Computer-related injuries prevention which you think can be very helpful to office workers

Many people spend hours a day in front of a computer without thinking about the impact on their bodies. They physically stress their bodies daily without realizing it by extending their wrists, slouching, sitting without foot support and straining to look at poorly placed monitors.

These practices can lead to cumulative trauma disorders or repetitive stress injuries, which create a life-long impact on health. Symptoms may include pain, muscle fatigue, loss of sensation, tingling and reduced performance.

Ergonomics is a field of study that attempts to reduce strain, fatigue, and injuries by improving product design and workspace arrangement. The goal is a comfortable, relaxed posture.

Arrange Your Workstation

Every time you work, take time to adjust workstations that aren't quite right in order to minimize awkward and frequently performed movements.

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Computer-related injuries prevention which you think can be very helpful to office workers

Adapt Laptops

Laptop computers are not ergonomically designed for prolonged use. The monitor and keyboard are so close together that they cannot both be in good positions at the same time. For prolonged use, it's best to add a separate monitor and keyboard. The laptop can be planced on books so the top of the screen is at eye level, then use an external keyboard so that your elbows can rest at 90° by your side. 

Modify Your Body Mechanics

Do you wear eyeglasses? Make sure they fit properly to avoid tilting your head.

Type with light strokes, and try to keep your muscles relaxed.

Sit "tall," aligning your ears, shoulders and hips. When you sit, think about making yourself an inch taller.

Switch hands when using a mouse, if you are able.

Completely rest your wrists during breaks, including taking your hands off the mouse.

Adjust Your Work Patterns

Reduce prolonged computer time whenever possible.

Break work into smaller segments and switch between tasks that use different motions. For example, alternate use of mouse with reading and searching the web.


Movement has many benefits: it relaxes tissues, lubricates joints and prevents stiffness, improves circulation, reduces fatigue, and builds stamina. One study showed that heavy computer users who successfully avoided computer-related pain moved every 7 minutes.

At least every 10 minutes, take a short (10-20 second) break. Take your hands off the keyboard and move!

Every 30-60 minutes, take a brief (2-5 minute) break to stretch and/or walk around.

Exercise at Your Computer

Neck and Shoulders:

  • Neck Rotation: Slowly rotate your head as far as comfortable to the right, then left.
  • Shoulder Rotation: Circle your shoulders, then reverse directions.
  • Head Side to Side: Bend your neck so left ear approaches left shoulder, then repeat for right. Add a little resistance by pressing your hand against the side of your head.
  • Chin Tuck: Slide your chin inward, without bending your neck up or down. This is easiest to practice initially against a wall. Tuck chin in, attempting to touch back of neck to the wall while also maintaining head contact. Don't jam your chin down to your chest.
  • Shoulder Blade Retraction: Pull your shoulders down and back.
  • Shrug: Slowly raise your shoulders toward ears and hold for a few seconds. Gradually bring shoulders down and relax.


  • Shoulder Squeeze: Raise your arms in front of body, with elbows bent and thumbs up. Pull elbows back, squeezing shoulder blades together. Hold for a few seconds then release.
  • Stretch Up: Sit up straight and imagine a cable attached to the top of your head. Gradually stretch to be as tall as possible, hold for a few seconds, then relax.


  • Arm Relaxation: Drop your arms and hands to your sides. Gently shake them for a few seconds.
  • Arm Rotation: Raise your arms in front of your body. Rotate arms so palms face up, then rotate so backs of hands face each other.

Hands and Wrists:

  • Wrist Flex: With your elbows on desk, gently use left hand to bend right hand back toward forearm. Hold for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat on other side.
  • Finger Fan: Spread your fingers as far apart as possible, hold, then clench fists, then release.


  • Toe Curl: Flex toes up, then curl toes under. Release.
  • Foot Rotation: Circle foot slowly from the ankle, then reverse.


  • Eye Rolls: Roll your eyes clockwise then counterclockwise briefly.
  • Palm Eyes: Without touching your eyes, cup hands lightly over eyes for 30 seconds to rest them from light.
  • Look Away: Exercise your eyes by periodically looking away from your computer to focus on distant objects.

Keep fit  

Physical fitness can help you avoid and treat problems related to computer use. Build your stamina with exercises for strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health.

When to get medical advice

See a clinician if you experience:

  • Constant pain
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Other problems that interfere with daily tasks

For more information

For UHS clinical services:

Guides for workplace ergonomics and ergonomic consultations for UM employees

Occupational Safety and Environmental Health
Resource for U-M employees

For ergonomic products, search online for e.g. "ergonomic computer aids".
AliMed is one source of such products.

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Digital devices can hurt you if you don't use them properly. The culprit typically is a repetitive strain injury, sometimes called a cumulative trauma disorder, which can be caused by excessively repeating the same motion or non-motion. Because PCs and other digital devices can be so captivating, spending long times with them is common.

Whether it's typing furiously on a smartphone, mousing your way around word-processing documents and websites, tapping a touchscreen on a tablet, or sitting in the same position in front of a laptop, if you do it long enough, you put your body at risk.

Even if you haven't yet experienced a sore wrist, shoulder, neck, back, or eyes, you should give some thought to how you position yourself. Good ergonomic equipment helps, but according to experts, your work habits are just as important. Here are some tips:

1. Take frequent breaks. Gimme a Break and Auto Timer are free extensions to the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Web browsers, respectively. Each periodically reminds you to take your eyes off the screen. Alternately, you can buy an old-fashioned kitchen timer and set it to remind you to take breaks.

2. Sit at a desk. This is better for your back and neck than sitting on a cushy sofa or lounge chair. While at a desk, sit up straight with your shoulders and head back, your feet flat on the floor or on a footrest, and you forearms parallel to the floor.

Ergonomic chairs that are adjustable in multiple ways can go a long way in preventing back problems. Recommended high-end brands include Aeron from Herman Miller, Leap from Steelcase, and BodyBilt by ErgoGenesis. You also can find adjustable ergonomic office chairs at your local office supply store, such as Staples or OfficeMax, that range from pricey to affordable. Being able to sit in a chair, play with its controls, and evaluate the seat padding can help determine whether that particular brand and model is right for you.

3. Better yet, stand - or even walk - at a desk. Sitting too long in even the best chairs can lead to stiffness and other problems. Working while standing is a viable solution for some. Sitting/standing desks, also called height-adjustable desks, height-adjustable workstations, and hi-lo desks, cost from $300 for low-end manual adjust to $3,000 for high-end electric adjust. Alternately, you can fashion your own set-up for under $25 by placing a small end table that's big enough for a laptop or tablet on top of a desk.

Some intrepid users swear by treadmill desks, where you walk while working. Here, too, you can buy or build yourself.

4. Position your keyboard and mouse. To prevent wrist problems when using a keyboard, keep your wrists straight. Make sure your keyboard is the appropriate distance from you to allow for this. With a mouse, try to keep it as close to the keyboard as possible, to prevent shoulder problems from having to reach for it. A touchpad built into a keyboard is even better.

5. Protect your eyes. Eyes are another common sore point when computing. Experts say the most eye-friendly moves are to stay a foot and a half away from the monitor

and minimize screen glare by positioning external lighting to the side, rather than in front or behind. Also, periodically give your eyes a rest. Look away from the screen every 20 minutes or so for about 20 seconds, or close your eyes for the same amount of time.

Along with the above, stretching, exercise, and massage can help keep your body healthy. Computers and other digital devices are great, when they're not a pain in the neck, the back, the wrists, the eyes ...