3355h quantos dias são

Page 2

Geiseley, Yorks., ('Tn. 2,572)-G. Gar- | Handsworth, Staff., (P. 7,879) — W. diner.

Guenrap, Corniv., (P. 10,465)—T. S. Handsworth, Yorks.,(P.3,264)-W.Ball; Reed.

B. Letall.
Hackford, Norfolk, (255)—R. George. Hanley, Staff., (T. 25,369)_B. Booth-
Hadienham, Camb., (P. 2,118)–J. C. royd; J. Dale; W. H. Davis; Davie; H. Nichol.

W. H. Folker; W. Grosvenor ; T.
Hudleigh, Suff, (T. 3,338)—W. Mudd; Head, M.D.; A. M‘Bean; J. Scott; J. T. Muriel; H. Newman.

C. Senior; J. S. Walker.
Hadley, Middr., (P. 1,003)-C. T. Car- Hanley Castle, Worcestersh., (1,686)-H. ter; J. H. Green; E. Jotham.

Willan; T. Willan.
Hallow, Kent, (P. 2,395)–E. M. C. Hanmer, Flint, (P. 2,570)—J. Parker.
Hooker; G. J. Vine; W. S. John- Hanslope, Bucks, (P. 1,604)–T. N.

Heygate, M.D.
Hailsham, Sussex,(P.1,825)–J.M. Cun- Hanwell

, Uddr., (P. 1,547)—F. G.
ningham, M.D. ; R. F. Fletcher. Aubin; W. C. Begley, M.D. ; J.
Holes Oroen, Worc., (T. 2,412)—C. W. Conolly, M.D; J. Ellis; T. Haffen-

M. Bloxham ; G. Kenwrick ; E. den; J. C. T. Nicoll; W. H. 0. Moore ; W. J. Moore, M.D.; E. B. Sankey, M.D.; G. Willson. Phillips.

Harbertonford, Devon, H. (Harberton,
Halesworth, Suff., (T. 2,529)-S. Gar- 1,324)-P. P. Nind.

rard; F. Haward; R. P. Irwin ; Harbottle, Nthld.-F. T. Richardson, S. E. Woolmer.

Halifar, Yorks., (B. 33,582)-R. Aked; Harbury, Warw.. (P. 1,195)-W. J.

W. Alexander, M.D.; L. Bramley; Shone.
T. H. Cresswell ; J. Earle ; J. Harewood, Yorks., (P. 2,413)-J. G. Fawthrop; J. Fawthrop; T. Faw- Smith.

throp; F. S. Garlick; J. W. Gar- Harlech, Merioneth-R. Richards.

lick, M.D.; J. Gledhill; R. Goodall; Harleston, Norfolk, (Ch. 1,509) ---W. P. W. Jones; A. Jubb; M. S. Kenny, Bunn; J. Candler; B. J. Crisp.

M.D.; C. Kirby; R. M.Lachlan; Harlow, Esser, (P. 2,322)—J. W. R.

J. Lister; J. Naylor; W. Nowell; Amesbury ; R. N. Day.

W. Paley, M.D.; W. H. Peacock; Harpenden, Herts, (P. 1,980)–J. Q

S. Smith; S. Taylor ; F. H. Tucker, Rumball; F. R. Spackman, M.D.;
M.D.; J. A. Wright, M.D.; J. H. H. R. West, M.D. Wright.

Harrington, Cumb., (P. 2,169)-W. P.
Hallaton, Leie., (P. 691)–J. H. Spencer.

Halliwel, Bolton Moors-J. H. Harrogate, Yorks., (T. 3,678)–J. Abra- Goodwin.

ham; F: Bainbridge; W. Bennett, Halshasomoor, Lanc.-R. A. Clarke.

M.D.; G. Berry; J. Frobisher; M. Halstead, Esser, (T.5,658)-R. L. Bay

Frobisher ; G. Kennion, M.D.; A. ley; G. Bentley; s. Rodick; D.

Milner ; A. S. Myrtle, M.D.; G. W. Sinclair.

Piggott, M.D.; C. Scaife; W. Halter, Yorks.-E. W. Tinsdill.

Short; T. Thomas, M.D. Halton, Cheshire, (Tn. 1,670)—W. Car- Harrold, Beds, (P. 1,083)-W. Wootton. ruthers.

Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middr., (P. 4,951) Haltwhistle, Nthld., (Tn. 1,420) — R.

-F. P. Bowen; T. Bridgewater, Elliot; W. Park; W. Smith; A.

M.D.; T. Hewlett; E. C. Tyte. Watkins.

Hartest, Suffolk, (832)—G. King.
Ham, Surrey–J. Clarke, M.D.

Hartfield, Sussex, (P. 1,573)—W. Wallis. Hambledon, Hants, (P. 2,052)–J. Bul- Harthill, Yorks., (P.' 739)—W. Wilbock; J. Gaman; G. H. Jones, M.D.

kinson. Hambrook, Gloster, (Ty.1,446)—E. Cross

Harting, Sussex, (P. 1,330)—W. Curtis :

W. K. Curtis. man; E. Day; H. A. Day, M.D.

Hartington, Ashbourne, Derby, (2,089 Hampstead-Norris, Berks, (P. 1,325)— -E. M. Cridge; J. E. Fosbrooke. A. Lamb.

Turtland, Devon, (P. 2,183)-D. D
Hamptor, Mdir., (P. 4,802)-F. Baker ; Carter; R. R. G. Thomas; W. Vine

V. H. A. Holberton: H. Jepson; Hartlepool, Durham, (B. 9,503); E. J. Kent; 0. J. Kent.

Atkinson, M.D.; J. C. Botham, M.L

Page 3


Kingovenford, Staff, (P. 27,301) J. Lacock, Wilts-J. H. Crisp.
Ireland; J. J. Parrish.

Laleston, Glam., (P. 588)-W. Prit-
Kington, Heref., (Tn. 2,871) — W. chard.
Blakely; A. W. Davis, M.D.; G. Lamberhurst, Kent and Sussex, (P. Foote; G. S. Garrard; W. Lang- 1,734)-T. H. Graham, M.B.; ston.

Smith, M.D.; F. Turtle.
Kintbury, Berks, (P. 1,899)–J. Lid- Lambourn, Berks, (P. 2,577)–P. Ar- derdale.

thur, M.D.; J. G. Hillier; D. Kinrer, Staff., (P. 2,872)—T. Holy- Kennard. oake.

Lampeter, Cardigan, (1,488)--D. D.
Kippax, Yorks., (P.2,339)—G. Ellerton. Davies ; D. M. Douglus; Á. Evans;
Kirby Moorside, Yorks., (Tn. 1,835) E. Philipps.

--R. Chapman, M.D.; W. Waind; Lancaster Lanc.,(B.14,604)–J.Broad- A. Wood.

hurst; J. J. Clarkson; E. P. DeKirkby-Lonsdale, Wmld. (P. 4,184)- vitre, M.D.; M. Fothergill; W.

W. A. G. James; T. H. Whitaker. Hall; J. Harker; T. Howitt; J. Kirkby-Malzeard, Yorks., (P. 4,956) W. Irvine; C. Johnson; C. John-W. Armstrong.

son, jun.; J. Johnson, M.D.; M. Kirkly Overblow, Yorks., (1,598)–J. Johnson ; J. P. Langshaw; W. Wood, Phys.

E. Moss; J. B. Nottage; J. OldKirkby-Stephen, Wmld., (P. 2,758) ham; P. W. Stark.

W. D. Blades ; J. W. Edger, M.D. Lanchester, Dham., (P. 15,814)—W.
Kirkdale-see Liverpool.

Kirk-Ella, Yorks., (1,157)—T. Hobson. Lancych, Carm.-W. D. Jones, M.D.
Kirkham, Lanc., (T. 2,777)-W. Grad Landguard, Suffolk - W. D. Michell. well, Phys. ; T. Shaw.

Landport, Hants, (part of Portsea P. Kirkheaton, Yorks, (11,972)—J. Lock- 17,201)-J. F. Allnutt; J. Dickson ; wood.

G. B. Hellard; J. U. Owen, M.D.; Kirk Langley, Derby, (607)-W. G. F. Page, M.D.; F. A Palmer; G. J. Copestake

Scale; G. J. Scale, jun.; J. L. Kirklington, Ripon, (553)-D. Mickle. Kirkoswald, Cumb., (P. 925)—G. Gil; Langarren, Heref.-R. Pope. C. C. Hewitson.

Langley-Kings, Herts, (P. 1,599)-C. Kirkstall-see Leeds.

Wotion, M.D.; R. Wotton; W. G. Kirton, Boston, Linc., (P. 2,299)-E.

Wotton. Lane.

Langport, Somers., (P. 1,117)-J. LarKirton-in-Lindsey, Linc., (P. 1,948) combe; S. S. Larcombe; J. Prankerd. C. F. George; H. George ; H. J. Langwathby, Cumb., (P. 292)—J. WilWaterland.

liamson, M.D. Knaresborough, Yorks., (P. B. 5,536) Lastingham, Yorks., (P. 1,880) — W.

T. M. Beaumont, Phys. ; W. Glendining.

Bulmer; W. Groves; J. Walker. Laugharne, Carmarthensh., (2,011)-C. Knayton, Yorks., (Tn. 376)—T. New- Beresford.

Launceston, Cornw., (P. B. 6,006; Knighton, Radnor, (P. B. 1,388)-H. M. B. 3,397)-T. Good; J. T. Law

0. Brown; J. G. Goulstone, M.D.; rence; J. V. Lyle, M.B.; W. D. H. Warren.

Pearse; H. Pethick, M.D.; D. Knipton, Leic., (P. 386)–J. Eaton. Thompson; E. L. West, Phys.; F. Knottingley, Yorks., (Ch. 4,540)-J. Williams; J. Wright, M.D.

H. Bywater; J. Hollingworth; R. Lauriston, Southampton-R. Symes. Twaites.

Lavenham, Suff, (P. 1,811) — F. T. Knotty-Ash, Lanc.-W.H.Fitzpatrick; Barkway; W. M. White, M.D. M.B.

Laxfield, Suff., (P. 1,147)—H. GranKnorole, Fareham, HantsJ. Manley, sbaw. M.D.

Leadwell, Oxon.-J. Paxton, M.D. Knorole, Warw., (H. 1,155) J. Kim- Leamington, Warw., (T. 15,692)-_J. S bell; J. H. Kimbell.

Allanby, M.D.; T. Birt; R. E Knutsford, Chestor, (T. 3,127) - H. Busby; J. Carr; T. A. Carter,M.D.

Ghent; E. M. Gleeson; C. A. Mer- J. F. Clark; F. Collier ; T. Ebbage riman; H. Wagstaffe.

F. Franklin, M.D.; J. Hitchma

Page 4

Masbrough, Yorks., H. (Kimberworth, | Mevagissey, Corna., (P. 2,022)—B. T. Tn. 6,952)-E. Stone, jun.

Masham, Yorks., (P. 2.695)-M. Cock- Mexborough, Yorks., (P. 1,652)—A.

croft, M.D.; W.M. Dalgliesh, M.D.; H. Carmichael. H. Horsfall.

Mickleover, Derbysh., (1,809)). Hitch-
Matching, Essex, (P. 652)--W. B. Rix.

man, Phys. Matlock, Derby, (P. 4,010)J. Adam, Mickley, Northld.-M. J. Callender.

M.D.; J. Adams; E. Brown; J. Middleham, Yorks., (P. 966) - G.

Cash; II. R. Hurst; W. J. Marshall. E. Cockroft; W. Cockcroft ; G. Mattishall, Norf., (P. 1,045)—G. Tay- Wright. lor.

Middlesbro'-on-Tees, Yorks., (T. 7,431) Mayfield, Staff., (P. 1,313) J. Shaw. -G. Coates; T. W. Craster; L. F. Mayfield, Sussex, (P. 3,055)- A. B. Crummey; R. Dowell; W. Prophit,

Boulland; W. A. Bryden, M.D. M.D.; J. Richardson; W. A. T. Measham, Derby, (Tn. 1,607)—J. W. Young. Ball; W. W. Pearce.

Middleton, Lanc.,(T. 5,740)-0. Diekin; Melbourne, Cambs. (1,931) E. J. Carver; T. B. Knott; J. Liddell ; J. ScholF. C. Gray, M.D.

field; E. Taylor, M.D. Melbourne, Derby, (T. 2,227)–B. C. Middleton, Yorks.,(Tn. 977)–J. Wood;

Dolman; R. N. Ingle; R. T. Tasker. W. Wood. Melford, Suff., P. 2,587)—R. E. Jones ; Middleton Cheney, O.ron., (P. 1,350) E. Simpson.

R. Crvome.
Melksham, Wilts, (T. 2,931)-G. C. Mildleton-in-Teesdale, Dham., (P.

Kenrick; J. R. King; G. Plimmer, 3,972)—W. Ewart. Phys.

Middlewich, Chester, (P. 4,498) Mells, Frome, Somerset, (1,186)-G. J. Hughes; T. Hughes, C. Martin, Terry.

M.D. Meltham, Yorks., (Tn. 3,758)—T. A. Midhurst, Sussex, (P. B. 7,021)-R. Haig

Godwin; J. Hicks; W. Ingram; Melton, Suffolk, (1,039)–J. Kirkman, W. G. L. Ingram; H. Morley; J. M.D.; W. P. Kirkman, M.D.

Melton Mowbray, Loic., (T. 4,391)—T. Midsummer Norton, Somers., (P. 3,799) L. B. Barwis; T. J. Hill; C.

-G. F. Blacker.
Redfern; W. H. Stones; N. Whit- Milbourne-Port, Somers., (P. 1,746) church ; R. Whitchurch, M.D.; J. S. N. Parsons. W. Willows.

Mildenhall, Suff., (P. 4,374)P. AlMenai Bridge, Anglesey-A. Hughes ; drich; F. H. Harris; J. W. RobinR. Thomas.

son ; G. R. Wilde. Mendlesham, Suff., (P. 1,442)—W. Milford Haven, Pemb., (P. B. 2,887) Cuthbert.

R. W. Brigstocke; R. H. Byers ; Mere, Wilts, (P. 2,991) - A. J. J. C. Deazeley; J. Drew; J. A. Feild. Chitty; C. Rumsey

Millbrook, CornwallE. J. Worth. Meriden, Warw.,(P. 96.5)—H. Adkins; Millbrook, Devon - A. B. Cheves, J. Kittermaster, M.D.

M.B.; J. Little.

Millbrook, Hants, (P. 6,121) - H. Merthyr Tydvil, Glam., (P.B.63,080)—

Dayınan. F. Allday; . E. Davies; T. J. Dyke; R. C. Hunter ; C. N. Instan; 4. Milnthorpe, Wmld., (Tn. 1,534) H.

Evison; J. Kitching ; 0. N. Royle, James; J. James; J. W. James;

J. Martin; R. Miles; J. Probert; Milton Abbas, Dorset, (P. 915). J. Russell.

Merton, Surrey, (1,870)–J. C. Davie; Milton, Gravesend, Kent, (P. 9,927) - R. Garrett; S. J. Tracy.

J. H. Gramshaw; J. Humpage; E.
Messingham, Linc., (P. 1,374)-W. R. Ray; K. Ray. Terrewest, M.D.

Milton-on-Thames,(2,407) J. Johnson.
Metfield, Suff., (P. 651)-R. Aldis. Milverton, Leamington, Warr., (1,061)
Metheringham, Linc., (P. 1,522)-W. -W. Berrow. Bower; T. Hayland.

Milverton, Somers., (P. 2,146)—S.
Methley, Yorks., (1,926)-M. Thomp- Fowell ; H. W. Randolph.

Minchinhampton, Gloster, (P. 4,469)

Page 5

Collins ; W. Heane; W. C. Kerr, Newton in-Cartmel, Westmld. - T. M.D.

Bigland; J. Cowherd.

- H.

Newton-in-Mackerfield, Lunc.
Newport, Devon-E. Copner, M.D.
Newport, Essex, (P. 898)-H. Brook;

Mather, G. S. Kobinson.

Newton-le-Willows, Lanc.-E.S.Leete;
Vewport, Hants,(B.8,047)–J. E. Beck- D. E. Swim, M.D.; J. W. Watkins, ingsale; J. C. Bloxam; R. Bloxam ;

E Braithwaite; B. Browning, M.D.; Newton Milnthorpe, Lanc. - T. W. G. Buckell ; W. Buckell ; H. T. Cas-

tle, M.D.; W. F. Foster; H. Hor- Newton-on-Trent, Linc.-R. M. Willan.
lock; J. T. O. Johnston, M.D

; C. Newtown, Montg., (P. B. 6,371)—E.
S. Jones; J. R. M. Pomery; F. B.

Hall; R. Jones ; W. Slyman, Phys.
Tuttiett; H. Waterworth; R. M. Niton, Isle of Wight, Hants, (684)— Wavell, M.D.; E. P. Wilkins,

C. H. Holman. Phys.

Norbiton, Surrey-R. T. Wylde.
Newport, Monmouth., (B. 19,323)—J. Norham, Nthld., (Tn. 1,033)—T. A. J. Binst, M.D.; A. Brewer; J.

Ainslie, M.D.; W. Donaldson ; T. Brewer ; W. H. Brewer; J. Christie,

N. Meggison, M.D. ; J. Paxton.
M.D.; W. J. Clapp; B. Davies, Normanby, Yorks., (P.198)-A. Keith; M.D.; W. J. Davies; D. R. P.

C. H. Morris, M.D. Edwards; J. Hawkins, Phys.;

Northallerton, Yorks.,(P.B. 4,995)-C. J. S. Innes; W. James; O. H. Jen- Dighton; F. R. Gibbs; J. Hodgson, nings; T. Limbery ; C. McArdle;

Phys.; R. W. Hodgson, Phys.; J. W. W. Morgan ; C. O'Reilly; D.

S. Walton.
Owen; R. I. Scott ; R. F. Woollett; Northampton, Nhamp., (B. 26,657)—G.
L. Yorath.

Ashdown; W. A. Barr, M.D.; W.
Newport, Pemb., (P. 1,716) J. Lle-

Birdsall; J. M. Bryan, M.D. ; B. wellyn.

Burland, M.B.; A. C. Clifton ; G. Nereport, Salop, (T. 2,906) - W. E. Cotton; C. Dodd; J.M. C. Faircloth, Baddeley; A. H. Godby, M.D.; R.

M.D.; T. Fitzpatrick; M. W. G. Higgins; W. Lindop; E. D.

Flewitt; D. J. T. Francis, M.D. ; Moore.

J. F. Gray ; J. Mash; W. Moxon; Newport Brough, Yorks., (Tn. 378)—

P. R. Nesbitt, M.D.: G. Olive; T. H. I Raines.

Osborne; C. T. Pearce; W. Percival; Newport Pagnell, Bucks, (T. 3,312)

T. Prichard, M.D.; A. Robertson, R. Collison; E. Daniell; H. Hailey ;

M.D.; G. Smith; c. Terry; H. W. Heygate, M.D.; G. O. Rogers.

Terry; H. Terry, jun.; J. H.
New Quay, Card.-D. Evans; J.

Webster, M.D. Jones.

North Bierleysec Bierley.
New Quay, Cornwall-T. Boyle.

North Cave, Yorks., (P. 1,138) — R.
New Radnor (481)—T. F. Higgs.

New Romney, Kent, (P. 1,053)—R. North Collingham, Notts, (P. 935)–J. A. Bowman; J. T. Roberts, M.D.;

Broadbent; E. G. Wake. B. Wood.

North Curry, Somers., (P. 1,856)—R.
Nerosham, Ivington, Yorks., J. Gra-

Marchant; R. Meade; H. P. Olivey; ham; M. Graham.

T. Plowman.

North Elmham, Norf., (P. 1,211)—P. P.
New Sleaford, Linc., (T. 3,729) –J.

Bedford; R. L. Bett; J. H. Bissill; Northfleet, Kent, (P. 5,038) — J. E. J. H. Boot, M.D.; J. N. Earle; J.

Crook, M.D.; S. Gould. E. Jacobson; H. Welby.

North Frodingham, Yorks., (P. 846)—
New Swindon, Wilts.-sée Swindon.

J. Walker.
Nerthorpe, Eastwood, Notts.-E. B. Northiam, Sussex, (P. 1,306)–C. Har- Bogge, M.D.

. ris ; T. W. W. Smart, Phys.
Newton-see Manchester.

Northleach, Gloster, (P. 1,352)–J. R.
Neroton Abbott, Devon, (T. 3,147)-C. Bedwell; T. Boulton.

Gaye; F. J. Gillard; W. Jane; H. North Molton, Devon, (1,982)—R. H. Shaw; J.C. Slaytor.

S. Spicer.
Neuton Bushell, Devon-W. Y.Bond; North Perrott, Somerset, (399)-E. J. A. Leslie.


Page 6

Bloxam; D. Boast; M. Brown, | St. Just, Cornu., (P. 8,769) - W. M.D.; W. T. H. Burrow; J. M. Durrant; J. Harvery; B. L. Haw. Cottle, Phys.; F. Fowke; C. D. J. kins; R. B. Searle; J. P. Stone.

Lowder, M.D.; J. F. Ollard; B. St. Keverne, Cornv., (P. 2,239)-G.

Pinniger; S. Weeding, M.D.; G. F. Appleton.
White; A. Woodward.

St Laurence, Ramsgate, (3,015)-S. J. Rye, Sussex, (P. B. 8,541 ; M. B. Boulter ; J. Canham, M.D. 4,071)-E. Adamson; J. Adamson; St. Leonard's, Hostings, (P. 1,340)

E. H. S.Banks; R. C. N. Davies. C. A. Adey, M.D.; P. Blakiston, Ryhope, Sunderland–J. Thwaites. M.D.; T. L. Blundell, M.D.; A. De Ryton, Durham, (P. 2,757)—J. Callen- Mierre, M.D.; W. Duke, M.D.; R. der; T. A. H. Dodd; J. T. Milburne; C. Gardiner ; R. D. Hale, M.D.; R. Tindall.

A. H. Marks, M.D.; B. C. Peile; Ryton Fields, Salop, (P. 204)—R. J. C. Savery ; A. Toulmin; R. J. Millington.

Wilson, Phys. Sabden, lanc.-R. Clarton.

St. Martin's, Helston, Cornu., Gaved. Saddleworth, Yorks., (Tn. 17,799)-W. -J. Serjeant. Blackburn.

St. Marychurch, Torquay, Devon, Saffron Walden, Essex, (B, 5,911)-A. (P. 2,293)-H. Appleton; J. Pollard.

N. Jones; T. Spurgin; H. Stear; St. Mary Cray, Kent, (P. 1,400)–F. F. F. Welsh.

B. Fulcher; T. H. Smith.
St. Agnes, Cornw., (P. 6,674) – J. H. St. Mawes, Cornw.-H. Harden.

Lambrick; H. Whitworth, M.D. St. Neot's, Hunts, (T 2,951)-J. J. St. Alban's, llerts, (B. 7,000) — T. Ben- Evans; J. Rix; S. Wright.

son; T. Casey, M.D.; R. L. Clarke; St. Osyth, Essex, (P. 1,696) —R. Lat- W. H. Evans; J. R. Hutchinson; ten; W. B. Parker.

J. T. Lipscomb; J. T. N. Lipscomb, St. Paul's Cray, Kent, (554) — H.

M.D.; W. A. Russell, Phys.

St. Asaph, Flint, (P. C. 2,041)—W. v. St. Tredye, Cornw.,(P.652)-W. Pearse.

Browne, M.D., L. Lodge, Phys.; Salcombe, Kingsbridge, Devon., (P. 419) O. Roberts, M.D.

- S. Reeves. St. Austell, Cornw., (T. 3,565) – J. P. Sale, Chesh.-P. H. Edge. Berryman; H. Jewel, M.D.; R. D. Salford, Manchester-see Manchester. McManus; J. T. Pearce; J. Way, Salisbury, Wilts

, (C. 11,657) J. AnM.B.

drews; H. P. Blackmore, M.D.; J. St. Blazay, Cornw., (3,570)— W. Pace,

T. Blake; J. S. Bushnan, M.D.; Phys.

J. M. Cardell; W. M. Coates; F. St. Clears, Carmar., (P. 1,240)—W.C.

R. P. Darke; S. Foot; R. Fowler, Beattie; R. H. Howell.

M.D.; J. A. Lush; A. B. Middleton; St. David's Hill, Exeter, (P. 4,125)

J. Roberts, M.D.; G. R. B. J. Webb.

J. Toone ; W. D. Wilkes; T. M. St. Day, Cornw.-S. P. Arthur; G.

Wilmot; J. Winzar. Michell.

Saltash, Cornw., (T. 1,621)— H. P. St. Faith's, Norf., P. (IIorsham and Bennett; J. L. Clark; N. Littleton;

Newton, St. Faith's, (1,211) — W. S. T. Littleton, M.B.; W. Littleton. Priestly.

Sampford Peverell, Devon, (P. 855) St. German's, Cornw., (P. 2,967)—R.

J. W. Saunders. W. P. Kerswill.

Sandbach, Chester, (T. 2,752)-W. C. St. Helen's, Lanc.,(T. 14,866)-S. Ather

Gwynne, M.D. ; C. Latham ; H.

Owen; J. Twemlow. ton; J. Blundell; J. Casey; J. D. Clement, M.D.; R. A. Gaskell ; T. Sandford, Devon, (P.1,970) --W. Deans. Gaskell; S. Grimes; J. Holmes,

Sandgate, Kent, V. (Cheriton, 1,658 ; M.D.; R. M.Nicoll; J. Ozanne,

Folkestone, 7,549)-G. Gidley, Phys; M.D.; E. P. Twyford, M.D.

J. W. Howard; T. H. Somerville.

Sandhurst, Gloster, (P. 494) — G. St. Ives, Cornw., (9,872).-G. B. Rose- Johnstone. wall; D. F. Stevens.

Sandhurst, Kent, (P. 1,235)-E. BradSt. Ives, Hunts, (T. 3,522)—W.Adams; ford; D. Mac Keith, M.D.

0. St. J. Cooper'; G. L. Girling; Sandiacre, Derby, (P.1,065)-E.Bland, J. Leigh ; H. Marsh.


Page 7


Sandon, Staff., (556)--C. Neate. Sedgeley, Staff., (P.29,447)–J. M. Bal.
Sandoron, Isle of Wight, V. (Brading, lenden, M.D.; J. H. Culwick; J.

3,046)—R. A. Leeson ; C. Meers. Greene, Phys.; H. Haden; A.
Sandwich, Kent, (P. B. 12,710; M. Tamlyn.
B. 2,966)—C. Emmerson, M.D. ; R. Selby, Yorks., (T. 5.109)—T. Blan- Emmerson; H. Hadlow; H. Pett- shard; J. Burkitt; T. W. Burkitt ;

C. F. Empson; J. Fothergill; J.
Sarratt, Herts, (618) – R. Wood, Hodgson. M.D.

Sellinge, Kent, (P. 550)–F. W. Pittock.
Saundersfoot, Tenby-R. Bruce; T. H. Settle, Yorks., (Tn. 1,976)-W. Al- Newsam.

tham; E. Harrison; J. Hartley; Sawbridgeworth, Herts, (P. 2,571)-F. J. J. Luce.

D. Beck; J. Brickwell; J. Brick- Sevenoaks, Kent, (P. 4,878)-R. E. well, jan.

Adams; G. Franks; G. Kelson; C.
Saxley, Derby, (P. 1,934) J. Eaton, Lovegrove.

Shacklewell, Middlx.-J. Carey.
Saroston, Camb., (P. 1,124)—F. Prince. Shaftesbury, Dorset, (P. B. 9,404 ;.
Sarmundham, Suff., (P. 1,180)-H. L. M. B. 2,503) – H. Bennett; W. Freeman; J. M. Ling.

H. R. Bennett; J. E. Brine; J. L.

Scarborough, Yorks., (B. 12,915)–J. Shaftoe Moor, Capheaton, Nthld.

Champley ; R. B. Cooke ; R
Cross, M.D.; G. P. Dale; A. Easton; Shaldon, Devon, H. (St. Nicholas,

-J. Vardy. W. Harland, M.D.; J. Hebden; J.

G. Hickson, M.D.; J. Kelk, M.D.; Shanklin, Isle of Wight, (355)—H. F.

1,299)—T. Brookes. J. J. Ledsam, M.D.; A. Miller,

M.D.; P. Murray, M.D.; E. Petch; Shap, Wmld., (P. 1,009)-J. Robinson.

C. Robertson, Phys.; W. F. Rooke, Shardlow, Derby, (Tn. 1,121)—M. T. M.D.; T. M. Rooke, M.D.; J. C.

Smart, M.D.; W. Taylor ; T. Wed- Sharnbrook, Beds, (P. 886)—R. S. dell; W. H. S. Wilson; H. Wright.

Stedman. Scarning, Norf.,(P. 637)-W.M.War

Shaw, Oldham, Lanc., V. (CrampScilly Islands, Cornw., (2,627) — J.

ton, Tn. 6,375)-J. F. Howard; 'J.. G. Moyle.

Leach ; R. H. Leach. Scorton, Yorks., (Tn. 488)—J. Lin- Shawbury, Salop, (P. 973)-T. Drury; coln.

A. P. Rayner. Scotter, Kirton Lindsey, Linc., (1,158)— Sheepshed, Leic., (P. 3,759)—J. A. -R. Eminson.

Wood. Seacombe, Chesh.—R. Adlington, M.D.; Sheepwash, Devon, (P. 525)—R. RuJ. M. Bird; W. V. Bird, M.D. ; I.

dall. Byerley; J. Henry, M.D.

Sheerness, (T. 8,549)—A. Cross; M. Seaford, Sussex, (P. 997)–J. H, K. Robinson; E. Stride; E. Swales. Evans.

Sheffield, Yorks., (B. 135,310)-H. G. Seaforth, Lanc., V. (Litherland, Tn. Allanson; S. Arden; H. F. Ask

2,252)-H. E. Cauty; G. H. Hope, ham; G. Atkin; J. H. Aveling, M.D.; 0. Jones.

M.D.; M. M. de Bartolome, M.D. ; Seaham Harbour, Durh., (P.929)—T. J. Barber; J. W. Beaumont; J. H.

C. Beatty; W. French; T. Gibbon. Bennett ; J. Benson ; W. H. Booth; Seaton, Axminster, Devon, (P. 2,047) G. Browning; J. Carr; T. Ches-G. Evans.

man; C. Clubbe; W. Dawsono; M. Seaton, Carew, Durham-J. Long- 0. A. Durant; C. Elam. M.D.; J. botham.

W. Eastwood, M.D.; W. Favell; Sebergham, Carlisle, (855)-W. C. Col- W. F. Favell; H. B. Fisher; W.' lingwood.

F. Fotherby; T. Frost; E. D. La Sedbergh, Yorks., (4,574)—B. Batty ; J. Gillott; J. Gleadall; J. Gregory; E. Dawson.

J. Hall; J. C. Hall, M.D.; E. Sedgefield, Durham, (P. 2,192)T. Harrison; J. Haxworth; R. Hewer ;

Aitken, M.D.; H. J. Ruddock; R. G. C. Holland, M.D.; H. J. Hunter, Smith, M.D.

M.D.; E. Jackson, M.B.; H. Jack

U 3

Page 8


Truro, Cornw.,(B. 10,733)—H. Andrew; | Tywardreth, Cornw., (P. 3,287)-H. C. Barham, M.B.; N. F. Bassett; Tayler; W. W. Tayler.

W. H. Bullmore, M.D.; J. Jago, Uckfield, Sussex, (P. 1,590)-D. Ed-

M.D.; H. S. Leverton ; S. Michell,

wards; G. Holman; C. L. Prince. M. G. Painter; A. Paull; E. Sharp; Uffculme, Devon, (P.2,095)—R. Bryden; T. Truran; C. R. C. Vigurs; R. H.

J. S. Nott. Williams; R. Wise, M.D.

Tudhoe, Durham-D. Clark.

Ulceby, Calceworth hd., Linc.,(P. 191)

-E. G. Baron.
Tunbridge, Kent, (T. 4,539)—H. H.
Atkinson ; C. Caswall; E. Charlton; Uley, Gloster, (P. 1,327)—R. C. Har- W. Cooke; J. Gorham; W. M'Gill

, Ulverstone, Lanc., (T. 6,433)– A.

ding. M.D.; J. Parker; J. H. Walker, M.D.

Beardsley; J. Carter; J. Crauke; Tunbridge Wells, Kent, (T. 10,587)—R.

W. F. Ď. Dickinson; B. Gilpin ; Barker, M.D.; J. M. Barry, M.D. ;

H. Seatle. J. M. Beane; H. Bishop ; J. Blax- | Upholland, Lanc., (Tn. 3,359)—S. Moland; J. W. F. Blundell, MDUpminster, Essex, (P. 1,228)—W. Ta

lyneux ; R. T. Morris. W. Chippendale; H. Colebrooke, M.D.; J. Dauglish, M.D.; R. Dun

brum, M.D. can, M.D.; A. Eccles; G. 'H. Field-Upper Tooting, Surrey, H. (Streatham, ing, M.D.; R. R. Gream; R. S. Hen

6,901)-D. C. Noel, Phys. ; S. ning; G. Moore, M.D.; F. J. Mul

Strong. linger; W. Newnham ;' W. Richard - Uppingham, Rutland, (T. 2,068)—J. son, M.D.; W. H. Rix; W. C.

Bell ; J. Edwards; H. Guntber, Satchell; H. L. Sopwith; R. J. Star

M.D. ling; C. Trustram ; R. Turner; A. Upton, Cheshs., (P. 227)—W. Hewitt. M. Walker, M.D.; J. B. Wilmott,

Upton-on-Severn, Worc., (P.2,693)-C. M.D.

Braddon ; T. Davis ; J. W. Fletcher ; Tunstall, Staff., (Tn. 9,566) — C. T.

G. Goodman; H. B. Marsh. Davenport;

C. Davenport'; J. Proc- Upwell, Camb. and Norf., (T. 2,091)— ter; J. Troutbeck; H. J. Webb. J. Hemming; W. J. Tubbs. Turnham Green, Middt.-E. A. Brande; Urmston, Lanc.

, (Tn. 730)—G. Savage ; G. F. Collier, M.D.; F. C. Dods

E. Taylor. worth; F. C. Dodsworth, jun.; W. Usk, Monm., (P.B. 1,479)–J. Boulton ; Hurman; H. T. Leigh ; J. McCann,

H. W.F. Greatwood; A. J. Shepard. M.D.

Uttoxeter, Staff., (T. 3,468) – J. ElTurvey, Beds, (P. 1,028)—N. Godfrey.

kington; W. Fletcher; F. Hawthorn, Tutbury, Staff. (Ú. 1,798)—H. Eš

H. 0. Hawthorn; R. Lasseter. wards; S. H. Warren.

Uxbridge, Mdd.r., (T.3,236)—G. AddiTuxford, Notts, (P. 1,211)–P. Whi- son, M.D.; T. James; G. H. Mactington.

namara; W. T. Rayner; H. StilTweedmouth, Nthld., (P. 5,714)- A.

well, M.D.; J. Stilwell. Morrison.

Ventnor, Hants, (T. 2,569)–C. L. CunTwerton, Somers., (P. 2,958) – C. V. ningham; M. Gawthorpe; H. B. LeeHitchins; W. Hitchins.

son, M.D.; G. A. Martin, M.D.; J. Twickenham, Mddx., (P. 6,254)

B. Martin; H. B. Tuttiett. P. Brown; A. Bruce; A. Clark;' c. Waddesden, Aylesbury — T. J. E. C. Clark; G. Crozier ; H. W. Dia

Brown. mond, M.D.; T. Hayes; T. Litch- Waddingham, Linc., (834)—J. Aston. field, M.D.; V. Litchfield; F. Wadebridge, Cornw. T. (St. Breock, Simms; J. Simoens; J. Spark. 1,774; Egloshayle, 1,504)–J. Fry; R. Twyford, Hants, (1,272)— E. Clark, Rendell; T. $. Tickell; I. Wilkins. M.D; J. Wilde.

Wadhurst, Sussex(P.2,802)—W.Mercer. Tydd, St. Mary, Linc., (P. 1,107)—R. Wainfleet, Linc., (P. 1,365)—J. S. Al

L. Metealf; R. J. Metcalf, M.D. derson; S. W. Burton; E. Reckitt ; Tynemouth, Northld., (30,524) - J. W. Harbord.

Beggs, M.D.; W. Hart; J. Mat- Wakefield, Yorks., (B. 22,065) J. G. thews, M.D.

Atkinson, M.D.; J. Balmforth ; J. Tyldesley-cum-Shackerley, Lanc., (T. Bennett; J. Chapman, jun., M.D.; 3,608) --W. E. Manley,

J. D. Cleaton; W. Dawson; J. Hirst;

Page 9

West Harllepool- see Hartlepool. Whetstone, Middr., V. (Fryern Bar-
West Hoathly, Susser, (F. 1,068)—J. net, 974; Finchley, 4,120)-G. Bury; Huter.

G. W. F. Bury; J. J. Swindell.
West Houghton, Bolton, Lanc. — C. Whickham, Durham, (P. 5,565)—T. E. Bringloe; G. Gregory.

D. Byrne, Phys.; J. H. Stevenson ; West Hythe, Kent, (P. 178)-C. Fags; R. Taylor

J. Le Gros. West Kirby, Chesh., (1,951)--G. Doda. Whitby, Yorks., (P. B. 10,999) — T.

Allen; F. Clarkson; W. N. Clarkson; West Larington-see Market Laving- J. Dowson, M.D.; G. H. Holtby, ton.

Phys.; J. G. Loy, M.D.; G. MerryWest Lydfordsee Lydford.

weather, M.D., E. P. Mead, M.D.; West Malling, Kent, (P. 2,021)-E. T. Percival; E. Sherwood, M.D.;

Furley, M.D.; C.C. Hayman, M.D. ; Taylerson; J. Wilson, Phys.; J. E. Hayman; T. H. Lowry, M.D.;

Wilson, Jun. ; J. Yeoman, M.D. S. Norton, M.D.; P. M. Pope, M.D. ; F. Wimble.

Whitchurch, Berks-Sir J. Forbes, M.D. Westmeon, Hants, (P. 901) – F. s. Whitchurch, Bucks, (P. 915)–C. Rogers.

Spencer. West Mersea, Essex, (P. 870) — H. Whitchurch, Hants, (P. 1,911)– H. Green.

Hemsted; T. R. Hemsted. Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, (P.

Whitchurch, Heref.,(P.842)—S.Millard; 4,034)—R. Alford; S. B. L. Bell;

W. J. Millard.

Whitchurch, Oxford., (P. 893)–E. J. C. E. Bernard, M.D.; R. Biggs;

G. B. Cochran, M.D.; J. Coles; Whitchurch, Salop and Chester, (T.

Blyth; R. Smith. W. Jones; E. Martin; C. Pooley; J. H. Pring, M.D. ; J. Stringtield;

3,619)–J. Bromfield; J. Brown; T. H. Wakefield ; A. Willmott, M.D.

Groom; W.J. Millard ; H. J. Wilson. Weston-Zoyland, Somers., (P. 1,007)

—Whitehaven, Cumb., (P. B. 18,916). R. Rowland.

Brayton ; I. Burns; W. B. Clarke; West Peckham, Kent,(545)—H. B. Lee.

J.Dickson, M.D.; J.D. Fidler, M.D.; West Stockwith, Linc., (Tn. 654)—T.

T. Fox; T. F. I'anson, M.D. ; J. B. Wright, M.D.

Irwin; R. Lumb; J. Stanley, M.D.; West Town, Bristol - H. J. Macy;

J. Thompson, M.D. ; J. G. WhiteF. B. White, M.D.

head; J. Wilson, M.D.; J. B. WilWetherby, Yorks., (Tn. 1,494)-J.

Beaumont; J. L. Faulkner; J. A. Whiteparish, Wilts, (P. 1,344)–A. J. Ledgard.

Wethersfield, Essex, (1,770)— H. Rust. Whitstable, Kent, (T. 3,086).–J. T. H.
Wetwang, Yorks., (P. 750) — E. H. Dunn; J. E. M. Williams. Clements.

Whittingham, Nthld.-W. Farrage, Weybridge, Surrey, (P. 1,225) – R.

Harcourt ; H. C. Herbert ; J. J. Whittlesey St. Andrew & St. Mary, Powell; T. S. Smith, M.D.

Camb., (T. 5,472)—A. Adney; R. H. Weyhill, Hants, (P. 419)— T. Pike;

Crisp; P. Headley: J. T. Heeley. W. Smith, M.D.

Whitwell,Derby,(P.1,355)-J.Royston. Weymouth and Welcombe-Regis, Dorset, Whitwick,near Ashby-de-la-Zouch(4,956)

(B. 9,468)—A. Brown, M.D.; J. -T. M. Clewley.
Cooper; M. S. Coucher, M.D. ; | Whitworth, Durham, (Tn. 659)-W. W. T. Cox, M.D.; A. C. Fenoulhet ; R. Hawks.

J. Fox; A. Fuller; R. Griffin: J. Whitworth, Rochdale, Lane., H. (Spot-

Lithgow, M.D.; J. Moorhead, M.D.; land, Tn. 23,476)–J. E. Taylor.
H. Pratt, M.D.; A. S. Samson ; W. Wibsey, Yorks., V. (North Bierley, Tn.

Smith, M.D. ; H. Tizard, M.D. 11,710)–J. R. Hatfield.
Whalley, Lanc., (P. 134,196; Tn. 945)— Wick and Abson, BathJ. Ashley: J. C. Boberts.

Wickford, Essex, (P. 490)-W. L. Le Whalton, Nthd., (P. 461)—R. Vardy, Sage; J. Rushforth,

Wickham-Brook, Suff., (P. 1,597) Wheathampstead, Herts, (1,908) J.Crisp. W. G. Stutter. Wheatley, Oxford., (H. 1,037)—J. Cô- Wickham, Hants, (P.1,049)—G.Swann gan, M.D.; T. Smith.

Wickham-Market, Suff, (P. 1,697)

Page 10


merly Res. Phys. Gate Helmsley | 1820; Union Med. Off.; Certif. Fact. Retreat.

Surg.; Regist. of Births, Marriages, ADAMSON, EDWARD, Rye, Sussex and Deaths. -M.D. Edin. 1858.

ADYE. HENRY, Stretford, Man- ADAMSON, JOnn, Rye, Sussex-

chester-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1852; L.S.A. M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1821 ; Ad- 1853; Med. Off. Stretford Dist. Barmiralty Surg., and Agent for Rye, ton-on-Irwell Union; late Phys. Asst. Enehantress, and Camber Dist.; Med Manchester Roy. Infirm. Off. Rye Jail.

ADYE, WILLIAM, Bradford-00ADDISON, GEORGE, Uxbridge,

Avon, Wilts–M.D. Edin. 1848; Dep.Middlx.–M.D. St. And.' 1858 ; M.R. Regist. of Births, Marriages, and C.S. Eng. 1855; L.S.A. 1856; late

Deaths. Asst. Med. Off. Co. Lunat. Asyl. Fare- AGAR, SAMURL HOLLINGSWORTH, bam, Hants.

Henley-in-Arden, Warwicksh.-L.K. ADDISON, WILLIAM, 48, Norfolk-Q.C.P. Irel. 1854; L.R.C.S.I. 1853. sq. Brighton – F.R.C.P. Lond. 1858 ; AGER, Tros. Croyland, Lincolnsh. F.R.S., F.L.S.; Cons. Phys. Kent -M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1842. Co. Ophth. Hosp. ; Gulst. Lect. 1859, On Fever and Inflammation." AuM.D. Berlin, 1836; M.R.C.S. Eng.

AINLEY, WM. Bingley, Leedsthor

"On Healthy and Diseased Structure; and on the Care of Con- 1836; L.S.A. 1835; Certif. Fact. Surg.; sumption, founded on Miscroscopical

Med. Off. Bingley Workhouse and Analysis, with plates," 1849;

Dist. Keighley Union. Cell Theurapeutics,” 1856. Contrib. *AINSLIE, THOMAS ALEXANDER, -- On the Blood," Med. Gaz. 1840-1. Worham, Northld.-M.D. Edin, 1859;

ADDISON, Wm. Soham, Cambs. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1859. - In practice prior to 1815 ; Dist. Med. *AINSWORTH, RALPH FAWSETT, Off. Newmarket Union.

Cliff Point, Lower Broughton, ManADEY, CHARLES Augustus, 1, East and S. Berlin, 1836; M.R.C.S. Eng.

chester-F.R.C.P. Edin. 1839; M.D. Aseent, St. Leonard's-on-Sea, Sussex 1837; Fell. Roy. Med. Chir. Soc. ; -MD. Edin. 1844; M.R.C.S. Eng. Mem. Several lit. and Sci. Socs.; 1845.

Phys. Manchester Roy. Infirin. FeverADKINS, HARRY, Meriden, Co-wards, Lunat. Hosp. Cheadle, and ventry-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1842; L.S.A. Lunat. Asyl. Blackley; Cons. Phys. 1839; Union Med. Off.

Salford and Pendk to i Roy. Hosp. and ADKINS,Joshua EDWARD, Yealmp- Disp. ; late Cons. Phys. Manchester ton, Devon - M.R.C.S. Eng. and Union Workhouse; formerly Lect. on L.S.A. 1853 ; Union Med. Off. ; Ad- Mat. Med., Bot., and Therap., and also miralty Surg. and Agent, Coast Guard Lect. on Path. and Morb. Anat. Roy. Service, 1858 ; late House-Surg. Char- | School of Med. and Surg. Pine-st. &c. ing-Cross Hosp. Contrib. “On Diph

AITCHISON, JAMES, Wallsend, therite," Lancet, 1857.

Newcastle-on-Tyne — L.R.C.S. Edin. *ADLINGTON, ROBERT, Seacombe, 1834. Chesh.-M.D. Edin. 1854; M.R.C.S. *AITKEN, THOMAS, Durham Eng. 1857.

County Asylum, Sedgefield, by Ferry•ADNEY, ALFRED, Whittlesea, hill-M.D. Edin. 1858. Cambs.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1847.

AKED, Robt. St. James's-rd. HaliADNEY, TAOMAs, Presteign, Rad- fax-M.K.C.S. Eng. 1815. norsh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1843.

*ALBERT, GEORGE PASCAL, 5, ADOLPHUS, JOSEP, Sunbury, Lewisham-rd. Greenwich, Kent Middlx.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1847; L.S.A. M.R.C S. Eng. 1867; L.M. and L.S.A. 1848, late Surg. Trinity Dist. St. Mary, 1858 ; Surg. Penn's Factory, LewisNewington Author of " Remarks on ham-rd. the Indian Bael in Dysentery, &c.” ALCOCK, John, Burslem, Staf

ADYE, ARTHUR, Bradford-on-Avon, fordsh.-M.R.C.S. Eng., L.M., and Wilts-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1842; L.S.A. L.S.A. 1857 ; late House-Surg, North

Page 11

1833 ; Med. Off. Chorlton Union ; for- logical and Therapeutical action of merly House-Surg. St. Barthol. Hosp. Mercury, and of the Chlorate of Pot

ALLEN, RICHARD Rowland, Bel- ash,” Med. Times, 1848. per, Derbysh. - M R.C.S. Eng. and ALLISON, WILLIAM, East Retford, L.S.A. 1839; Med. Off. Belper and Notts-M.R.C.S. Eng: and L.S.A. Heage Union Dist. and Workhouse. 1917. Contrib. “Contusions of Muscles *ALLEN, THOMAS, 4, Cotham

simulating Dislocations," Prov. Journ. terr. Kingsdown, Bristol-In practice Ibid. 1842; " Excision, two-thirds of

1842 ;

“ Artificial Premature Labour, prior to 1815.

the Uterus," Ibid. 1842; and many ALLEN, TH249, Asst. Med. Off other papers in Med. Journs. Co. Asylum, Lincoln--M.D. St. And. 1852; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1851; L.SA..

ALLNATT, Richard HOPKINS, 1849; Mat. Mem. Univ. Lond. 1847; 1830. ' Author of

Frant, Sussex-A.M. and M.D. Glasg.

Treatise on * Tie late Superint. Insp. Gen. Board of Douloureux, and other painful NerHealth, Whitehall.

vous Affections." Contrib. various ALLEN, THOMAS, 23, Regency-sq. papers to Med. Journs. Brighton, Sussex-M.D. Edin. 1832;

ALLNUTT, JOSEPI Fexx, Mile L.R.C.S. Edin. 1894.

End, Landport, Portsmouth – M.R. IALLEN. THOMAS, Robin Hood's C.S. Eng. 1852; L.S.A. 1853; Med. Bay, Whitby, Yorksh.-M.R.C.S. Eng Off. Roy. Portsm., Portsea, and Gosport 1842; L.S.A. 1843 ; Med. Off. Fyling- Hosp. ; Union Med. Off. dale's Dist. Whitby Union.

*ALLNUT, SAMUEL Fond, Portsea, ALLEN, TH 8. Res. Med. Superint. Hants-L.S.A. 1838. Warneford Asyl. Oxford-L.R.C.S.

*ALLOTT, JAMES R. L. Hoyland Edin. 1829; M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. Nether, Barnsley, Yorksh.-M.R.C.S. 1830; Mem. Ashmol. Soc. Oxford.

Eng. and L.S.A. 1841. ALLEN, Wright, Arnold, Nottingham-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1827; L.S.A. Kent-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1843; L.S.A.


ALSOP, EDWARD, Rocester, Ashfolk-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1859; L.S.A.

bourne, Staffordsh.-M.R.C.S. Eng.

1847; L.S.A. 1843; Certif. Fact. Surg. *ALLINSON, AUGUSTUS WARD,

ALTHAM, GEORGE, 10, Lune-st. Beresford-sq. Woolwich, Kent-M.R. Preston, Lancash.–M.D. Paris, 1942; C.S. Eng. 1856; L.S.A. 1855; Med. B.L. 1833 ; F.R.C.P. Edin. 1858 ; M.R. Off. Health, Plumpstead Dist.

C.S. Eng. 1858; Hon. Phys. Preston ALLINSON, JOHN HIRAM, Ingle- Disp.; formerly. House-Surg. and wood House, Penrith, Cumbld. - House-Phys. Civil Hosp. Paris; Corr. L.S.A. 1820.

Mem. Anat. Soc. Paris. ALLISON, A. Bridlington, Yorksh. ALTHAM, ROBERT, Wray, Lancas-M.D. St. And. 1839; L.F.P.S. Glasg. ter—L.S.A. 1823; Dist. Med. Off. Ca1830; L.S.A. 1837.

ton and Hornby Union; Certif. Fact.

Surg. ALLISON, HENRY P.1, Regent-terr. Newcastle-upon-Tyne-M.R.C.S.Eng.

ALTHAM, WILLIAM, Settle, Yorksh.

--L.S.A. 1853. 1842; Surg. Roy. Ordn. Survey.

ALWORTHY, CHARLES, Toft-hill, ALLISON, Joun, Bridlington, Bishops' Aucklund-M.R.C.S. Eog. Yorksh.-L.F.P.S. Glasg. 1838; L.S.A. 1838 ; Union Med. Oft.; formerly in 1919; Med...Off. Hamsterley Dist. H.E.I.C.S. Author of “Mesmerism :

Bishops' Auckland Union. its Pretensions as a Science Physiolo

AMBLER, EDWARD HOLLAND, Hegically considered," 1814. Contrib.-mel-Hemstead, Herts-F.R.C.S. Eng. 1. " On the Influence of Maternal Im- 1858 ; M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1845; pressions on the Child in Utero,” Prov. Hon. Surg. West. Herts Infirm. Med. Journ. 1841; 2." On Ptyalism," AMESBURY,JOSEPH, Medina ManMed. Gaz. 1847; 3. “On the Physio-sion, Cliftonville, Brighton-M.R.C.S.

Page 12

PROVINCIAL wich- M.R.C.S. Eng. 1858; L.S.A. Eng. and L.S.A. 1856; Hon. Sarg. and L.M. 1858. Contrib. “ Case of Liverp. Soc. for relief of Sick or DisMelasma supra Renale," Med. Times tressed Needlewomen; Mem. Liverp. Gaz. 1859 ;

'Hydatids of Liver,” Med. Soc. and Inst. Ibid. 1857.


HENRY WOODRUTTE, BACOT, WILLIAM Geo. Blandford, Thetford, Norfolk - F.R.C.S. Eng. Dorset-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1852; M.R.C.S. 1810; Med. Off. Thet1851 ; late House-Surg. Dorset Co. ford Dist. and Union House; Magist. Hosp.

of Boro' of Thetford; Fell. Obst. Soc. BADDELEY, GEORGE AUGustus, Lond. ; Mem. Roy: Coll. Chem.; Gnosall, Staffordsh.-M.R.C.S. Eng.

Mem. Epidem., Lond. Meteorol., and and L.S.A. 1846; Med. Off. Gnosali Norf. and West Suff. Archæol. Socs.; Disp. Newport Union; Mem. Syd. Mem. Brit. Med. Assoc. Author of- Soc.

Anatomical Plates," 1810. Contrib.
BADDELEY, WILLIAN EDWARD, to Journ. Pub. Health. Newport, Salop-M.R.C.S. Eng. and BAILEY, HUNT Johnson, Chiches- L.S.A. 1841.

ter-L.R.C.S. and L.M. Edin. 1858 ; BADGER, SAMUEL T. Bromsgrove- Staff Asst.-Surg. st. Birmingham-M.R.C.S. Eng. and BAILEY, JAMES, Bridge-st. Wed- L.S.A. 1844.

nesbury, Staffordsh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. BADLEY, JAMES PAYTON, Dudley, and L.S.A. 1848 ; Med. Off. WednesWorcestersh. - M.R.C.S. Eng. and bury Dist. West Bromwich Union. L.S.A. 1847; Surg. Dudley Disp.

BAILEY, JOIN H. T. Coleshill, BADLEY, JOHN, Dudley, Worces

Warwicksh. - M.R.C.S. Eng. 1844; tersh.-F.R.C.S. Eng. (Hon.) 1843 ;

L.S.A. 1857. M.R.C.S. 1803.

*BAILEY, WILLIAM LEE, SouthBAGE, WILLIAM FRED. JONES, ampton-pl. Hounslow-L.S.A. 1830. Stanley-st. Chester-M.R.C.S. Eng.

Author of “ The Duty of the Govern1830; L.S.A. 1828 ; Surg. City Gaol.

ment to provide Education for the

People," 1835. BAGG, GEORGE WILLIAM, Priors Marston, Warwicksh.-M.R.C.S. Eng M.R.C.S. Eng. 1825.

"BAILLIE, ARTHUR, Guernsey1843 ; L.S.A. 1845; Dist. Med. Off. Southam Union.

BAINBRIDGE, FREDERICK, 1, BAGLEY, Joan, Hunmanby, Filey, Yorksh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1841; Hon.

George's-terr. York-pl. Harrogate, Yorksh.-M.D. Edin. 1839;' Union Med. Off.

Surg. Harrogate Bath Hosp.; Surg.

several Sick Socs. Odd Fellows, Fo*IBAGNALL, GEORGE, 23, Promenade, Cheltenham M.D. Edin.

resters, c. 1819 ; Cons. Phys. Gen. Hosp. (retired.) M.R.C.S. Eng. 1814. In practice prior

BAINES, EDW. Barnet, Herts* BAGSHAWE, EDM. L. 9A, Russell

to 1815. st. Bath-F.R.C.S. Eng. 1859; M.R. C.S. 1835; L.S.A. 1836.

BAINES, JAMES, 7, Imperial-sq.

Cheltenham-M.R.C.S. Eng. and BAIKIE, ROBERT, 1, Tower-terr. L.S.A. 1822 (not in practice). Anerley-rd. Norwood, Surrey–M.D. Edin, 1820; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1818; BAINES, JOHN, 21, Easy-row, Birformerly Milit.-Surg. H.E.I.C.S. Ma- mingham — M.R.C.S. Eng. dras, 1822-44; Fell. Roy. Geograph. L.S.A. 1853 ; late for 3 years SurgSoc. Lond. 1859. Author_“ Obser- Acc. Birmingham Gen. Disp. vations on the Neelgherries, Calcutta,” BAINES, JOHNSON KAYR, Apple

“ Outlines of a New Theory of ton-on-Wiske, Northallerton, Yorksh. Disease," trans. from the German, -M.R.C.S. Eng. 1847; L.S.A. 1849;

Med. Off. Appleton Dist. Northallerton BAILEY, CHARLES, Chippenham,

Union, Vilts-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1811 (retired). BAINES, Jos. Bradford, Wilts-

BAILEY, FRANCIS JAMES, 48, Ox- M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1838. =rd-st. East, Liverpool-M.R.C.S. BAIRD, ANDREW Woon, Dover,

Page 13

PROVINCLAL. Lond.; Mem. Path. Soc. Contrib. | 1839; L.S.A. 1840; Phys. Torbay In-

“Middlx. Hosp. Reports” to Lancet, firm. and Disp. Author of Re-

and papers to Trans. Path. Soc. searches and Observations on Scrofu-

BALDING, JAMES, Barkway, Herts lous Disease of the External Lympa- -L. S.A. 1823 ; Med. Off. Royston and thic Glands; with Cases showing Saffron Walden Unions.

its connection with Pulmonary Con. BALDY, JOHN Patey, 23, Pem-sumption, and other Diseases," 1852. broke-st. Devonport-M.R.C.S. Eng

BALMFORTH, JOSEPH, Pain- 1614; Priv. Lect. on Anat., Surg., and thorpe, Wakefield, Yorksh. – S.R.C.S. Mat. Med.; formerly Surg. Pub. Disp. Eug. 1857. BALL, ALFRED, St. Saviour-gate,

*BAMFORD, Tuomas HOWARTY, York—M.R.C.S. Eng. 1849; L.S.A. Chorley, Lancash.—L.S.A. 1831; Union 1852; Lect. on Bot. York. Med. School; Med. Off. and Med. Off. Health. formerly Res. Surg. Lond. Hosp. BANCKS, THOMAS, Stourbridge,

Worcestersh. - M.R.C.S. Eng. 1834; BALL, ANcell, Spalding, Lincolnsh. -L.R.C.P. Edin. 1839; M.R.C.S. Eng. L.S.A. 1834; Surg. Iron and Coal and L.S.A. 1838 ; Med. Off

. Spalding

Works; Mem. Syd. Soc., and Brit. Disp.; Mem. Obst. Soc. Lond., and Med. Assoc. Contrib. “ On Poisoning Gent. Soc. Spalding. Contrib.'"On by Muriate of Antimony," and on an Improved Method of Operating for

Imperforate Vagina," Lancet; "On Fistula in Ano, with Speculum and Injuries to the Spine,”, “Stomatatis Guarded Bistoury;" " on Cod Liver Ulcerosa," " Poisoning by Lead," &c. Oil as an article of Diet."

Prov. died. Surg. Journ.

BANCROFT, SIFFRID BALL, B. T. Mevagissy, Cornwall Mawdesley.st. Bolton-le-Moors, Lan-

NOFIL -L.S.A. 1827; Med. Off. St. Austell cash.-L.S.A. 1824. Union ; Admiralty Surg. and Agent for Mevagissy and Gorvan.

BANGFIAM, FRANCIS, Ashby.de- BALL, DANIEL, Camp Hill, Maer, 1840; L.S.A. 1839 ; formerly House-

la-Zouch, Leicestersh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. Newcastle, Staffordshı.-F.R.C.S. Eng. Surg. Loughborough Disp. (Hon.) 1843; M.R.C.S. 1825; L.S.A. 1824; Surg. Extraord. North Staffordsh. IBANKS, ANTHONY COLLIXGS, 69, Infirm. 1839.

Navy Row, Stoke, Devonport-In BALL, JOIN WOODROUSE, Mea- practice prior to 1815; Acc. Asst.-Surg. sham, Derbysh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1854; Garrison Surg. Forces, Island of Alder

R.N. 1813; Act. Surg. R.N. 1814; L.S.A. 1840 ; Surg. Manchester Odd Fellows and Druids; Med. Off. Rolles- pey, 1829-34; Surg. Roy. Corps Alderney

Inf. Milit. 1832-3 (retired). ton Friendly Inst. ; Med. Ref. Gen., and Norwich Union Assur. Socs.; late

BANKS, ALFRED J. H. Weston Surg. New Moira Colls.

House, Forest Gate, and Elemes-tert. BALL, RICHARD Dechamp, Heck L.S.A. 1854; Surg. Indust. Inst.

Stratford, Essex-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1853 ; field Heath, Winchfield, Hants—M.R. Forest-lane; Surg. Pawnbrokers’Asyl.; C.S. Eng. 1846 ; L.S.A. 1847.

Vacc. West Ham Union; Med. Ref. BALL, WILLIAN, Handsworth, Engl. Widows' Fund, and Gen. Life Sheffield, Yorksh.-L.S.A. 1833. Assur. Assoc. ; late Surg. Leyton Park

*BALLENDEN, JOHN M'NAB, Asyl, Contrib. “On the Preference of Sedgley, Staffordsh.–M.D. St. And. Cold'as an Anæsthetic in Operations, 18:0; L.F.P.S. Glasg. 1847; L.S.A. in contradistinction to Chloroform,

Lond. 1850 ; Med. Ref. Merch. and Lancet, 1855.

Tradesm. and Lond. and Liverp. Assur. *BANKS, EDWARD HY. S. Rye, Mem. Hunt. Soc.

Sussex-M.R.C.S. Eng. and LSA. BALLER, Joseph Hogo, Penshurst, 1837. Kent-Ext. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1845; M.R. *{ BANKS, Joux, Holt, Norfolk C.S. Eng. 1829; L.S.A. 1838 ; formerly M.R.C.S. Eng. 1823. Res. Med. Off. Westm. Hosp.

BANKS, Pulip HUMBLEY, Victoria BALMAN, THOMAS, Torquay, Devon Dock-rd. and 1, Widdicombe-terr. - M.D. St. And. 1841; M.R.C.S. Eng. Barking-rd. Canning-town,


Page 14

Imp. Soc. Med. Constant. ; formerly *BAYNTUN, FRANCIS T. 11, Med. Off. City Dub. Hosp. and Laura-pl. Bath-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1858. Farringd. Disp. Lond.; Lect. on Mat.

BAYNTUN, WILMOT ROBERT, 11, Med. Lond. and Dub. Schools Med. Laura-pl. Bath-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1824; Edit. Med. Record. Author of "A L.S.A. 1823 ; Med. Off. Bath Gaol. Treatise on certain Abnormal Sounds

BEACH, HENRY, Rutland House, of the Heart," 1838; “A Hand-book

Cheltenham — M.R.C.S. Eng. 1829; of Chemistry," &c.

L.S.A. 1828; Union Med. Off. BAYES, WILLIAM, 36, Sidney-st.

BEACH, JOAN, Little Horton-lane, Cambridge –M.D. Archb. of Canter- Bradford, Yorksh. MR.C.S. Eng. bury, 1850 ; L.R.C.P. Lond. 1853 ; 1840; L.S.A. 1847; Med. Ref. Scott. M. R.C.S. Eng. 1844; late Phys Prov. Inst, and Gresham Assur. Soc. Brighton Disp.; formerly Med. Ref.

BEADLES, HUBERT, Elham, Canto several Assur. Socs. Author “

“On Nervous Affections connected with terbury-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1857 ; L.M. Dyspepsia;" "Remarkson Acute Rheu- and L.S.A. 1858 ; Med. Off. Dist. and matism ; " "On the Triple Aspect of

Elham Union Workhouse. Cbronic Disease;' “ Truth in Medi- BEADLES, J. NATHANIEL, Broadcine.” Contrib. “On Gallic Acid in way, Worcestersh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. Hæmorrhages, &c.” Assoc. Journ. 1825; L.S.A. 1824; Med. Off. Evesham 1853 ; “On Gallic Acid in Hæmoptysis,"

Union. Ibid.


William, Batley, Mortimer, Salop-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1852; Dewsbury, Yorksh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. L.S.A. 1854; Med. Off. Cleobury Mor1849; L.S.A. 1850.

timer Union. BAYLEY, JOSEPIT, Odiham, Hants



Chesh.-M.D. St. And. 1951; M.R.C.S. -M.R.CS Eng. 1857; L.S.A. 1858 ; Assist. Med. Ot. Salop. and Mont: Eng. 1852 ; L.S.A. 1850; Pub. Vace. Cos. Lun. Asyl. Bicton, Shrewsbury; part of Congleton Union; Cert. Faet. formerly Res. Med. Off. Gt Northi Surg. Contrib. “On Syncope Senilis,"

Lancet, 1856. Hosp. and Assist. Med. Off. Leicester and Rutland Lunat. Asyl.

*BEAN, Dex. Swinefleet, Goole,

Yorksh. L.S.A. 1850 ; Med. Off. BAYLIFFE,CHARLES, Chippenham, Swinefleet Dist. Goole Union. Wilts - M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S A.


ton, Devon-M.R.C.S. Eng and L.S.A. Sutton Benger, Chippenham, WiltsM.R.C.S. Eng. 1859; L.S.A. 1858.


son's-rd. Guernsey – M.R.C.S. Eng. BAYLIS, CAAS. OLIVES, 51, Hamil- 1840. ton-sq. Birkenhead, Chesh. — M.D. King's Coll. Aberd. 1845; M.R.C.S.

*BEANE, Jos. MICHAEL, 2, Priory, Eng. 1843; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1837; L.S.A.

Tunbridge Wells, Kent-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1832;

L.S.A. 1830. 1839; Surg. Birkenhead. Hosp. ; late Surg. Liverp. Bener. Inst.

BEARD, Charles IZARD, 76, Grand

Parade, Brighton-M.B. Cantab. 1855; *BAYLIS, William HOLLAND, 9, Lic. Med. 1956 ; L.R.C.P. Lond. 1859; Hewlett-st. Cheltenham — M.R.C.S. Phys. Brighton and Hove Disp. Eng. 1847.

*BEARDSHAW, Ralph,36, WoodBAYLEY, ROBERT LUTHER, Hal-house-lane, Leeds–M.R.C.S. Eng. and stead, Essex-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1857; L.S.A. 1840 ; Surg. Moral and Indust. L.S.A. 1858.

School. *BAYLY, ALFRED HENRY, Romford, BEARDSLEY, Amos, Ulverstone, Essex-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1846 ; L.S.A. Lancash.-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1845.

1844; Surg. Ulverstone and Lancaster IBAYLY, JOSEPH, Gt. Yarmouth, Railw.; formerly Certif. Fact. Surg.; Norfolk-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. Fell. Roy. Med. Chir. and Geol. Socs; 1828; Surg. Yarmouth Roy. Hosp. Corr. Fell. Med. Soc. Lond. ; F.LS

Page 15

PROVINCIAL. Fact. Surg.; Med. Off. Union Work- | L.S.A. 1855 ; Assist. Demonst. Shefhouse and Dist.

field Med. Inst. "BENNETT, JOSEPH, Wakefield, BENSON, PATRICK, Luton, Beds Yorksh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1842 ; L.S.A. 1835; 1818; Surg. W. R. Pauper Lunat. Med. Off. Barton Dist. Luton Union. Asyl.


JOSEPH BLACKER, Herts-1837. Cleckheaton, Leeds–M.R.C.S. Eng.

*BENT, JAS. 4, Portland-st. Manand L S.A. 1840.

chester-L.S.A. and M.R.C.S. Eng. *BENNETT, Jos. HENRY, 60, Occu- 1831 ; Asst.-Surg. Manch. Eye Hosp. pation-rd. Sheffield- M.R.C.S. Eng. 1848.

BENTHAM, SAMUEL, 12, Norfolk- BENNETT, LUCAS MARSHALL, and L.S.A. '1845; Surg. Roy. Portsm.

st. Southsea, Hants.-M.R.C.S. Eng. Winterton, Brigg, Lincolnsh.-M.R. Hosp. Lond. and Brighton Railw. C.S. Eng and L.S.A. 1832 ;. Med. Off. Prov. Soc., and Lond. and South- Winterton Dist. Brigg. Union.

West Railw. Friendly Soc. Ports"BENNETT, ROBERT, Buxton, mouth; late Surg. Portsm., Portsea, Derbysh.–M.D. Edin. 1857; M.R.C.S. and Gosport Disps.; Mem. Brit. Med. Eng. 1856.

'BENNETT, SAMUEL; Shiffnal, BENTLEY, GEORGE, Halstead, Salop -- M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. Essex - M.R.C.S. Eng. 1857; L.M. 1824.

1858. ŽBENNETT, SAMUEL BARKER, 31, *BERESFORD, CHARLES, Laugh- Princess-st. Manchester–M.D. Edin. arne, Carmarthensh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1847 ; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1846 ; late Lect. and L.S.A. 1854. at Chatham-st. School of Med.; late

BERESFORD, JAMES W. Narbo- Sen. Phys. Ardw. and Anc. Dist.

rough, Leicester-M.R.C.S. Eng. and BENNETT, Tuomas Jarvis, Wil- L.S.A. 1842; Union Med. Off. ton, Wilts-M.D. King's Coll. Áberd.

BERNARD, CHARLES EDWARD, 1859; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1854; L.M. 1855; Surg. Roy. Alliance Lodge Odd King's Coll. Aberd. 1848 ; M.R.C.S.

Weston-super-Mare, Somerset-M.D. Fellows.

Eng. 1833; L.S.A. 1831; Mem. Brit. BENNETT, WILLIAM, Beech Med. Assoc. Grove, Harrowgate, Yorksh. — M.D. Edin. 1835; A.B. T.C.D.; Phys.

BERNARD, RALPH M. 5, Victoria-
Harrogate Bath Hosp. Author of sq. Clifton, Bristol-F.R.C.S. Eng.

1857 ; M.R.C.S. and L.S.A. 1839; Surg. * Report on the Sulphureous Waters of Harrogate for 1841 and 1842.” Transl. Police; Cons. Surg. Bristol Eye

Bristol Roy. Infirm. and Bristol of ** Tiedemann's Anatomy of the Fætal Brain.”

Hosp. ; formerly Surg. Bridewell and

Eye Hosp. *BENNETT, W. H. RENNIE, Shaf- tesbury, Dorset (Bennett and Bennett) Cambray-pl.

*BERNARD, WILLIAM RADES, - M.R.C.S. Eng., L.M. and L.S.A. Edin. 1817"; L.R.C.P. Lond. 1820.

Cheltenham M.D. 1856; Med. Off. No. 1 Dist. Shaftesbury Union; late Surg. Brit. and BERNEY, EDWARD), Croydon, SurNorth American Roy. Mail.

rey-M.R.C.S. Eng. '1841; L.S.A. BENNETTS, CHARLESJAS. Tregony, Cornwall-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1849; L. S.A. IBERROW, WILLIAM, Milverton, 1848; Med. Off. Truro Union.

Leamington, Warwickshire-M.R.C.S. *BENNING, HY. Barnard Castle, Eng. and L.S.A. 1820. Durham-In practice prior to 1815. BERRY, GROVE, Harrogate, York

BENNION, Edw. DAVID, Sum- sh. (Berry and Myrtle)—M.R.C.S. mer-hill, Oswestry, Salop.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1829 ; M. and L.S.A. 1829 ; late Eng. 1819; L.S.A. 1818.

Surg. Harrogate Hosp. IBENSON, JOHN, 214, St. Philip's- BERRY, JOnn, Clough House, Ley rd. Sheffield — M.R.C.S. Eng. and / land, Preston, Lancash.-M.Á.C.S

Page 16


BLAIKIE, ROBt. Oswestry, SalopCannock, Walsall, Staffordsh.-M.R. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1845; L.S.A. 1847; C.S. Eng. 1849 ; L.S.A. 1851.


BLAKE, CHARLES PAGET, Torquay. 278, Milton-terr. Stretford-rd. Man- Devon-M.D. Edin. 1840; M.R.C.P. .chester-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1858.

Lond. 1859; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1840; Sen, BLACKMAN, FREDERIOK, Totnes, Torquay Inst. for reduced Gentle

Phys.Torbay Infirm. and Disp.; Phys. Devon - M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.M. 1854; L.S.A. 1855; late Res. Acc. St. women, suffering from Dis. of the

Chest. Barthol. Hosp. and House-Surg. Roy. Free Hosp.

BLAKE, JAMES GIBBS, Taunton, : BLACKMORE, ED. 19, Quay-st.

Somerset-M.D. Lond. 1857, M.B. Manchester — F.R.C.S. Eng. 1852; 1856, B.A. 1851, L.S.A. 1856; late

Asst. Med. Off. Essex Co, Lunat. M.R.C.S. 1830; L.S.A. 1829; Sen. Surg. Manchester and Salford Lock Asyl. Hosp.


-L.S.A. 1841 ; Med. Off Benev. or NELL, Salisbury (Coates and Black Self-Supp. Med. Inst., Independ. Order more)–M.D. St. And. 1857; M.R.C.S. of Forr. Salisbury, Constit. Ben. Soc., Eng. and L.S.A. 1857; Surg. Salisbury Grinstead and Coombe Br. of Wilt

Winterborne Old Friendly Soc., West Prov. Disp.

shire Friendly Soc., West Winterslow BLACKMORE, SAMUEL, Charles- Friendly Soc., and Independ. Med. st. Bath, Somerset-M.D. St. And. Clubs for parishes of Durnford and 1852; L.R.C.P. Lond. 1859; M.R.C.S. Woodford. Eng. 1829; M. and L.S.A. 1828, Sen. Phys. East Disp. ; late Surg. Ladies'

BLAKE, VALENTINE WALSHYAN, 6, Charity School, John-st. Bedford-row. Old-sq. Birmingham-F.R.C.S. Eng.

1855; Lond.

M.R.C.S. 1840; L.S.A. 1841;

Surg. Birmingbam and Midld. Cas. BLACKSHAW, JOSEPH, 6, Greek- Lying-in Hosp., and Hosp. for Dis. of st. Stockport, Cheshire – M.R.CS. Wom. and Child.; Lect. on Mid. Eng. 1859; L.S.A. 1834 ; Med. Off. and Dis. of Wom. and Child. Syd. Stockport Dist. Stockport Union and Coll. Workhouse; Pub. Vacc.; Mem. Brit. *BLAKELY, Wu. Kington, HertMed. Assoc.

fordsh.-- L.S.A. 1836;

M.R.C.S. Eng. BLADES, CHARLES, Tattershall, 1838 ; Dis. Med. Off. Kington Union. Boston, Lincolnsh.-L.S.A. 1830.

BLAKER, EDGAR SHAW, School*BLADES, WILLIAM Dawson, hill, Lewes, Sussex-M.R.C.S. Eng. Kirkby Stephen, Westmld.-M.R.C.S. 1859. Eng. and L.S.A. 1840; Med. Off

BLAKER, H. M. 29, Old Steyne, Union Workhouse, and Kirkby Ste-Brighton, Sussex M.R.C.S. Fag. phen Dist.

1839; L.S.A. 1840; Surg. Sussex Co. BLAGDEN, JOHN A. Petworth, Hosp. Sussex-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1840; L.S.A. BLAKISTON, PEYTON, St. Loo

nard's, Hastings-M.D. Cantab. INI; BLAGDEN, RICHARD, Percy-pl. F.R.C.P. Lond. 1843; F.R.S. ; late Bath-F.R.C.S. Eng. (Hon.) 1843 ; Phys. Birmingham Gen. Hosp. AdM.R.C.S. 1811; Surg.-Ext. to the thor of “Diseases of the Chest," &c. Queen; Surg. to the Duchess of

*BLAND,EDWARD, Sandiacre, Derby Kent.

-M.D. St. And. 1855; M.R.C.S. Eng. BLAGDEN, ROBERT, Castle Villas, and L.S.A. 1855; Dist. Med. 08. Stroud, Gloucestersh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. Shardlow' Union. 1849; late Surg. St. George's and St.

*BLAND, JAB. Park Green, MscJames's Disp. Lond.

clesfield, Chesh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 19; BLAGG, FRANCIS, South Leverton, L.S.A. 1831; Sen. Surg. Disp. Notts—M.R.C.S. Eng. 1830; Dist.Med. *BLAND, JOHN, 1, South-st. DurOff. East Retford Union.

ham-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1846.

Page 17

“On the Bandage in Parturition," BOOTH, Tgos. 28, Meadow-rd. Ibid. 1846, &c.

Hunslet, Leeds -L.S.A. 1836. BOODLE, ROBERT HOCKIN, Chil- BOOTH, Wm. HY. 20, Paradise-sq. compton, Bath, Somersetsh.-M.R. Sheffield-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.$.A. C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1843; Surg. 1840. Midsomer Norton Dist. Clutton

*BOOTH ROYD, BENJAMIN, MarUnion ; Surg. North Somerset Yeom. ket-st. Hanley, Staffordsh.-M.R.C.S. Cav.

Eng. and L.S.A. 1831. *BOOKER, Geo. Norton, Sheffield -M.R.C.S. Eng. 1845; L.S.A. 1847 ; holme-rd. Oxford-st. Manchester

*BORCHARDT, Louis, 128, RusDist. Med. Off. Eccleshall and Barlow M.D. Berlin, 1838; Phys. Gen. Hosp. Union.

and Disp. for Sick Child. BOOT, Jxo. HOPKINSON, New Sleaford, Lincolnsh.-M.D, and L.R.C.S. Essex-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1833; L.S.A.

BORE, Geo. HENRY, Stanway, Edin. 1829; Mem. Roy. Med. Soc.

1834. Edin.

BORLASE, HENRY W». Helston, BOOTH, BENJAMIN WITHAM, Cornwall–M.D. St. And. 1849; LR. Swinton, Manchester-M.R.C.S. Eng. C.S. Edin. 1849; L.S.A. 1849. 1829; L.S.A. 1827 ; formerly 10 years Surg. Hulme Disp.

BORLASE,Jno. Helston, Cornwall

-L.S.A, 1818. **BOOTH, BYRON, Alderley Edge, Chorley, Manchester-M.R.C.S. Eng.

BORMAN, ALLAN, 68, London-rd. 1841; L.S.A. 1842.

Derby-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A.

1840. *BOOTH, CHARLES, Chesterfield, Derbysh.–M.D. Edin. 1850 ; M.R.C.S.M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1826; Surg.

*BOROUGH, CHARLES, DerbyEdin. 1850.

Normanton Dist. Shardlow Union; *BOOTH, EDWARD, Stalybridge, late Surg. Green Hill Lunat. Asyl. Lancash.-L.S.A. 1858.

and Derby Disp. BOOTH,Isaac, Burslem, Staffordsh. *BOROUGH, FREDERICK, Queen-st. - In practice prior to 1815.

Derby-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1856. *BOOTII, Jas. Gomersall Hall, {BORRETT, JAMES. Score Cottage, Leeds-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1822 ; L.S.A. Ilfracombe, Devon-M.D. Edin. 1830; 1821.

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1827; formerly Phys. BOOTH, JOHN GREGORY, Padiham, Yarmouth Hosp. ; Mem. Ror. Med. Lancaslı.-M. R.C.S. Eng., L.M., and Soc. Edin. Contrib. "Rare Cases of L.S.A. 1834 ; Med. Off. Padiham Dist. Gallstone, with Post-Mort. Exams. Burnley Union.

and Observations ;" Necessity of BOOTH, SAM L. 35, Queen-st. Hud- educating Midwives;” Series of Papers


;" “Flooding,” “ Difficult dersfield-M R.C.S. Eng. 1857; L.S.A. and Complicated Midwifery Cases, 1832 ; Med. Exam. Star, Scott., Prov. &c. Med. Gaz.; “Present State and Temp. Prov., People's Prov., United Prospects of the Profession;" "New Mut. Prudent. East of Eng. Nat. and Incorporation of Provincial Surg:;" other Assur Cos. ; Treas. Huddsfid. Med. Eth. Soc. Author of “Essay on of Establishing a Court of Honour;"

“Duty of Coroners, and the Necessity Physiological Effects of Alcobol;"

“Scotch Diplomas," &c. Med. Times; “Precautions for the Prevention of Cholera, its Treatment by Salines Cholera,” 1851 ; " Temperance Statis- and Acids;" “Puerperal Convulsions, tics and Facts,"1851; Lockwood Spa and its Treatment by Chloroform," Baths and their Medicinal Effects,” | Med. Circ. 1853-6. 1855-6; “On the Sanitary Measures necessary for the Prevention of Typhus

BORTON, FRANCIS, New Malton, Fever, Cholera, &c.” 1857; “On the Yorksh.-M.D. Mar Coll. Aberd. 1818; Ready Method for Drowning, &c." in practice prior to 1816; House-Surg. 1858. Contrib. “Essay on the Dis- and late Sen. Phys. Malton Disp.; ea ses produced by Smoking Tobacco," Ext. Mem. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin. Lancet, 1857.


Page 18

BRADFORD, EDWARD, Roy. Milit. St. And. 1856; F.R.C.S. Eng. 1858 ; College, Sandhurst - M.R.C.S. Eng. M.R.C.S. 1843; L.S.A. 1844; Med. and L S.A. 1826; D.I.G. of Hops.; Ref. Kent Life Assur. Co. ; late Surg. Roy. Milit. Coll. ; Hon. Surg. Surg. Roy. Kent Disp.; Hon. Mem. to the Queen; F.L.S.

and formerly Treas. King's Coll. Med. IBRADBRIDGE, AUGUSTUS, 204, and Sci. Soc.; Hon. Loc. Sec. Syd. Grosvenor-st. Staleybridge - L.S.A. Soc. 1828 ; Surg. New Board of Health,

BRADLEY, T. WALDRON, Martley, Staleybridge ; formerly(4 years) House- Worcester-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1846 ; Dist. Surg. Liverp. Disps. and Chol. Hosp.

Med. Off. Martley Union and Work*BRADBURY, BECKETT, Dobcross, house. Contrib. various articles to Saddleworth, Manchester-M.D. St. Med. Journs. And. 1854; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1854.

BRADLEY, Thomas, Dudley-st. BRADBURY, JAMES OUGHTON, 1, Kidderminster – M.R.C.S. Eng. and Earl-terr. Broughton, Manchester, L.S.A. 1816; Med. Off. Wolverley M.R.C.S. Eng. 1853: L.F.P.S. Glasg: Dist. Woolverh. Union. 1858; Jun. House Surg. Salford and Pendleton Roy. Hosp. and Disp.

BRADLEY, Tros. Alnwick, North

id.-L.R.C.S. Edin. 1838; L.S.A. 1839. BRADDON, CHARLES, Upton-onSevern, Worcestersh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. BRADLEY, Thomas, Prospect 1838; L.S.A. 1839.

Cottage. Leigh, Essex-L.S.A. 1833 ; BRADFORD, BENJ. MEREDITH, L.P.S. and Mid. U.S. 1834. Castle House, Chepstow, Monmouthsh. *BRADLEY, WM.Preston, Lancash. - M.R.C S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1832 -M.R.C.S. Eng. 1849. Coroner; Surg. Union Workhouse;

BRADSHAW, JOHN BROWSE, Surg. Chepstow Foundry; Med. Ref. Med. Inv., Solicit., and other Assur, Ånd. 1847.

Quorndon, Leicestersh.-M.D. St. Socs.; Mem. Brit. Med. Assoc. and Nat. Vacc. Inst., &c.


dersfield-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1829; L.S.A. IBRADLEY, EDWARD, The Grange, 1828 ; Surg. Huddersfield and Up! Windermere, Westmld. - M.R.C.S.

Abrigg Infirm. ; Certif. Fact. Surg. Eng. 1833.

BRADSHAW, WILLIAM, BRADLEY, FREDERICK, Bridge-st. James's-st. Nottingham - M.D. Ma Tipton, Staff. - M.R.C.S. Eng. 1858.

Coll. Aberd. 1854; M.R.C.S. Eng. and BRADLEY, JAMES Byron, Buxton, L.S.A. 1840. Derbysh.-B.L. and M.D. Paris, 1827; L.R.Č.P. Lond. 1832 ; formerly Hosp. Portland-pl. Reading, Berks — M.A

BRADSHAWE, WILLIAN WOOD, Staff Asst. in Peninsular War; Lect. on Theory and Pract. of Phys.' Blen-Oxon.; D.C.L.; M.D. Erlangen, 1893; heim-st. School of Med.; Phys. Westm. F.R.C.S. Eng. 1854; M.R.C.S. 1833;

LL.D. ; Ext. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1841 ; Gen. Disp., South Lond. Disp., and Med. Ref. Merch. and Tradesm. Life Ancoats and Ardwick Disp., Man- Assur. Soc.; late Vice-Pres. Path, chester; Med. Ref. Indust. Hope Soc. Roy. Berks. Hosp.; Mem. Osford Mut., Albion, Gt. Brit. and India, Univ. Art. Soc. ; Gent. Com. New Inn and several other Life Assur. Socs.; Hall

, Oxford; Hon. Mem. Roy. Jess. Mem. Westm. Med. Soc. and Lit. Soc. Lond.; Corr. Mem. Nat. Vace. and Phil. Soc. Liverpool. Author of“Essai sur la Raison et la Folie;" | Inst. Lond. Contrib. “On the Use of

Cod-Liver Oil in Chronic RheumaTreatise the Origin of the Gypsies :" "What is the Proximate tism,”. Prov. Med. and Swg. Joxru.

1845; Cause of Gout and Rheumatism, and

“On the Operation of Narcotics, how do the Buxton Baths cure those

Ibid. 1845; “On Chronic Abdomins Diseases?"

Abscess,” Lancet, 1846 ; * Case *BRADLEY, JOSEPH,

Spontaneous Cure of Circocele,"


“On the History of Sheen, Lancash.--L.S.A. 1819.

Oracle, 1844; and various Articles in BRADLEY, RICHARD HOLLAND, Miscellany and other Periodicals by Trafalgar-rd. Greenwich, Kent–M.D. / "Beta.”

Page 19


Sternal Chisel-sound" at Med. Soc. M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1839; Mem.

Brit. Med. Assoc. Contrib. “Case of BROWN, GEORGE DRANSFIELD,

Spontaneous Gangrene of Leg in a Henley-on-Thames, Oxon.—M.R.C.S. young woman, fatal in 20 days,"

Eng. and L.S.A. 1852 ; Dist. Med. Of. Assoc. Journ. 1856.

Henley Union.


Manchester - M.R.C.S. Eng. 1849 ; $t . Stourport, Worcestersh.-M.R.C.S. L.S.A. 1837; Dist. Med. Off. Gorton Eng. 1849; L.S.A. 1832.

and Openshaw. 'BROWN,GEORGEJAMES, 132,Bath

BROWN, J. MAVOR, CoventryTOW, Birmingham - M.R.C.S. Eng.

M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1831. 1849 ; Mem. Queen's Coll. Med. Chir. BROWN, Joseph, SunderlandSoc. and Brit. Med. Assoc.

M.D. Edin. 1819; Ext. L.R.C.P. Lond. *BROWN, Henry, Mortlake, Surrey. Author of "Med. Essays on Fever;"

1824 ; Sen. Phys. Sunderland Infirm. S.W.-L.S.A. 1854.

"Diseases of the Heart;" and of the "BROWN, HENRY, Windsor, Berksh. articles

“Cholera," Contagion,” -M.R.C.S. Eng. 1832; L.S.A. 1827 ; " Disinfection," " Dysentery," Fever, Surg. to H.M. the Queen, H.R.H. Pr. Intermittent, Remittent, and Hectic, Albert, and H.R. H. the Duchess of " Hereditary Transmission of Disease," Kent; Sen. Surg. Roy. Disp.; Fell. “Infection,


Plague," Roy. Med. Chir. Soc.

and “Ventilation," Cycl. Pract. *BROWN, HENRY OSMOND,

Med. ; and numerous articles in the Knighton, 'Radnorshire – M.R.C.S. Brit. For. Med. Quart. Rev.; "A Eng. 1855; L.S.A. 1858.

Defence of Revealed Religion, comBROWN, JAYES DAVID, Haverford- 1 of the old and New Testaments from

prising a Vindication of the Miracles West, Pembrokesh. F.R.C.S. Eng. the attacks of Rationalists and In(exam.) 1851; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1841; fidels,” 1851. L.S.A. 1842; Surg. Haverfordwest Disp. Contrib. “On Uterine Hæmor- BROWN, Jos. Wooler, Northld.rhage;" " On Squinting;” “Diphthe- L.R.C.S. Fdin. 1830; L.M. Edin. 1829 ; rite," Med. Times ; " Case of Masked Med. Off. Glendale Disp. and Union. Hernia, cured by Operation," Assoc. BROWN, Jos. J. A. Grantham, Journ. 1854

Lincolnsh.-A.M. and M.D.Oxon.1838. BROWN, JAMES L., Rickmans. worth, Herts–M.D. Edin. 1853; L.R. Wight--M.D. Giessen, 1841 : M.R.C.S.

BROWN, Mark, Ryde, Isle of C.S. Edin. 1852; Dist. Med. Off. Wat- Eng. and L.S.A. 1831; Surg. Ryde ford Union.

BROWN, JOEL, Heywood, Lancash. -M.R.C.S. Eng. 1844; L.S.A. 1845; chester-L.Ś.A. 1833.

BROWN, PETER, Failsworth, Man- Med. Off. Heap Dist. Bury Union. BROWN, Joun, Whitchurch, Salop tage, Twickenham, Middlx.- M.R.

(BROWN, PETER, Southcote Cot-LR.C.S. Edin. 1842.

C.S. Eng. 1815; L.S.A. 1817 (retired). BROWN, JOHN, Oldbury, Worcestersh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1859.

IBROWN, Pilip, Blaydon, Gates

head, Durham - M.D. Aberd. 1852 ; BROWN, JOUX ANSELL, Richmond, L.S.A. 1844. Surrey-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A.

BROWN, RALPI, Keswick, Cum1851; late of Med. Staff of the Indian berland-L.R.C.S. Édin. 1835; Med. Army.

Off. Keswick Dist.Cockermouth Union. *BROWN, Joan, 113, Broad-st.

*BROWN, RICHARD, Adelaide Pendleton, Manchester-L.S.A. 1830.

Lodge, Cliftonville, Brighton, Sussex IBROWN, JOAN CHRISTIAN, Wal- - M.D. St. And. (exam.) 1856; M.R tham Abbey, Essex - In practice prior C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1843 ; late Surg

at Claremont by Appoint. of H.M BROWN, Jour Dan. Rochester, King of the Belgians. Contrib. “O Kent-M.D. and L.R.C.S. Edin. 1839; | the Sounds of the Heart," Lancet, 185

Page 20


IBUCKLAND, Geo. Wm. Osborne Friendly Soc. and three Lodges Old House, Sunbury, Middlx.-M.R.C.S. Fell. Eng. 1819; L.S.A. 1818 (retired). *BUCKNILL, WILLIAM, Nuneaton,

BUCKLAND, JAMES Lusu,Shaftes- Warwicksh. (Bucknill and Prowse) – bury, Dorset-In practice prior to M.R.C.S. Eng. 1800 (retired). 1815-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1816 ; late 27 BUCKOLL, EDWARD CHARLES, years Surg. Queen's Own Regt. Yeom. Broad-st.Nottingham-M.R.C.S. Eng. Cav.

1851; L.S.A. 1853; Surg. Nott. Proy. BUCKLE, J., Bedale, Yorksh. Med. Aid Inst.; Med. Off. Radford (Buckle and Fothergill) -M.R.C.S. Union; late Res. Sury. Notts. Gen. Eng. and L.S.A, 1821 ; Union Med. Disp. Off. ; Dep.-Coroner for Co. York. *BUDD, CHRISTIAN, Northtawton,

Devon-M.B. Camb. 1839. BUCKLEY, James, 172, Gt. Ancoats-st. Manchester-M.R.C.S. Eng.

*BUDD, HERBERT W. High-st. 1857; L.S.A. 1859; Surg. Ardwick and Worcester-F.R.C.S. Eng. 1359 ; M.R. Ancoats Disp.

C.S. 1835; Surg. Worcester Gen.

Infirm. and City Gaol. BUCKLEY, NATHANIEL, 196, York

*BUDD,JOHN WREFORD, Plymouth, shire-st. Rochdale, Lancash. — M.D. St. And. 1843; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1842 ; Lic. Med. Cantab. 1832; late Fell.

Devon-M.D. and M.A. Cantàb. 1828; L.S.A. 1843 ; Med. Off. Butterworth Pemb: Coll. Camb. Dist. Rochdale Union; F.L.S. ;

Fell. Bot. Soc. Edin.

BUDD,RICHARD, Barnstaple, Devon

-L.R.C.Ó. Lond. 1859; M.D. Edin. BUCKLEY, WILLIAM H. G. 4, Ann

1831 ; Phys. North Devon Infirm. pl. Little Horton-lane, Bradford, Yorksh.--M.R.C.S. Eng. 1838 ; L.S.A.

*BUDD, SAMUEL, 20, Southernhay, Exeter M.D. Edin. 1831; Phys.

Devon and Exeter Hosp. and Exeter *BUCKNILL, HENRY WALTER, Disp. Rugby-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A

BUDD, WILLIAM, 13, Lansdowne1851. * BUCKNILL, Jonn, Market Bos- Edin. 1826; Sen. Phys. Bristol Roy.

pl. Victoria-sq. Clifton, Bristol-M.D. worth, Leicestersh.—M.R.C.S. Eng. Infirm.; late Phys. St. Peter's Hosp. 1812 (retired).

Bristol, and Lect. ou Pract. of Phys. BUCKNILL, JOHN CHARLES, Med. Med. School. Superint. Co. Lunat. Asyl. Exminster,

BUEE, WILLIAM URBAN, LancasDevon-M.D. Lond. 1852; M.B. 1840; ter-terr. Slough, Bucks-M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1854; Fell. Univ. Coll. Eng. and L.S.Ă. 1839; Dist. Med. Off. Lond. and Roy. Med. Chir. Soc. Joint Eton Union. Author with Dr. Tuke of Manual of Psychological Medicine;"

IBUIST, JAMES JOSEPH, Inírm. Author of "The Sugden Prize Essay Coll. and Univ. Åberd. 1850; L.R.C.S.


, Glamorgansh. — M.D. Mar. on the Soundness of Mind in relation

Edin. 1850; to Criminal Acts,” “The Psychology

House-Surg. Cardiff of Shakspeare,” and of various

Infirm.; late Assist.-Surg. Newport Pamphlets and Papers on subjects re

Disp. lating to Mental Diseases in Brit. For. *BULBECK, Jonn, Trofield, Peters-Med. Chir. Rev. Edit. Asyl Journ. field, Hants-L.S.A. 1827. Med. Sci.

*BULL, CHARLES, Diss, Norfolk *BUCKNILL SAMUEL, kugby,

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1839; L.S.A. 1838. Warwicksh. — F.R.C.S. Eng. 1852; BULL, EDGAR, 8, Russell-pl. Mont M.R.C.S. 1806; Sen, Surg. Rugby pelier, Bristol-L.S.A. 1836. 'Contril School.

iCases of Cholera treated successfullBUCKNILL, SAMUEL BIRCH, Rug- by Aqua Regia Bathing,” Med. Cirby, Warwicksh.-M.D. and L.R.C.S. 1854. Edin. 1839; L.S.A. 1840; Med. Off. *BULL, GEORGE RAND, 15, Easy Bilton Dist. Rugby Union; Surg. row, Birmingham — M.R.C.S. En Lond. and North-West. Railw. 1851.

Page 21

PROVINCIAL. Bexley, Kent-M.R.C.S. Eng. and chester, Oxon-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1844 ; L.S.A. 1818 (retired).

L.S.A. 1845; Union Med. Off. BUTLER, JAMES, Beeston, Notts- BYERLEY, ISAAC, Seacombe, Chesh. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1841; L.M. Dub. 1842; -F.R.C.S. Eng. 1857 ; M.R.C.S.

LS.A. 1851.

1836; L.S.A. 1834; Hon. Surg. Wal- "BUTLER, Joan, 49, Rectory-pl. lasey Ladies' Charity; Prof. Animal Woolwich, Kent-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1830; Physiol. Queen's Coll. Liverp.; Med. L.S.A. 1825.

Off. Wallasey Dist. Wirrall Union; BUTLER, JOHN MATTHEW, 22, Workhouse Hosps.; F.L.S. ; Treas,

late Hon. Surg. Liverp. Fev. and Rectory.pl. Woolwich, Kent- M.D. St. And. 1853; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1852 ;

Lit. and Philos. Soc. Liverpool. L.S.A. 1858; L.M. 1853; Surg. Roy. BYERS, RICHARD HOARE, Milford Kent Disp. (Woolwich Branch). Haven, Pembrokesh.-M.R.C.S. Eng.

1813; Med. Off. Pembroke Union. BUTLER, JONATHAN, 30, Tatham- st. Sunderland, Durham-L.S.A. 1832.


Whickham and Winlaton, Gates- BUTLER, WILLIAM HUNTINGTON, head-on-Tyne L. R. C. P. Edin. Guildford, Surrey-M.R.C.S. Eng. (exam ) 1859; M.R.C.S. 1858; Med.

1829; L.S.A. 1828.

Off. and Vacc. Winlaton Dist. Gates-
"BUTLER, WILLIAM STEVENS, head Union; Med. Ref. Consols. Insur. Ingatestone, Essex-M.R.C.S. Eng. Assocs.; Mem. Gateshead Med. Soc. ;

late R.N. Contrib. “ Case of Placenta

Prævia," Med. Times Gaz. 1858. IBUTTER, JOHN, Windsor Villa, Plymouth, and Corringdon, South *BYRNE, WILLIAM, 23, Crawhall- Brent-M.D. Edin. 1820; F.R.C.P. terr. Newcastle-on-Tyne-- In practice

Edin. ; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1811; F.R.S. prior to 1815.

1822; Phys. and Found. Plymouth *BYWATER,JNO. HALL, Knotting-

Roy. Eye Infirm. 1821, and 44 years ley, Yorksh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1851;

Surg. South Devon Militia. Author-L.S.A. 1849. «On Irritative Fever and Erysipelas," BYWATER, ROBERT TURNER, 1825; “Ophthalmic Diseases,

Coniston, - On Cancer," &c., and sundry M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1850.


Ambleside, * Memoirs." BUTTERFIELD, FRANCIS, Louth,

*CADE, JOSEPH Wright, Breaston, Lincolnsh. In practice prior to 1815.


M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A.


*CADE, THOMAS CHARLES, SponToad-lane, Rochdale, Lancash.

don. Derby M.R.C.S. Eng. and M.R.C.S. Eng. 1846; L.S. A. 1845.

L.S.A. 1834 ; Union Med. Off. *BUTTON, BENJAMIN, Regent-st. CADGE, William, All Saints' Gr. Yarmouth--M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. No wich - F.R.C.S. Eng. (exam.) 1847.

1848; M.R.C.S. 1845;

L.S.A. 1846 ; BUXTON, THOmas, Fazeley, Staf- Und.-Grad.(with honours) Univ. Lond. fordsh. - L.S.A. 1836; Med. Off. 1844; Surg Norfolk and Norwieh Fazeley Dist. Tamworth Union. Au- Hosp; Sury. St. Helen's and Doughty's thor of a “ Treatise on Consumption.” Hosps.; late Asst.-Surg. and Demonst. Contrib. “ On the Treatment of Cho- Anat. Univ. Coll. Hosp.; Fell. Roy lera by Suiphuric Acid (diluted),” Lan- Med. Chir. Soc. Author of cet, 1851.

Anat. of the Head and Neck, and

Surg BYASS, JAMES, Rayleigh, Essex, Upper Limb." in Morton's

Anat." Contrib. “On a Case of Anel LS.A. 1822, Union Med. Off.

rismal Varix in a Stump after Ampe *BYASS, Lovel, Cuckfield, Sussex tation at the Ankle-Joint," -In practice prior to 1815.

Journ. Med. 1850. Also

A Bri BYASS, Thomas SPRY, Cuckfield, Account of the Last Illness and Poe Sussex-M.D. St. And. 1863; M.R.C.S. Mort. Examination of the late Eng. 1829; M. and L.S.A. 1828. Liston," Lancet, 1847.


Page 22

PROVINCIAL. CARDEN, HENRY DOUGLAS, Wor- | 1855; "Lectures on Surgery," Quart

cester-F.R.C.S. (Hon.) 1818; M.k. Journ. Dent. Sci. 1858. C.S. Eng. 1830; Sen. Surg Infirm.

CARPENTER, Joux, Sborebam, CAREY, FRANCIS EDWARD, 14, New- Sussex-L.S.A. 1831 (retired). st. Guernsey–M.D. St. And. 1858 ;

CARPENTER, WILLIAN GURST, M.R.C.S. Eng., L.M., and L.S.A. 1857; Amersham, Bucks-F.R.C.S. Eng Asst.-Surg. 1st Reg. Roy: Guern. (exam.) 1848 ; M.R.C.S. 1840 ; L.8.A. Milit. ; Surg. Hosp. and Town St. 1837 ; Mem. Phys. Soc. Guy's Hosp, Peter's Port.

and Path. Soc. Contrib. ** Case of *CAREY, John, Shacklewell, Mid- Fatal Pleuritis produced by a Foreign dlx.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1853.

Body in the Pleura," Guy's Hosp. Rep. CAREY, JOIN, Lyme Regis, Dorset CARR, COPLEY J., Iver, Bucks- -M.D. Lond. 1846 ; M.B. 1840 ; M.R. L.S.A. 1856. C.S. Eng. 1830; L.S.A. 1843; L.A.H. Dub. 1833; L.M. Dub. 1830.

*CARR, DAVID Nicols, Percy-pl


Alnwick, Northld. — M.R.C.S. Eng. CAREY, ROBERT_G. Hauteville, 1833 ; L.S.A. 1834. Guernsey - M.D. Erlangen, 1851 ; M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1834; Surg. ton, Warwicksh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1848;

CARR, Jabez, Binswood, Leaming- Catel Hosp. ; Surg. 3rd Reg. Roy; L.S.A. 1834. Guerns. Militia ; Med. Ref. several Assur. Socs.

CARR, Jonx, 15, Eyre-st. Sheffield,

L.S.A. 1824. CARFRAE, JAMES HENDERSON, Otley, Yorksh.-L.R.C.S. Edin. 1830;

*CARR, WILLIAM, Newcastle-on- L.S.A. 1837.

Tyne-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1831. CARLYLE, DAVID, West Tower-

CARR, WILLIAM, Lee-grore, Lee, st. Carlyle–M.D. Glasg. 1851.

Black heath, Kent (Barneti and Carr)

-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1837; CARMICHAEL, ANDREW Halli-

Surg. Roy. Kent. Disp. and Metrop. DAY, Mexbrough, Rotherham, Yorksh. Police. -L.R.C.S. Edin. 1846; L.S.A, 1854. CAKMICHAEL, DANIEL, Blyth, - In practice prior to 1815.

CARR, WILLIAM, Gomersal, Leeds Northld.-L.R.C.P. Edin. 1859; L.R. C.S. and L.M. 1858.


Gomersal, Leeds M A. Worc. Coll. worth, Newcastle-on-Tyne-L.F.P.S.

Oxford, 1853; M.R.C.S.Eng, and LM. 1855;

L.S.A. 1856; Fell. Stat. Soc. Glasg. 1858. CARNES, Joun, Coxhoe, Ferryhill, Newcastle-on-Tyne-M.R.C.S. Ens:

CARR, William Thomas, Disp. Durham-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1840 ; L.Ş.A. 1839 ; Med. Off. South Dist. Durham Disp. and Med. Off. Fev. Hosp.

1856; L.S.A. i857; Res. Med. Od. Union. CARNLEY, HENRY, 42, Dock-st. st. Carlisle-In practice prior to 1816

*CARRICK, WILLIAM, 2, Henry Hull- (Lunn and Carnley)-- M.B. Lond. 1857; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1855 ;

CARRINGTON, BENJAMIN, YeaL.S.A. 1856 ;' Lect. on Mat. Med. Huli don, Leeds–M.D. Edin. 1861; M.R. and E.R. School of Med.

C.S. Eng. 1850; Union Med. Oif. Yes

don Dist.; Fell. Edin. Bot. Soc. CARPENTER, ALFRED, High-st. Croydon, Surrey (Westall and Car

CARRUTHERS, CHARLES, Kega penter)—M.B. Lond. 1855; M.R.C.S. worth, Leicestersh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. Eng and L.S.A. 1851; Asst.-Surg: 1835; L.S.A. 1839; Dist. Med. Oir. E.1. Milit. College, Addiscombe; late

Basford Union. House-Surg. St. Thomas's Hosp.;

CARRUTHERS, JORX, 45, CharchMem. Path. Soc. Author_"The Evil gate, Bolton-le-Moors–M.D. Glasy, Effects of Shop Labour under the late 1834; L.R.C.S. Edin.

1833; L.S.A. Closing System;' · History of Sani- 1851. Eary Progress in Croydon,” 1859. Cun- CARRUTHERS, WILLIAM, Halrib. “Impure Water as a Cause of ton, Runcorn, Chesh - M.R.C.S. Eng Disease,' Assoc. Med. Journ. 1854; 1840; L.S A. 1839; Union Med. Of Case of Glanders," Med. Trans. Gas. Halton Dist. and Surg. Workb ous.

Page 23

PROVINCIAL. *CHALK, AUG. FRED. Eyethorn, , M.R.C.S. Eng. 1851; L.S.A. and L.M. Kent- M.R.C.S. Eng. 1828 ; L.S.A. 1853; Mem. Brighton Bled. Chir. Soc. 1832.

CHAPMAN, CHALLACOMBE, JOAN PINCH, 21, Friars. Richmond green, Surreyer Stokes Croft, Bristol -- M.D. Edin. M.R.C.S. Eng. 1837; L.S.A. 1888, 1850; L S.A. 1847; Surg. Bristol Lyingin Inst. ; Asst.-Surg. Bristol Disp. ; -M.R.C.S. Eng. 1819–In practica

CHAPMAN, Gro. Lingfield, Surrey Chol, Dist. Surg. 1849.

prior to 1815; Union Med. OR. CHALMERS, DAVID, Plumpton House, 50, Everton Village, Liverpool ford,

ICHAPMAN, GBORGE, East Ret- M.B. and M.D. Glasg. 1855; L.F.P.S. L.S.A. 1823 (retired).

Notts-Á. R.C.S. Eng. and Glasg. 1830; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1846 ; Surg North. Hosp.

CHAPMAN, George W. Ampthill


Beds--M.R.C.S. Eng. 1821. #CHALMERS, WILLIAM,13, Western Cottages, Brighton-A.M. 1803 ; M.D.

*CHAPMAN, Joun, jon. HouseAberd. 1820; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1805 ;

Surg. West York Asylo Wakefield, L.F.P.S. Glasg. 1828; Surg. H.E.I.C.S: Yorksh.-M.D. Mar. Coll. Aberd. Bengal, 1805-25; formerly Phys. Glasg: 1855; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1851. Roy. Infirm.; Mem. Med. Phys. Soc. CHAPMAN, JOSEPH, Thanet-pl

. Calcutta; Mem. Brit. Med. Assoc. Hounslow -- M.R.C.S. Eng. 1840; *CHALMERS. WILLIAI K. Gar. L.S.A. 1839.; Med. Of. Brentford

Union. rison Hospital, Chatham BarracksM.D. St. And. 1846 ; L.R.C.S. Edin. CHAPMAN, RICHD. Kirby-Moor

side, Yorksh.-M.D. St. And. 1850 *CHAMBERLAINE,JOSBPA, Droit

M.R.C.S. Eng. 1819 ; L.S.A. 1818; wich, Worcestersh.-L.S.A. 1852. Med. Off. Kirby-Moorside Union. CHAMBERLAINE,Josepa RICHD. ral Hernia requiring

Contrib "Case of Strangulated Femor 143, Waterloo-rd. Burslem, Staffordsh. lowed

by Mortification of the Intestine

, --L.S.A. 1867; Pub. Vacc. Wulstanton and Recovery of the Patient without and Burslem Union.

Artificial Anus," Prov. Med. Sury. CHAMBERS, FREDERICK, Vicarage- Journ. 1844. cresc. Margate, Kent-M.D. Giessen, CHAPMAN,

SAMURL, Costock, 1842; L S.A. 1832.

Loughboro'-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1991; CHAMBERS, PEARSON Tomas, Mem. New Syd. Soc. Bedlington, Northld.-In practice prior ICHAPMAN, SAMUBL BRUCHEL, to 1815; formerly Med. Off. Emig. Ipswich-L.S.A. 1831. Service ; late Surg. Jarrow Coll.

CHAPMAN, THOMAS, Ampthill, Durham

Beds-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1800. CHAMBRES, CHARLES, Pendre, Llanrwst, N. Wales—M.R.C.S. Eng? Beds—M.R.C.S. Eng. 1850; L.SA

CHAPMAN,Tuomas, jun.Ampthill

, 1857; L.M. 1858. **CHAMPLEY,Jonn,Scarborough, House-Surg. Bedford Infirm.

1829; Med. Off Work house; formerts Yorksh. - In practice prior to 1815. *CHAMPNEYS, Henry Montagu, ing, Surrey

CHAPMAN, WALTER, Lower Toot Slough, Bucks-F.R.C.S. Eng. 1858; L.S.A. 18119

; Union Med. Off. Surs

M.R.C.S. Eng. and M.R.C.S. 1841; L.S.A. 1814.

Police; Med. Off.

Holborn Alins *CHANDLER, ALFRED Tros. Go- Houses and Clubs.

Contrib. Lancet. dalming, Surrey-M.R.C.S.Eng. 1841; *CHAPMAN, WILIAM, Garstant, L.S.A. 1842.

Lancash.-L.S.A. 1851, L.M. GIAS *ICHANDLER, Joun Moss, King- 1850; Union Med. Off and Life Assui. sq. Bristol-L.S.A. 1818.

Ref. Contrib. to Assoc. Med. Joh. CHAPMAN, EDOAR GEORGE, Ling- CHAPMAN, WILLIAM

EDWIN, field, Surrey – M.R.C.S. Eng. 1848 ; Pocklington, Yorksh.-MR.C.S. Fab. L.S.A. 1859

CHAPMAN, EDMUND, House-Surg. CHAPPELL, J. James, Axmouth. Lying.in Inst. West-st. Brighton- | Devon–M.D. St. And. 1869; M.R.C.S.

Page 24

PROVINCIAL. terr. Paignton, Devon-M.R.C.S.Eng. CLARK, WILLIAN WAKE, Welling 1830; L.S.A. 1822.

borough, Northamptonsh. --- M.D.Edin. CLARK, James Fenn, Leaming- 1856; M.R.C.S. Eng 1855; L.S.A. ton, Warwicksh.-M.R.C.S.Eng. 1844; 1858; late Phys. Asst. Roy. lufirm and L.S.A. 1846; L.M. Dub. 1845.

Chol. Hosp. Edin.; late Sec. Hant.

Med. Soc. Edin. CLARK, Joun, 91, Friargate, Derby-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. CLARK, WILLINGTON, Sutton, Sur- 1850 ; Surg. Derby Disp.

rey (Clark and Creasy)—R.R.C.S. *CLARK, JOHN, Weldon, Oundle, L.S.A. 1826.

Eig. 1854 ; M.R.C.S. 1827; M. and Northamptonsh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1809; Med. Off. Weldon Dist. Qundle Union; CLARKE, ALFRED, 13, Claretice- Asst.-Surg. R.N. 1804-16, and served st. Gloucester-M.R.C.S. Eng. and in battle of Trafalgar.

L.S.A. 1841 ; Surg. Lying-in Charity. *CLARK, JOnn, Yarmouth, Isle of


4. Crescent-pl. Shrewsbury-M.R.C.S.

Eng. 1825. *CLARK, JOHN H. Aldborough, Hull-L.S.A. 1831; Union Med. OH.

CLARKE, JOHN ERLIN, 18, Fore CLARK, Jour L. Saltash, Corn- MR C.S. Eng. 1851; L.S.A. 183;

gate-st. Worcester-M.B. Lond. 1998; wall-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1834 ; L.S.A. L.M. Dub. 1853 ; Surg. Worcester 1836; Dist. Med. Off. St. Germain's Disp. ; late House-Surg. Infirm.; Union.

Mem. Brit. Med. Assoc. *CLARK, P. Stathern, Leicestersh. _M.R.C.S. Eng. 1853 ;. formerly Surg. Surg. Nottingham Disp. — First N.B.


Lond. 1854; M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. CLARK, RODERT, Farnham, Sur- 1855; late House - Surg. Norwich Hosp., rey-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1823. and formerly for 2 years House-Surg.

CLARK, ROBERT OKE, Farnham, Gen. Hosp. Bury St. Edmunds. Surrey-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. CLARKE, FREDERICK J. Laten, 1848;

late Res. House Surg. and Apoth. Beds–M.R.C.S. Eng. 1884 ; L.SA. Roy South Hants Infirm.; Mem. 1832; Med. Off. Luton Board of Southamp. Med. Soc. Contrib. “On Health. the Use of Nitrate of Silver in Inflammation of the Os Uteri," Med. st. Clarence Dock, Liverpool-N.D.

*CLARKE, JACKSON N. 13, RegentGaz.; “Curious Case of Vaccine Pus- Glasg. 1838; L.R.C.S.I. 1837. tule," Ibid. ; “On the Treatment of Hydrocele by the Injection of the pare wicksh.- M.R.C.S. Eng. and LSA.

CLARKE, JOHN, Kenilworth, War Compound T'incture of lodine,” Ibid.

1819; Union Med. Off. CLARK, SAMUEL, Staines, Middlx. - M.D. Glasg. 1840 ; C.M. Glasg. Devonsh.-M.R.C.S. Eng: 1819, L SA.

CLARKE, JOAN, Lynton, North 1840; L S.A. 1858; Ext. Mem. Roy. 1818; Med. Off. Lynton Union Dist. Med. Soc. Edin. 1844. CLARK, THOMAS, Wellingborough,

CLARKE, RICHARD, 14, Marlboro Northamptonsh.-F.R.C.S. Eng. 1854; Eng. 1852; L.S.A. 1845.

cresc., Newcastle-on-Tyne-M.R.C.S. M.R.C.S. 1819; L.S.A. 1818; Union Med. Off. and Surg. Workhouse ; Corr.

CLARKE, ROBERT A. Halstar Fell. Med. Soc. Lond. ; Mem. Brit. moor, Bolton, Lancash. – LR.CS Med. Assoc.

Edin 1845; L.S.A. 1849; Med. Ud. CLARK, Tuos. EDWARD, 16, Upp: Union.

Hulton and Farnworth Dist Bolton Victoria-pl.Clifton, Bristol-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1856; L.S.A. 1867; Lect. on

CLARKE, ROBERT LOWTU ER, St. Botany Bristol Med. School; Med.Of. Peter st. St Albans, Herts– In prak Clifton Union.

tice prior to 1815. CLARK, WM. Ackworth, Ponte

CLARKE, Thomas, Honse-Surgfract, Yorksh. - M.R.C.S. Eng. and Disp. Doncaster, Yorksh.-H.R.CS. L.S.A. 1828; and Med. Of. 2nd Dist. Eng. 1840 ; L.S.A. 1841. Hemsworth Union.

**CLARKE, Taos. Winslow, Chet.

Page 25

Off. and Pub. Vacc. ; Surg. Greenw. borough, Tunbridge Wells, Kent- and Deptf. Fem. Home; Surg. East M.D. St. And. 1838; L.R.C.S. Edin. Greenwich Disp.; Surg. to various 1838. Courts of Ancient Order of Foresters ; Divis. Sury. R. Div. Metrop. Police Norfolk-M, R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A.

COLEBY, JOHN, North Walsham, Cons. Surg. Greenwich Lying in 1821; Union Med. Ott. Author of Charity; late Surg. Roy. W.Í. Nail

Remarks on the Diagnosis of TuSt. Packet Co.; Assoc. King's Coll.

mours. Lond.

COLEGRAVE, Joun, Bloxham, COGAN, JOSEPE, Wheatley, Oxon. Banbury, Oxon–M.R.C.S. Eng. 1845 ; -M.D. King's Coll. Aberd. 1857; L.S.A. 1843. M.R.C.S. Eug. 1851; L.M. 1855; formerly House-Surg. Westm. Hosp.

COLEMAN, EDWARD HAILING, *COHEN, DANIEL W. Headley C.S. Eng. 1815; L.S.A. 1817; Sen.

Wolverhampton, S.affordsh. — M.R. grove, Epsom, Surrey–M.D. Camb. Surg. South Staffordsh. Hosp. 1847 ; L.R.C.P. Lond. 1942.

COLEMAN, HENRY, 27, Stroud-st. COHEN, DOUGLAS, 24, Gt. George- Dover-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. sq. Liverpool-M.D. and L.R.C.S. 1818; Surg. Dover Hosp. Edin. 1823; formerly Phys. Swansea Infirm.; and Pres. Roy. Phys. Soc.

COLEMAN, Joun MAJOR, WolverEdin.

hampton-M.D. St. And. 1855; M.R.

C.S. Eng. 1853 ; L.S.A. 1855; Med. Off. *COLBECK, Thomas W. Hemel St. John's Dist. Hempstead, Herts-M.R.C.S. Eng. Union.

Wolverhampton and L.S.A. 1859.

COLEMAN, MATTHEW T. Surbiton, COLBORNE, WILLIAM, Chippen- Surrey-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. ham, Wilts-M.R.C.S.Eng. 1807; Fell.

1835; Med. Off. Kingston Union ; Roy. Med. Chir. Soc. (retired). Sury. 3rd Roy. Surrey Militia, and to

COLBORNE, WILLIAM Henry, South Western Railw. Chippenham-M.D. Lond. 1853; F.R. ICOLEMAN, THOMAS, East BrookC.S. Eng. 1849; L.S.A. 1845; formerly pl. Dover, Kent-F.R.C.S. Eng (Hon.) House-Surg. Univ. Coll. Hosp. and 1844; M.R.C.S. 1813. Newark Husp. and Disp.

*COLEMAN, WILLIAM W. 2, COLBOURNE, Robert, Gt. Mar- Plumstead-pl. East Woolwich, Kent low, Bucks - M.R.C.S. Eng. 1822;

-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1854. L.S.A. 1821; Surg. Gt. Marlow Dist. COLES, ARNOLD, Yeovil, Somerset Wycombe Union; Hon. Mem. Phys. -MR.C.S. Eng. 1806. Soe. Guy's Hosp.

COLES, JAMES, Weston-superCOLBY, WILLIAM, New Malton, Mare, Somerset-F.R.C.S. Eng. 1859; Yorksh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1822; L.S.A. M.R.C.S. 1825; L.S.A. 1825; late Sen. 1821; Sen. Surg. Mallou Disp. ; Union Surg: Hosp. Dep. Gt. Portland-rd. Med. Off.

Lond. Author-"Spinal Atl. and the COLBY, WILLIAM Taylor, New Prone System of Healing them ;"

• Treatise on Nat. Hist. of Seaweed Malton, Yorksh.-M.R.C S. Eng. and

and the Med. Prop. of its Juice,” &c.; L.S.A. 1851; Surg. Malton Disp.

Invent. of Patent Prone Couch and *COLE, Geo. 'Ely, Cambs.-M.R. Orthopæd. Sofa, &c. C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1827.

COLES, RICHARD), Rayleigh, Essex *COLE, HENRY, Timberham, Craw

-M.R.C.S. Eng., L.M., and L.S.A. ley, Sussex-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1851.

1836 ; Med. Oft Rayleigh Dist. RochCOLE, JAMES, Bewiley, Worces- ford Union. tersh.-M.R.C.S. Eog. 1831; L.S.A. *COLES, WILLIAM Fathers, Cerne 1820.

Abbas, Dorset - M.R.C.S. Eng. 1843; COLE, WM. Victoria-pl. Stoke Da- L.S.A. 1844; Mem. Brit. Med. Assoc. ; merell, Devonport-M.R.C.S. Eng. late Dep.-Coroner for Cerne Div. Co. 1833; L.S.A. 18:32.


Page 26

PROVINCIAL. COVEY, GEORGE, East Grinstead, to an extrinsic Fungous Origin," 1848. Sussex-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1830.

Contrib. “Cases of Traumatic Tetanus *COVEY, JOHN, Alresford, Hants successfully treated ;" “ Cases of Sud- -M.R.C.S. 1823; L.S.A. 1822.

den Death from Hæmorrhage, from

Ulceration of the Aorta," Assoc. Med.
COWAN, CHARLES, Reading, Berks Journ.; " Papers on Epid. Sore Throat,"
-M.D. and L.R.C.S. Edin. 1833 ; | Brit. Med. Journ. 1858. M.D. Paris, 1834 ; Sen. Phys. Roy. Berksh. Hosp. ; Cons. Phys. Reading

**COWDRY, Thos. Great Torring- Disp. ; Transl. of “ Louis on Phthisis,

ton Devon-M.R.C.S. Eng.and L.S.A.

1836. 1835. Author of " Bedside Manual of Physical Diagnosis;" several Pam- COWELL, GEORGE, St. Nicholas- phlets and Reports on Quackery, be-st. Ipswich-M.R.C.S. Eng., L.M., tween 1837 and 40; Retrospective and L.S.A. 1858. Med. Address," Brit. Med. Assoc. 1844; " Physiology of the Brain as the Organ Atholl-terr. Dover-M.D. Glasg. 1832.

*COWELL, WILLIAM J. J. 2, of the Mind ;" * Physiology and Pathology of Intermittence," Prov. Trans. COWEN, Joun, Bewdley, Worces. 1839; Rep. of Reading Disp. from 1841-tersh.-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1840; L.M. 44; of Private Practice (Prov. Journ.); | Dub. 1843 ; Med. Oft. Bewdley Dist. Eight Contrib. to the “ Diagnosis and Kidderminster Union; Med. Ref. WaPathology of Thoracic Disease," Med. terloo, Sun, and Hope Assur. Socs. Gaz. 1835-7; " Past, Present, and Contrib. "On Vaccination,” Med. Future,

1851; “ Modern Spiritualism 1 imes. Considered," 1855, &c. &c.


-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1819; L.M. Dub. Queen-sq. Bath-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1839; 1845; late House-Surg. Kidderminster L.S.A. 1840.

Infirm.; Med. Ref. Europ., Magnet, *COWARD, Hy. 102, Howard-st. Contrib. " Efficacy of the Male Fern in

Solicit. and Gen. Life Assur. Socs. North Shields, Northld.-L.S.A. 1835.


" Med. Times. COWARD, JAMES Eyres, Tiverton,

ICOWHERD, JAMES, Stony Dale, Devon-L.S.A. 1824.

Newton-in-Cartmel, Kendal, Westmld. *COWARD, JAMES EYRES, jun. -M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1836. Twylord-pl. Tiverton, Devon-M.R. C.S. Eng. 1853; L.S.A. 1848; Surg. Northallerton, Yorksh. - In practice

ICOWPER, JOSEPI, Osmotherly, H.M. Emigr. Commiss.; Asst.-Surg. prior to 1915. Roy. Mynm. Militia ; late Act. Asst.- Surg. 65th Regt. New Zealand.

COX, ABRAM, Kingston-on-Thames, COWARD, WILLIAM, 6, Dean-st. Edin. 1835; L.S.A. 1840 ; M.R.C.S.

Surrey-M.D. Edin. 1836; L.R.C.S. South Shields, Durham-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1842 ; Med. Off, Kingston Union Eng. 1859; L.S.A. 1832.

and Disp. ICOWBURN,John, Bampton, Pen

COX, ARTHUR, Long Buckley, Rug. rith-M.R.C.S. Eng. 1844; L.S.A. 1846 ; formerly House-Surg. Southern and L.S.A. 1855; Dist. Med. Off.

by, Northamptonsh. - M.R.C.S. Eng. Hosp. Liverpool (not practising).

Daventry Union. *COWCHER, EDWARD, Abingdon, Berks - M.R.C.S. Eng. 1808; Surg. tonski.-M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A.

*COX, Fred. Welford, NorthampCo. Prison; Union Med. Off. ; Coroner

1837. for Co. and Boro' of Abingdon. COWDELL,CHARLES, Dorchester-

COX, RICHARD, Aldermaston, Berks M.D. Lond. 1852; M.B. 1846 ; M.R.C.S.

- L.F.P.$. Glasg. 1859; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1837; Phys. Dorset Co. Hosp. Au-| Eng. 1859. thor of " A Disquisition on Pestilential COX, WILLIAM ABRAHAM, BathCholera, being an attempt to explain -M.R.C.S. Eng. 1835; L.S.A. 1834 ; its Phenomena, Nature, Cause, Pre- Surg. Ballott's Hosp. ; Med. Off. No. 6 vention, and Treatment, by reference Dist. Bath Union.

Postingan terbaru