Buku panduan sketchup 2015 pdf

This book aims to provide a high quality learning experience and it can be used with other versions like SketchUp 7, SketchUp 8, Trimble's SketchUp Pro 2013, and SketchUp Make. All the described procedures are illustrated. At the end of each chapter there is a summary of the main topics addressed and exercises to be downloaded from this site.

Construction Documents using SketchUp Pro and LayOut

  • Read more about Construction Documents using SketchUp Pro and LayOut

Construction Documents Using SketchUp Pro 2020 is a detailed step-by-step guide to building a house model from scratch and creating finished construction documents. This super easy-to-follow course contains tips and tricks to export fully finished Plan/Sections/Elevations and Details. Each page explains the steps to finish a task. This course was designed with busy architects and constructors in mind. It was formulated from years of experience using SketchUp in practise and teaching professionals from many different backgrounds.

Building Blocks of SketchUp

  • Read more about Building Blocks of SketchUp

“Building Blocks of SketchUp” is the best way to learn the basics of 3D Modeling with SketchUp. With 260 pages of illustrated text, with 50 embedded video lessons this enhanced PDF format book will get you started, whether you are a teacher of elementary school students, an AutoCAD veteran architect or a hobbyist who wants to plan your next project.

SketchUp for Interior Design

  • Read more about SketchUp for Interior Design

A practical introduction for interior designers and students. Covers the basics of creating 3D models before showing how to create space plans, model furniture, cabinetry, and accessories, experiment with colors and materials, incorporate manufacturers' models into project plans, and create final presentations and animated walk-throughs for clients. Includes downloadable sample models and a tutorial video, sample questions and activities for instructors and additional online resources for students and self-learners.

New Woodworker's Guide to SketchUp

  • Read more about New Woodworker's Guide to SketchUp

This new edition of "Woodworker's Guide to SketchUp" is a digital publication in enhanced PDF format includes all new images and embedded video content. The text has been revised and expanded with streamlined techniques and new content on building models from photos, using the Solid Tools in SketchUp Pro, and plug-ins from the Extension Warehouse. 

SketchUp - A Design Guide for Woodworkers

  • Read more about SketchUp - A Design Guide for Woodworkers

SketchUp is a fantastic design tool for woodworkers. It can save you time, materials and money by letting you test your designs before you even make your first cut. But, as with any computer software, there is a learning curve. This comprehensive guide provides you with the specific advice that you need in order to use the program effectively. Created from a woodworkers perspective, SketchUp: A Design Guide for Woodworkers helps you create beautiful furniture designs and reduces chances of costly construction errors.

Subscribe to SketchUp for Beginners

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Ebook ini di susun step by step sehingga memudahkan anda untuk menguasi aplikasi google skethup dalam waktu singkat. Mulai dari memahami tools nya sampai membuat desain 3d rumah hunian dan di sertakan contoh 3d desain dengan file skp sebagai file pendukung ebook ini yang akan sangat membantu anda dalam memahami penggunanan google sketchup sebagai aplikasi 3d desain yang mudah di gunakan dan sekaligus powerfull dan juga menyenagkan. Selamat berkarya”

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Penting!!!! Update 07042011
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Disebut sumbu apakah pada SketchUp yang berwarna biru?

Warna Biru: menunjukkan kursor berada pada bidang face. menampilkan warna yang berbeda. sumbu X.

Apa fungsi dari aplikasi SketchUp?

Sketch Up merupakan sebuah program pemodelan 3D yang dirancang untuk arsitek, insinyur sipil, pembuat film, game developer, dan profesi terkait. Ini juga mencakup fitur-fitur untuk memfasilitasi model penempatan di Google Earth. Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk menjadi lebih mudah digunakan dibandingkan program CAD 3D.

Bagaimana sejarah singkat SketchUp?

SketchUp pertama kali dikembangkan oleh @Last Software, Boulder, Colorado yang didirikan oleh Brad Schell dan Joe Esch pada tahun 1999. SketchUp pertama kali di-release pada Agustus 2000 sebagai alat membuat model 3D dengan semboyan “3D for Everyone”.

Apakah SketchUp pro bayar?

SketchUp adalah freeware dari Google yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat dan memodifikasi gambar bentuk 3 dimensi. Dengan aplikasi tersebut, mendesain model 3 dimensi akan menjadi lebih mudah.

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