Didnt know i was pregnant and drank reddit

Sorry if this isn’t the place to ask. I only just found out I‘m pregnant today (I’m guessing I’m 4 weeks along). I always thought this would be the happiest day of my life but I’m feeling so so guilty! I went to a “bottomless brunch” on Saturday with my girlfriends. I hardly ever drink but we were having such a good time I didn’t even noticed how much I had until the hangover hit. Over the course of 6 and half hours I think I had a WHOLE BOTTLE of Prosecco, three cocktails and a shot of tequila. I’m so worried and so embarrassed. I feel like the worst mother ever.

Did anyone else drink that much before you knew? Was Your baby ok?

Hi ladies. My husband and I were trying to conceive for three months. I had a couple of negative tests in October, the latest October 26th, and what I thought was my period on October 27th (I think it was actually implantation bleeding now). I went to a Halloween party Saturday the 28th and had about 3 drinks. My husband and had I decided we would stop TTC through the holidays because we travel a lot and it's overall a pretty stressful time. This past weekend we hosted a dinner party for friends, and again I had about 3 drinks. Sunday night I got up twice in the night to use the restroom, and I noticed my breasts were swollen. I had some tests left over, and sure enough, pregnant. I completely panicked. My husband is incredibly kind and supportive, but I just feel like a bag of trash. I was so incredibly careful in those three months, but I take full responsibility for my mistakes and am just devastated that I may have hurt this (very wanted) baby. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.

I don't know what I'm looking for with this post, I just feel awful, guilty, and sad during what should be a happy time.

I found out I was pregnant on December 26th, which was a couple days into my 4th week of pregnancy. The days prior to that I spent Christmas with my inlaws which naturally made me more inclined to drink. It was more than I'd normally have in a day, but I was never drunk. I did that for basically like 3 days in a row.

Every time I feel like the worry has gone away, I read something or hear something that lists the ways people can hurt their child in the weeks prior to knowing about the pregnancy. I know a lot of it is fear mongering but I can't help but worry for my baby.

I've spoken with my doctor about this, and she literally said "even if you were drunk, it's ok". Even my own mother told me that she was verrry drunk the night before she found out she was pregnant with me (thanks mom) and she found out she was pregnant later than I did.

I guess I'm looking for reassurance? I feel like I can't be alone in this general fear of somehow hurting the baby before knowing about the pregnancy. It's been a really isolating fear of mine....I feel like this subject can be so sensitive that it's hard to find people to talk to about this.

So this is going to be a long one TLDR at the end. My doctor confirmed today that I am around 8 weeks pregnant (with my first). I had my mirena birth control removed in the middle of November and it looks like I basically immediately fell pregnant after that.

I tried to take care of myself during the next month, eating well, cutting out most alcohol and then when my period was a week late I took a few pregnancy tests, the last one on the 22nd of December, all of which were negative.

Now I am a huge social drinker, I also smoke weed pretty frequently. Given my tests came back negative, I decided I would let loose over Christmas & New Years. During a period of 2.5 weeks I drank a lot of alcohol (binge drinking and being drunk on at least 5 occasions), smoked weed regularly, and one one occasions even did a small amount of LSD.

Needless to say I am FREAKING OUT.

I am the first of my friends and family to get pregnant and everything I have read says there is no safe amount of alcohol while pregnant. Many articles say that even a few drinks can result in Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder or Syndrome. My doctor at the blood test didn't have much to say on the matter and wasn't very comforting.

I'm hoping that some of you out there have stories about people you know who might’ve drunk while pregnant and had the baby come out healthy and fine.

TDLR: false negative pregnancy test caused me to think I wasn't pregnant, I drank heavily during Christmas (weeks 5 & 6 of pregnancy) and need some reassurance that things might not be as bad as I think.

I feel like this might have been asked before, but if so I couldn't find it. I'm currently 25 + 2 weeks along, and so far everything is going smoothly. The doctor said everything looked good at my anatomy scan. But I know that many things don't show up on it, and I can't stop worrying about the drinking I did before I knew I was pregnant.

I found out at 5 + 3 weeks, and up until then I was drinking pretty heavily. At 4 + 1, I went to a party and had 8 drinks. The next day I was sick as a dog, which should have tipped me off as I usually don't get hangovers, but I was clueless. Has anyone else had a similar experience and are you worried about it?

Edit: People regularly reach out to me about this, and I am happy to report that my son is now 3 and thriving, both physically and intellectually! His preschool teachers say he is above age level in several subjects, he’s sweet and social, and while he throws tantrums (again, 3), he has no known behavioral problems. As long as you stopped drinking as soon as you found out, there’s a very good chance that things are fine!

I'm an alcoholic (mental health issues and lack of medical support lead to drowning myself I guess) and didn't know I was pregnant until I was 15 weeks. I had no symptoms, was on BC, but my period is super irregular so I didn't even think about it. I stopped drinking and got help when I found out. My doctor said the standard all you can do is stop and wait. I got an ultrasound at 16 weeks and baby is growing right, strong heartbeat, and moving. I'm 18 weeks now and I'm working on an appointment for the anatomy scan.

I had weirdly enough been taking OTC prenatals the whole time because I had some iron issues and prenatals already had iron so I didn't need to take multiple vitamins and just the one.

I don't know what I'm looking for but I'm scared. I know there's no for sure yes or no on what has been done to the baby and I feel so guilty now. I desperately want a baby and actually spent two years trying before my doctors said they weren't sure if I could do it without medical assistance and I couldn't afford it at the time so I went back on BC and started drinking. The guilt is eating me up

Before people come for me: my husband and I (both 30yo) DID try. We tried for over a year. We tracked ovulation and temped and did all the mind-numbing infuriating things you're supposed to do to get pregnant. And we didn't. When we went to a fertility specialist we were told that because of a couple of factors, it would be "basically impossible" for us to conceive naturally.

After the trials and heartbreak of that year, we decided to stop tracking anything, and we were decidedly not trying...but I guess also not preventing? After getting that info from the doctor idk if it would still be considered not preventing?

ANYWAY here we are, and I'm pregnant with miracle baby, due in May. I literally had no idea until I "popped" aka suddenly realized nothing fit and I looked decidedly pregnant.

Now for the part where I'm asking for stories or reassurance: I have done it ALL these last few months.Drinking, smoking, caffeine, medications, if it's on a "don't do while pregnant" list, I've been doing it. Hell, I did cocaine on Halloween!

I've been to my OB and of course was very up front about what I've been doing, and they were... polite... I guess. We did nipt and will have the anatomy scan in a few weeks, but I'm terrified. Everything I read online is basically about "oh don't worry if you have a glass or 3 before knowing!" But I'm WELL beyond a glass or 3, or 10. For MONTHS

Obviously this is really hard to post, and I'm sure I'll get more than a few nasty comments, but I'm not here looking for absolution. I'm looking for stories of anyone else that can relate, or some sort of confirmation that I'm not the only person who's ever done this and ended up with an ok baby.

Hi there, I am very stressed. I am a 33 year old female and I recently discovered I am pregnant. My first day of my last period was September 1 and I missed my period so I took a home pregnancy test September 30 and results were negative. I started getting breast pain so i took a test again October 9th and the results were positive. In the interim I drank heavily celebrating my husband's birthday and during Canadian thanksgiving. My day drinking was October 8th. It is not uncommon for me to have a week late period so i didn't think much of it. I am in good health and usually only drink on weekends. Now I am pregnant and I am full of fear that I have harmed the fetus. The told a doctor but he didn't really entertain my concerns. I called a hotline and they told me "probably you're fine, but there's a chance... maybe, I'm sure it's fine." It is not reassuring nor is it telling me that I am doomed. I feel terrible. Please let me know any info will be much appreciated.

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