Arti kata "jasmines" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata jasmines bahasa

A sweet girl who will often put herself down so others may be happy. For the most part she will always appear to be happy, But until you find out what she truly goes through, you will never know who she truly is


Jasmine, i love you

Arti kata jasmines bahasa

Jasmine is amazing. She is beautiful, stunning, sweet and kind girl that could make anyone in the world happy to just be around her. With a Jasmine, you will feel like you can say anything to her, and never be judged for it. She will make you feel happy in every way possible. Jasmine is one of the best friends you could ever ask for, and if you have one, don't ever let her go. You may often feel jealous of her due to her looks and fun nature. Her advice makes you want to get down on your knees and beg for more, as it always seems to help in every situation, no matter what. Overall, to have a Jasmine in your life could be one of the best things you could ever have, and you should always treasure that gift.


Person 1: Oh my god! Did you see the new girl? She looks stunning in that dress! Person 2: Yeah! I spoke to her too, she gives great advice and is really kind! I wish she was my best friend. Person 1: I know right? Do you know her name? Person 2: No, but I think she must be a Jasmine. Person 1: Of course, why didn't I think of that. I wish I already had a Jasmine in my life.

Arti kata jasmines bahasa

A hot young lady with killer moves, she I a great friend and knows how to make you feel nice. She is very sweet. Some think she's an angel at times, but she can turn into a devil in seconds if you screw with her or people she cares about. She is quiet when you meet her but be ware she gets loud.


Guy 1: Jasmines such a babe Guy 2: I'd kill to have a Jasmine in my life Girl 1: I messed around with Jasmines boyfriend Girl 2: She's so sweet! She probably did nothing. Girl 3: I wouldn't underestimate her... Girl 1: She took me down. Girl 2: WHAT???!!

Arti kata jasmines bahasa

A stunning and gorgeous girl. One who will always be there for you no matter what. She's not afraid to speak the truth. She's a very confident girl. She doesn't care what people think of her. When she falls for someone,she falls hard. But she's a strong girl. She gives the best advice. She's very outgoing and likeable, all the boys like her. She lcan be very competitive at sports but she is amazing. Loud,funny,everyone has a great time when they're with her. She's very trustworthy. All the girls want to be her.


"I wish I looked like jasmine" "She looked stunning" "I swear all the boys like her"

Arti kata jasmines bahasa

A stunning girl thats gorgeous and is beautiful inside and out.She might be mean at times if you give her an attitude and doesnt care what people say.She usually will say the truth always honestly and a fun person to be around.


Kk:Hey what do you think about that new girl? Bob:Oh thats just a plain old jasmin

Arti kata jasmines bahasa

jasmin is a girl who is drop dead gorgeous. her personality is like no other once you get closer with her. she’s dry with you at first but if you show her that you can be loyal towards her she’ll open up completely. she never hesitates to help you if you’re feeling down but also needs some affection back. she’s not very open with her feelings as she finds it difficult to express them. her eyes are like magnets, you never can look away from the beauty. she can give some attitude and likes to be right if there’s an argument. she gives off a lot of confidence but can be emotional at times. if you get close enough that she chooses to love you and be with you, never take it for granted. she’s very good with communication and always knows what’s best for her. she’s very intelligent but struggles with math. jasmin never backs down on a good video game to play alone or with some friends. she’s a wonderful friend, girlfriend, and daughter. and i love her.


never take jasmin’s love for granted. her love is like no other

Arti kata jasmines bahasa

Someone who fuels me to become better and stronger everyday. A friend who accompanies me when I break down and lose composure. A gorgeous girl who has one of the cutest smiles and gives some of the best hugs I’ve ever gotten from anyone. She’s kind and cares a lot about her friends and family. She doesn’t always have the best opinion about herself and I recognize that and I give it my all to make her feel happier about herself. I want to be there for her the same way she’s there for me. She’s someone I will never forget for she has had a long lasting impact in my life. I love her and I hope I always will.


Homie #1: So what do you think about Jasmine? Homie #2: tbh she's everything listed above.

Arti kata jasmines bahasa

A girl who is not afraid to speak the truth she's a good fighter extremely sassy people say things about her but she doesn't care and she's not easily offended very strong and stubborn but secretly sensitive and if your her friend defends you a d fights your fights


Jasmine is scary Jasmine is pretty!

Arti kata jasmines bahasa

An amazing girl that will all you dreams come true she it gorgeous not only on the outside but in the inside. She caring, very smart, absolutely perfect in every way. Be careful if you get on her bad side she will hurt you without hesitation but know this she will be the greatest thing that had ever happen to and you will fall in love with her


"Oh Jasmin yeah she is perfect" "Dude I think I'm in love with Jasmin"

Arti kata jasmines bahasa

jasmin has the exotic beauty that will make you fall mad in love. every guy wants her, she’s the envy of all woman. she can make any man fall in love with her without trying but when she falls in love with a guy that will be the end of all other dudes. her eye is only at that one person, jasmins heart is in his hands. jasmin has a bad attitude but once you truly know her, she has a gold heart. but in matter, she will end up falling in love and marry a sagittarius. she has passion for basketball. dont mess with her she will hurt you with no hesitation whatsoever. shes an amazing girlfriend , best of Pisces if you grab her , never let her go. jasmin is a treasure.


jasmin is really pretty