opportunities for your business from their experiences.

Top Fans Badges are Facebook’s way to reward your loyal customers for their engagement and value addition. You can further make more people compete against each other for this badge by backing top fan badges with some tangible incentive. 

Top Fans — as the name indicates — are your loyal hardcore fans. In the context of Facebook, they are active followers of your page who have contributed or interacted more than others on your business page.

What Happens When I Acquire a Top Fan Badge on Facebook?

If you love a brand and want everybody to know your love for it, earning a Top Fan badge is one way to show it. When you acquire a Top Fan badge, you will receive a notification from Facebook. Now, it is up to your discretion to own and flaunt it or remove it from the display. 

If you decide to display it, a little jewel icon, a.k.a. Top Fan badge, will appear next to your profile in all your interactions on that page:

  • Whenever you post a comment on the page, it will show the top fan page next to your name.
  • The Top Fan badge page will also appear next to your profile on all your past/future interactions on the page.
  • You can find your name in the Top Fans list on the Community tab on the page.

It’s as simple as it gets!

If you want to get a Top fan page from any of your followed Facebook pages or profiles, you must gain it. You can earn it through frequent interactions and engagement on a particular Facebook page.

You can earn a Top Fan badge by being excessively active on a particular Facebook business page or profile. You are a strong contender for winning a top fan badge on any page if you are:

  • Consistent with your likes or reactions on every post or any content on the page.
  • Frequently commenting on the page’s posts.
  • Sharing posts, even tagging your friends.
  • Frequently watch its videos.

You can only get a Top Fan badge on pages with 10,000 above followers. Also, the Facebook page needs to enable the top fan badge feature. If it has not, then Facebook will not reward any badge to anyone on their pages.

Your top fan badge can help you stand out against other followers on the page or profile. Some brands also offer incentives to all people who are most interactive on their pages.

Likewise, some offer special couponsdiscounts, and other exciting offers to their top fans.

For brands, top fan badges are significant because they can help you know more about your loyal customers. These loyal customers are more likely to create brand awareness and generate additional leads for you through their participation.

These loyal customers boost engagement on your page through their interactions, hence your visibility. 

The Roundup

Facebook badges are fun ways to increase engagement on your business pages.

Your business page followers who have shown active participation on your page through frequent reactions, comments, and shares of your posts or content are eligible to earn this reward.

Top fan badges can prove significant for your followers to promote your business profile if backed by incentives like discounts, special coupons, or other offers.


Once any page has turned on the Top fan badge feature, Facebook automatically will reward the top fans’ badges to one who qualifies. 

Top fan badges are updated weekly, so if you do not see it next to your profile on a particular page, it means someone else has earned it. Likewise, a page admin can also snub any member from a top fan badge if they want.

How long does it take to get a top fan badge on Facebook?

As you will need 10,000 followers; your page is at least 28 days old and switched to video template for Pages according to Facebook in order for this to work. You must also have enabled the Facebook badges feature for this to start working. Scroll up for steps on how to turn this on.

Is top fan badge automatic?

How to Give and Get Top Fan Badges. Once you've turned the feature on, there's nothing else you need to do! Facebook will automatically assign badges to users who qualify for them.

How do I add a top fan badge on Facebook?

Go to your Page. Click in the top right. Click Facebook Badges. Toggle the badge on or off next to Top Fan.

How long does top fan badge last?

Top Fan badges are updated weekly, so it's possible to lose your Top Fan status in just 7 days. If you want to keep your badge, keep liking, commenting, sharing, and interacting with the page to boost your engagement. If you do lose your Top Fan badge, don't worry—you can always get it back!

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