How to cancel Facebook monthly subscription

To disable Facebook Subscribe in Subscriptions there is not a trick or a hack that you have to do, for this one there is actually a profile setting that just need to be configured, and in this step-by-step how-to you’ll learn how.

Facebook has recently surprised everyone with many new changes, one of those changes was the introduction of a new feature called Subscriptions, that allows users to subscribe to other users feeds while allowing others to see who you are following;  basically functions like Twitter. This feature is more like… I know you, but I don’t want to be BFF or I don’t need to be friend with everyone to promote what I do.

Note: Subscriptions is now part of your Facebook profile, you cannot disable this feature all together, what Facebook allows you to do is to stop people from subscribing to your public updates.

Now privacy is a concern to everyone and it should be, so if you decide that you don’t want people to be able to subscribe — “follow” — to your public updates, you can “disable Subscriptions”, that way nobody will be able to subscribe and peek at your updates.

To disable Facebook Subscribe in Subscriptions follow these steps:

1.  Head over your Facebook profile and sign in, under your profile picture, click on Subscribers, and click Edit Settings.

How to cancel Facebook monthly subscription

2.  Now the Edit Subscribe Settings box is going to appear with all the options you can configure.

How to cancel Facebook monthly subscription

In Subscribers, change the option to Off, that way nobody will be able to subscribe to your public updates, which also is going to disable Comments and Notifications. And finally you can also select Friend Requests, to limit who is allowed to subscribe — this will reduce the spam when you have the feature turned On.

Things you need to know about Facebook Subscription — Q&A 

  • Why do all my friends have a ‘Subscribed’ button?

You’ve always been subscribed to your friends. With the Subscribe button, you can choose which of their updates you get.

  • Why don’t all profiles have a Subscribe button?

Only people who allow subscribers will have a Subscribe button on their profile. If you don’t see the button, you can’t subscribe.

  • How do people subscribe to my updates?

After you allow subscribers, a Subscribe button will show up on your profile. Your public updates will appear in people’s News Feeds once they click this button.

  • If I allow subscribers, what updates will they see?

Subscribers can see only the things you share publicly. They can also choose how many and what types of these public updates they get.

Unsubscribe someone instead

If instead of removing Facebook Subscribe from your profile, you just want to unsubscribe someone, you can easily go to your homepage find the person and on the left, click the down-arrow button and click Unsubscribe from “name”. Other way would be to just do a search for the person, go to their profile page and click Subscribed on the right and select the option Unsubscribe from the drop-down menu — from these menus you can also configure what to subscribe to, for example, you like to read someone’s updates, but you don’t want to see their photos. And a third way (the easiest is always left for the end!) you can go to your homepage, under your picture profile, click Subscriptions, there will be a list of everyone you are subscribed to, now just hover over Subscribed and select Unsubscribe.

How to cancel Facebook monthly subscription

How do I stop monthly payments on Facebook?

On your iPhone or Android device, open
Tap in the top right of Facebook..
Scroll down and tap Meta Pay..
Tap See all next to Recurring Payments and select the recurring donation you want to cancel..
At the bottom, tap Cancel Subscription..
Tap Cancel Recurring Donation, then tap Cancel..

How do I cancel a monthly subscription?

Cancel the subscriptions by emailing the service providers. If this proves elusive then go through your bank statements going back for 12 months. Look out for regular subscriptions that you forgot or are fraudulent. Cancel them via corresponding websites or by emailing the respective companies.

Where do I find subscriptions on Facebook?

To access your Facebook Subscriptions promotional link: Go to Creator Studio > Monetization > Subscriptions.