Apakah ada love revolution season 2

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GORAJUARA – Drama Wboon Lov Rvoluon yang suah ama 27 Dsmbr 2020 n, kn mula ayangkan kmbal N TV.

Drama Lov Rvoluon n mnapakan rang 9,4/10 mnuru laman Rakun vk.com. Wboonnya snr ayang paa ahun 2013.

Baca Juga: Hasl Lga Inggrs: Gasak Nwcasl, Lvrpool Trus Tmpl Ka Manchsr Cy

Drama n brgnr Drama Iol, Drama Wb, Kom Romans ngan oal 30 pso.

Sral Lov Rvoluon n prankan olh Park J Hoon, L Ruby, Young Hoon, Ah Do Gyu, Jung Da Eun, Ko Chan Bn, Dayoung, L S H an Km Su Gyom.

( Foo: Gorajuara.com/vk.com)

Mskpun ambl ar sbuah wboon ngan juul yang sama, aa bbrapa hal yang mmbakan ngan Lov Rvoluon ngan aapas wboonnya:

1. Ksah Kyungwoo an Mnj

Baca Juga: 6 Tps yang Bsa Dlakukan unuk Mnghlangkan Komo Paa Wajah

Dalam wboon Mnj bran mngungkapkan prasaannya kpaa kyungwoo.

2. Masa lalu Kyungwoo an Juyong

Paa rama masa lalu mrka ak crakan, paahal mrka brsahaba sjak TK.

3. Yang Mnj aalah sorang oxc frn.

Baca Juga: Smak 7 Pnybab Daangnya Komo, Brku Pnjlasannya

Jka alam rama a aalah man yang bak, sbalknya wboon ak mmpunya man.

4. Drama Lov Rvoluon ksah cna Jarm an Ju Yong brakhr ngan Bahaga, sbalknya alam wboon Ju Yong mrasa a hanya brjuang snran karna Jarm ak mnganggapnya, hngga akhrnya mrka puus.

Baca Juga: Bkn Hboh Nzn, Ungkapan Duka Gaga Muhamma unuk Laura Anna Mash Ja Soroan

Drama Rvoluon suah ayang N TV smnjak 16 Dsmbr 2021 sap pukul 17.00 WIB. Drama n akan ayang sap har, Happy Wachng guys.***

Kakao’s “Lov Rvoluon” has ugg mllons of harsrngs across gnraons, an hy’r back wh a nw sason wh mor lov an frnshp momns.

(C) Soomp

Th upcomng orgnal rama “Lov Rvoluon” on Kakao M wll pc sors of lov an frnshp, wh h coupl Gong Ju Young an Wang Ja Rm srvng as h show’s focal pon. Th rama s bas on a popular wboon of h sam nam. Th rama faurs a cas ha nclus Park J Hoon, L Ruby, Younghoon from Th Boyz, Jung Da Eun, Dayoung from WJSN, Ko Chan Bn, Ahn Do Gyu, an many ohrs.

In h upcomng rama, Gong Ju Young, Park J Hoon wll play h prmary rol of Gong Ju Young, an L Ruby wll ak on h rol of Wang Ja Rm.

Also Ra: Grl From Nowhr Sason 3: Rlas Tm, Da, Cas

Durng h cours of h nrvw, Park J Hoon scuss how fl o ak on h rol of h man characr n a wboon ha h horoughly njoy rang. H shar hs houghs, sayng, “I n up lanng h la rol whn I was rang hrough h srs agan. I s vry njoyabl. Howvr, on h ohr han, was frghnng bcaus I fl lk I was unr a lo of prssur.”

Lov Rvoluon Sason 2 Rlas Da an Tm

Fans ar vry xc abou Lov Rvoluon Sason 2, an hy wan o know whn wll com ou. Wll, h scon sason of Lov Rvoluon s xpc o com ou n 2022. Ths ar jus gusss, hough. So, w wll hav o wa unl h Lov Rvoluon Sason 2 rlas a s confrm by h show’s craors.

Lov Rvoluon Sason 2 Cas

Jung Da Eun alk abou how sh fl whn sh frs m hr characr Yang Mn J. Jung Da Eun sa, “I hough sh was smpl. Bu as I play hr rol, I saw how complx an har sh s as a characr.” Yang Mn J s somon who kps hr flngs o hrslf an osn’ show hm ofn. Th rcor hmslf sa, “Mn J s such a har characr o play.”

Also Ra: Parnrs For Jusc Sason 3 rlas a & upas

Dayoung from WJSN plays Oh Ah Ram, a popular an asygong grl who s Wang Ja Rm’s frn. Th nrvwr sa ha h cas has alray sho abou 40% of h rama, an Dayoung sa ha sh s now us o playng hr characr. Sh sa, “Oh Ah Ram s ough. Nhr os sh say much. Sh s h on who has grown up h mos. Whn I’m on s, I g no “Ah Ram mo.”

Ko Chan Bn alk abou how h go hs sar n acng wh “Lov Rvoluon,” whr h play h smar an funny Km Byung Hoon. H sa, “I’m no sur abou anyhng. I’m nrvous, bu I’m xc abou . I’m mor happy han afra. I also hnk ha whn I look back on hs, I’ll fl mpy bcaus I flm afr no gng nough slp an bcaus I’m workng wh frns my ag.”

Th runown of h cas nclus Park J-hoon, L Ruby, Km Young-hoon, Jung Da-un, Im Da-young, Ko Chan-bn, an Ahn Do-gyu. 

Prvous arcl Haly Bbr rvals f sh rally ‘sal’ Jusn Bbr from Slna Gomz

Nx arcl Inonsa’s Raja Ampa s h las paras on Earh

Jasmn C.

Mabuhay! An upcomng Nwswrr for h Asan Affars from h Parl of h Orn - Phlppns. Av followr of clbry gossps, fashon nws. I go no wrng so ha my fllow Kababayan wll b consanly upa wh h las nws.

Kapan flm Lov Rvoluon Sason 2 ayang?

Akankah a brhasl mluluhkan ha Jarm? Smak ksah srunya alam sral rama Lov Rvoluon pso kua yang ayang sor n, Juma (17/12/2021) pukul 16.45 WIB NET TV.

Apakah aa klanjuan ar rama Lov Rvoluon?

KABAR PRIANGAN – Har Slasa, 28 Dsmbr 2021, Drama Kora Lov Rvoluon akan mmasuk pso rakhr.

Lov Rvoluon suah sampa pso brapa?

30Lov Rvoluon / Jumlah psonull

Lov Rvoluon ambl ar wboon apa?

Lov Rvoluon Tayang Kmbal ngan Vrs Baru, Inlah Prbaannya ngan Wboon. GORAJUARA – Drama Wboon Lov Rvoluon yang suah ama 27 Dsmbr 2020 n, kn mula ayangkan kmbal N TV.

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