Cara menggunakan 10 features of html

Learn how to create a responsive website that will work on all devices, PC, laptop, tablet, and phone.

Create a Website from Scratch

A "Layout Draft"

It can be wise to draw a layout draft of the page design before creating a website:

Side Content

Some text some text..

Main Content

Some text some text..

Some text some text..

Some text some text..

First Step - Basic HTML Page

HTML is the standard markup language for creating websites and CSS is the language that describes the style of an HTML document. We will combine HTML and CSS to create a basic web page.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and it is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. HTML5 is the 5th version of HTML. With invent of features in HTML5, it’s not only possible to create better websites, but we can also create dynamic websites.

Now let’s have a look at all the new features that were added in HTML5 that make it better than HTML :

  1. Intro of audio and video: 

         Audio and Video tags are the two major addition to HTML5. It allows developers to embed a video or audio on their website. HTML5 video can use CSS and CSS3 to style the video tag. You can change the border, opacity, reflections, gradients, transitions, transformations, and even animations. HTML5 makes adding video super-fast and without having to build a video player. This saves time for the developer and offers the client a superior and more affordable solution.



    <!DOCTYPE html>



    <h2>Example of video and audio tag</h2>


    <3<<<6 <7<8 <9 <7html1 html2

    html3<html5 html6 <7html8 html9 <7>1 >2

    html3<html5 html6 <7>8 html9 <7<1 >2




    <2<body2 html2

    html3<html5 html6 <7body9 html9 <7>2 >2

    html3<html5 html6 <7>9 html9 <7<2 >2





    Output: The resulting UI looks something like this:

    Cara menggunakan 10 features of html

    video output

  2. Vector Graphics:

         This is a new addition to the revised version which has hugely impacted the use of Adobe Flash in websites. It can be used to draw graphics with various shapes and colors via scripting usually JS. Vector graphics are scalable, easy to create and edit. It also supports interactivity and animation. Having a smaller file size makes transferring and loading graphics much faster on the web. That’s the reason why many people prefer to use vector graphics.



    <h27 h28 <7>Example of video and audio tag</0 <9 <7html1 >Example of video and audio tag</4 <7>Example of video and audio tag</6>

    >Example of video and audio tag</8<<00 h28 <7<03 <04 <7<06 <07 <7<06 <10 <7<06 <13 <7<15 >2



    Cara menggunakan 10 features of html

    vector output

  3. Header and Footer:

         With these new tags, there is no longer a need to identify the two elements with a <div> tag. Footer is placed at the end of the web page while Header is placed at the start of the web page. By using <header> and <footer> HTML5 elements, the browser will know what to load first and what to load later. 

    The header can contain-

    • One or more heading elements (<h1> – <h6>)
    • Logo or icon
    • Authorship information

    Footer can contain-

    • Authorship information
    • Copyright information
    • Contact information
    • Back to top links

    They both have the same default CSS property as a display block.

    Cara menggunakan 10 features of html

    Layout of HTML vs HTML5

    Example: Below examples illustrate the <header> element in HTML:




















    Cara menggunakan 10 features of html

    Example: Below examples illustrate the <footer> Tag in HTML elements:





















    html41<html43 html44html45


    html41<html43 html44html45


    html41<html43 html44html45












    Cara menggunakan 10 features of html

  4. Figure and Figcaption:

         HTML5 allows to use a <figure> element to mark up a photo in a document, and a <figcaption> element to define a caption for the photo. The <figcaption> tag defines a caption for a <figure> element. This tag provides a container for content that is equivalent to a figure. It can be used to group a caption with one or more images, a block of code, or other content.






    <47>04>05<7>07 html01<7>10>




    Cara menggunakan 10 features of html

    figure and figcaption output

  5. Nav tag:

         The <nav> tag defines a set of navigation links. It is used for the part of an internet site that links to different pages at the website. The hyperlinks can be organized through a number of approaches. Common examples of the nav elements are menus, tables, contents, and indexes. This element makes it much easier to create a navigation menu, creates a neat horizontal menu of text links, and helps screen reading software to correctly identify primary navigation areas in the document.





    <3<html43 html44<7>34>35html43>

    <3<html43 html44<7>43>44html43>

    <3<html43 html44<7>52>53html43>

    <3<html43 html44<7>61>62html43>



    Cara menggunakan 10 features of html

    Nav Output

  6. Progress tag:

         The progress tag is used to check the progress of a task during the execution. Progress tag can be used with the conjunction of JavaScript.





    <>75 >76<7>78>79>75>

    <>83 h28<7>78 >87<7>89 >90<7>92>93>83>


    Cara menggunakan 10 features of html

  7. Placeholder Attribute:
    The placeholder attribute specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field/text area. The short hint is displayed in the field before the user enters a value.








    <3<<53 html01<7<13<24



    <3<h2 html01<7<13<24



    <3<<36 <37<7<39<24

    <47<<43 html9<7<46 <47<7<49



    <47<<43 html9<7<46 <47<7<67



    <47<<43 html9<7<82 >87<7<85<24







    Cara menggunakan 10 features of html

  8. Email attribute:
    When the input type in the form set as email, then the browser gets the instruction from the code to write a valid format email. The input email id is automatically validated to check the format of the email id is correct or not.










    <25<body html01<7body29<24


    <3<<53 html01<7body37<24




    <3<h2body49<43 html9 <7body53body54h2<24



    <47body63<43 html9 <7body53





    Cara menggunakan 10 features of html
  9. Storage:

        In the case of HTML, we can use the browser as the temporary storage whereas, in the case of HTML5, application cache, web SQL database, and web storage is used.

  10. Ease of use:

         While HTML5 does have risks like constant updates, it is generally easy to keep up with the changes & updates because of simpler syntax as compared to other versions of HTML.

There are a lot more tags and functionalities added in HTML5. Some common tags are nav, aside, section, summary, article, meter, and many more.