Arti kata "identification" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata identification bahasa

1:a pathetic excuse to spout racist, sexist and other offensive terms. 2:a pathetic attempt to villanize the "white man". An attempt so pathetic, only liberal democrats and such devour it and live by it, even if they cant "self-identify" with it(oh! irony!


1:you cant say dyke! youre not a lesbian!

Arti kata identification bahasa

The asinine requirement to purchase a firearm (rifle or shotgun), ammunition or even BB guns in the People's Republic of New Jersey. Although not technically required for possession of such items, it does, as a generality, serve as a de facto proof of being "eligible" to possess firearms. Application for FID is typically made to the law enforcement agency at which one resides. Non residents apply at the nearest NJSP trooper barracks. The process is highly intrusive and involves signing a waiver to allow disclosure of mental health information to determine eligibility and the providing of references who must attest to the "fitness" of the applicant. The process is supposed to take no more than 30 days, but do to prevailing anti 2nd amendment attitudes and sentiments held by most law enforcement agencies, it can take, in some cases, upwards of a year to be issued one; other localities, more accepting of the second amendment will issue within 30 days. In addition, there are multiple cases of denial for "arbitrary" and vague reasons, often termed as "public health and safety".


Oh you want to buy this gun, ok, let me see your Firearm Identification Card before we can proceed with this sale. Oh, you want to apply for a FID. Here sign this mental health waiver and we'll hopefully issue your card in the next year or so. LEO- Let me see your FID. Law abiding citizen-Sir, respectfully, I do not need a FID since I am in possession under one of the exemptions provided for by NJ law. LEO-Get the fuck out of the car and get on the ground!!!!! You cannot possess a firearm without a FID!!!!!

Arti kata identification bahasa

To predict people's behaviour by using faculty of empathy.


Among all means of understanding someone's psyche, empathic identification is one of the cheif tool.

Arti kata identification bahasa

Documents required for entry to a licensed premesis


You need identification to gain entry

Arti kata identification bahasa

Word used by Piolin Por La Mañana used to make a person say their name and where they live aka identifying who they are.


Radio person: Hello this is piolin por la mañana, IDENTIFICATE papuchon! Radio listener: I am tlacuache inferior from Paisa Land!!

Arti kata identification bahasa

The spiritual identification system (SIS/SPIRITIS/SPIRITISYS) is a spiritual technology that is about to identify people at spiritual level, or by their spirits, minds, souls, auras, vibrations or anything at spiritual level. The term is also used to refer to technologies able to identify anything at spiritual level.


"The Spiritual Identification System is a concept that might help a lot the search for spiritual life, and even for be the future of the ways to identify people and increase security and organization of society." "The SPIRITISYS will be really important in the future, and might be a revolution in human sciences and technologies."

Arti kata identification bahasa

When you have known someone for so long that you can identify them by their booty.


John: (Sees a girl, and immediately knows it is Jenna just by her booty using Booty Identification) Jenna: (Slaps John because he was gawking at her booty)

Arti kata identification bahasa

Identification Anxiety is the act of having social anxiety due to being unsure about a person's pronouns. This usually leads to awkwardness in conversation


They speak like a girl but look like a guy! What do they identify as? I'm having Identification Anxiety!

Arti kata identification bahasa

Quantum Identification System, also referred as Technoquantum Identification System, Quantum ID, Technoquantum ID, QID or TQID is a hypothetical and proposed identification system, that used of the ideas of quantumism and technoquantumism in order to create an ID system based on both, it seeks to develop technologies based on quantumism and on technoquantumism in order to realize so, such as advanced technoquantum implants able to adapt itself on the quantum body and/or to the technoquantum system of the person and able to identity the person by distance or even the development of means in order to put identifications on the quantum body or to the technoquantum system of the person in order to identity the person wherever he is. Quantum identification system is still hypothetical and still have a lot for be theorized and developed and it might replace human microchips in the future such as replace classical transhumanist implants together with technoquantum body system and quantum body.


“The Quantum Identification System is an amazing idea, despite it might take a lot of time to be developed, together with the technoquantum body system that might be good for replace classical transhumanism and human microchips in the future.”

Arti kata identification bahasa

An Abortion Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN) is a temporary sixty-nine-digit number issued by ggeerg to individuals who are in the process of execution.U.S. citizens or resident rapists who cannot get an SSN will be beheaded the very next day


A: damn ggeerg gave me an Abortion Taxpayer Identification Number. B: Big F bro you’re doomed

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