How do I keep my likes on my profile picture

Everyone including you (don’t pretend) is a slut for likes on their picture, be it their cover photo, their profile picture, a mobile upload or even a random post on their wall.


People usually assume that you MUST BE POPULAR to get lots of likes.


You don’t necessarily have to be popular to get 100+ likes. It’s all about the tactics and adopting a certain approach to reach your goal number of likes.

Here’s a guide on how you can subtly increase your likes without getting caught looking desperate for them.

So let’s begin:


Upload your picture at any time between 8pm and 11pm 

Studies show that Facebook users are most active between 8 pm and 11 pm during weekdays. You will find that most of our “desi youngsters” are always just scrolling down through their news feed (and liking everything they see) during this time even when they are in the middle of something.  So when you plan on posting that hot ass picture of you sunbathing at French beach, or a cultural deep picture of you in Old Lahore, make sure you upload it when more than half of the Facebook awaam is online so they can see it on their news feed and tap that thumbs up for you.

Via: Giphy


Don’t reply to your comments right away

So the entire aim really is to get your picture back on to the news feeds of your friends and there are a million sneaky ways to do that. If your profile picture upload is of top class and you look as sexy as ever, you will obviously be getting com(plim)ments right? …Right? So our advice to you is to give your picture a break of 2-3 days before you start replying to your well-wishers (or the usual haters who destroy your swag with comments like ‘HAHA YOU LOOK LIKE SHIT’). Start replying with your “thank-you you’re too kind” messages after a 3 day break and voila, you’ll bump up your like-count instantly.



Randomly tag yourself in your picture one week later

As mentioned before, you need to get your picture back on the news feeds of others and when you tag someone or even yourself in that very picture, it comes onto the news feed again. So when your profile picture has reached that stagnant phase of about 40-50 likes, remind your so called friends on your Facebook list that they haven’t liked your picture by tagging yourself so that your picture is back on their homepage.

Via: Giphy


If things are still not working out, sneakily put a picture you’ve put up before for a while and then put the current one again

This sounds a little complicated but it really isn’t. Put the picture before this current one, again (you can get more likes on that now too!) and after like a day or two, put the new one back up. This makes people think “Oh! Faraz changed his profile picture, I didn’t even know- and hey, I haven’t even liked it!” And there you go, you have more likes.

Via: Giphy


Follow the ‘like for a like’ pact

Nowadays people have started returning a like. So if I like your picture, you will like mine even if it’s shit ugly. It’s all about the support you’ve given someone all this time where they feel the need to return the favor. So start liking everyone else’s pictures- THEY WILL LIKE YOURS TOO. It’s all about loyalty and being there for your friends when in need of likes. They’ll do the same for you, trust us.


Make sure your DP is about some life event and has a relevant caption to go with

Gone are the days when long ass quotes got you places. No one is interested in your face and a love quote by Rumi. What gets people interested are RELEVANT and RELATABLE captions like ‘First day at work!’ or ‘I’m married!’. People like things that make them genuinely happy, or something that makes them laugh. Pictures from graduation, the hospital, a holiday, the mountains, your wedding etc get a lot of attention so make sure you caption your picture well to get the deserving likes.

I mean look at this guy. It’s a simple graduation picture but because this is a historic event… people were proud of him and LIKED HIS PICTURE.


Don’t keep changing your profile picture frequently. GIVE IT SOME TIME.

If you’re one of those who frequently changes their profile picture… you need to stop. That isn’t going to get you anywhere with the likes. People like what’s new to the eye. So if they see your face appear on their news feed all the time, that’s just going to annoy them. Have a profile picture for about 7 months to the point where people forget about your existence and how you look, and then BAM put a new one up where you look raging hot and that will surprise them.



Upload a shit picture and then an amazing one

Make everyone believe you’re damn ugly for a while but then surprise them with an incredibly gorgeous picture of yourself where your hair and outfit is on point and just slowly watch them likes coming in. Because as mentioned above, people like things that they haven’t seen before. So seeing a good picture of you after a while will make them tap that like button instantly.

Source: Walt Disney Pictures


Tag your parents

The one time you need the parents the most is when THEIR FRIENDS can give you likes. SO.. if you have your parents on your Facebook, tag them in your picture. Trust us when we say this- your parents are more popular than you. While their generation is new to Facebook, that still doesn’t stop them from liking EVERYTHING they see. Hence, when your parents’ Facebook friends see them tagged their childs picture… you’ll get a comment from them saying “Mashallah Arshad your pyaara beta looks just like you” AND A LIKE along with it!

Source: ABC


When you’ve reached the height of desperation, call up your friends…


Put a COOL, “candid” picture up. 

These days CANDID IS IN. People like whats natural and not posed because they’re like “Daaaammnnn, he/she looks so good without even knowing!”.

Can I make a photo my profile picture and keep the likes?

You sure can use the photo of your mom as your profile picture, and you won't lose a single Like or Comment. Here's all you need to do: 1 – Log into your Facebook account and load your Timeline page. 2 – Hover your mouse over your profile picture, then click Update Profile Picture.

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