Arti kata "quizilla" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata quizilla bahasa

A web site where users have the ability to create quizzes on ANY subject then add questions and answers to their preference. This has proved increasingly popular but probmatic too, all down to this exact reason. The pages within used to be rather cool and, but now it has been infested with little children either making pointless surveys where they desperatley plea for "cyber", giving on the option "yes" to it all, leading to their e-mail addresses popping up on the screen of results, or they just make rubbish questionaires like "GOFFIK OR NOT!!!111", or "R U GAY/AS COOL AS ME???". However, there are some witty and mature people on the site, though the only "masterpieces" they make are honestly...NOT quizzes at all, rather very long, perennial and boring romance "novels", which usually go by the names of "A date with a vampire - part 45" or "The hot foreign exchange student at Hogwarts - chapter 12". These are all just a subtle way to do the exact same thing as their toddler enemies, as usually they will get "rated" the "highest score" by poor, helpless teenage girls who focus on nothing more than gaining around 5 boyfriends on the doomed website by sending countless numbers of private messages to the authors.


All in all, Quizilla was once a unique and informative experiece of what other people can think up, but now it it cursed and has little hope of any restoration from it's former glory...

Arti kata quizilla bahasa

A website where users may create their own quizzes. This is bad for the most part, as most of these are not quizzes at all, but redundant and pointless stories about Harry Potter, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inu Yasha, and a variety of other things that nobody save for 13-year-old girls with liquid shit for brains cares about. There are also various quizzes there to remind people what high school clique they are in.


Quizilla has more spam than a paranoid guy's basement.

Arti kata quizilla bahasa

A once amazing site with witty quizzes such as 'Which Breakfast Club Character Are You' and 'Which Shoe Should You Wear' that has now become infested by pointless and poorly made quizzes that are not even real quizzes about how 'hot' Draco Malfoy is, which belong on, plus even more stupid ones with titles like 'Wanna Cyber' and 'Which 1 of my frendz r u'


Quizilla fucking sucks.

Arti kata quizilla bahasa

In the beginning, there was Quizilla. A wonderfull site where you could just dick around with quizzes like, "What FFVII Character do you most resemble?" and such things like that. Then came the "Story Quizzes" which used imagination and halarity to tell decent stories from a person whole imagination. As the site became more popular, there also came quizzes like, "A night with Harry Potter-78- WOW YOU'RE GOOD!!" Along with useless spamming. Now the site is over-run with cheesey fanfics about fictional characters, and celebraties, written by wanna-be writers who're lonly and decide to share their secret fantasies with the rest of the world. Sadly, it is now hard to find a decent story quiz, and because of the useless fangirls that have overrun the site, most of the better writers have left. Now, Quizilla isn't a bad site at all. It offers messaging, creation of your own quizzes, a confused and useless search engine, and a dedicated creator. But if you want to find a decent story among the masses of fanfics, spam-quizzes, and cyber offers, it might take you a bit of time. Of course, a good story is always rare.


Good quiz-masters: Aimegirl WickedWench OriginOfSpecies WingzOfNocte Bad quiz-masters: 78% of the authors on Quizilla

Arti kata quizilla bahasa

Despite it's popular beginnings as a web site dedicated to online "quizzes" that often define personality types and what kind of characters you resemble, Quizilla formed and morphed into something similar, if not MORE popular, than Meaning quizzes no longer predominate, stories about celebrities and romances do. Most of the "popular" stories are based on Harry Potter and written by teenage girls between the ages of 13-17. The actually good stories, however, are usually based off of some attractive male in a famous rock band. These are typically more matured and intelligent. All in all, if you're looking for a good fanfic, try Quizilla. If you're looking for a good QUIZ, go to memegen.


WickedWench, FragileCliche, FailureByDesignerJeans are all good, popular writers on Quizilla.

Arti kata quizilla bahasa

A place for fangirls to write teenie stories about themselves getting with a member in a band they are only a poser fan of. They just think the particular member is hot and don't give a damn about anyone else in the band because they're too stupid to realize it takes all of them to make the music. The stories tend to be unrealistic, stupid, and quite a waste of time. I often find myself falsely inflating their ego by telling them I like their story when, in reality, it sucks. I feel bad for them.


Me: I like your story on quizilla. Teenie: Really? Me: No. Teenie: Oh. I'm gonna slit my wrists know. Me: Why don't you just go add another chapter to your Draco story? How about another sex scene? Teenie: Good idea. Thanks. Me: Make him a vampire. Teenie: That's good too. Me: Then make him and Harry make out. Teenie: Kay, but then can I get back with him? Me: It's your story.

Arti kata quizilla bahasa

A breeding ground for stupid emo girls who write fanfics about Harry Potter and Yu Yu Hakusho and My Chemical Romance.


stupid emo girl: pmgpmg read my story on quizilla! :3 regular person: i'll go do something less painful, like masturbate with a piece of sandpaper.

Arti kata quizilla bahasa

As the other three pages of definitions have stated, quizilla, once a site for quizmaking like 'What fantasy creature do you most resemble' and 'what book should you read next' has become overrun with desperate, lonly fangirls/fanfictionsmost of which have been written in class time when they could be learning something useful. But seriously guys, it is amazingly addictive and no matter what, you CAN NOT deny that you secretly love it. There is alot of good writers out there, and from reading any hundred thousand of the good stories out there you tend to pick up:: 1) Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. 2) Writing skills (seriously) 3) Extra knowledge about anything from bands to your maths homework Now go to quizilla, and entertain yourself with hours of mind-boggling fun (: (And yes, my example is just picking fun)


Girl One: Lyke, ohmegawwwd. I read this amazing fanfiction one quizilla last night Girl Two: Who was it about???? Girl One: I duno, but it was HOT. It was all like, sex, totally had me wet. Girl Two: ONGZ!!!! totally send me the link!

Arti kata quizilla bahasa

A website that used to be great but has been overrun with retarded, repetitive quizzes like, "which of mi frendz r u??" And the forum has been overrun with ignorant asses as well.


I went on Quizilla before it got lame.

Arti kata quizilla bahasa

quizilla is a website where a user can publish a poem, a quiz, a story, lyrics to a song or a poll and even create there own journal. the web page was launched in august 4th, 2002, when its original creator, Matthew Nielsen, first created the site.


person1: wuu2? (what you up to?) person2: i'm going on quizilla person1: what's that? person2: it's a website, where i am free to express myself in my poetry or even create a quiz for peaple to take! person1: cool

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