A and b are two numbers a is 20 more than c and b is 50% more than c the ratio of the numbers a b is

A and b are two numbers a is 20 more than c and b is 50% more than c the ratio of the numbers a b is

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A and b are two numbers a is 20 more than c and b is 50% more than c the ratio of the numbers a b is


A and B are 20% and 50% more than C respectively

Concept Used:

Concept of percentage:

The percentage is calculated as based on 100 i.e. 100 is the base

40% means 40 out of 100


Let the number C is 100

A is 20% more than C

A = [100 + {(20/100) × 100}] = 120

B is 50% more than C

B = [100 + {(50/100) × 100}] = 150

A is [(120/150) × 100]% of B

⇒ 80%

A is 80% of B

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A and b are two numbers a is 20 more than c and b is 50% more than c the ratio of the numbers a b is

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A and b are two numbers a is 20 more than c and b is 50% more than c the ratio of the numbers a b is

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A and b are two numbers a is 20 more than c and b is 50% more than c the ratio of the numbers a b is

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