10 sekolah menengah atas di louisiana 2022

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kagak ada yang di Indo gan?
berarti hotel kita aman dong ya

21-04-2012 21:34

ane akan pastikan klo ane ga bakal nginep disitu gan..

21-04-2012 21:52

Aktivis Kaskus Posts: 449

wihiiii.. serem tp ane seneng yang ginian bikin andrenalin rush

21-04-2012 22:09

Kaskus Addict Posts: 2,054

kalo bukan di indo sih aman

21-04-2012 22:09

hantu nya juga mau ngerasain gmana rasanya nginep di hotel gan

21-04-2012 22:25

ogah deh gw kalo nginep disitu..
biar sehari pun malay ane...

21-04-2012 22:33

Ga takut ah gan

Lebih ngeri tempt ane gan.

Banyak hantunya

21-04-2012 22:38

di indonesia ada gak ya hotel berhantu

21-04-2012 22:48

klo dsini mah gada hotel berhantu adany hotel mesum wehehehe

21-04-2012 22:51

di indonesia ad jg gan
di pangandaran kl gk sala

21-04-2012 22:52

lebih baik di rumah sendiri aman hahaha

21-04-2012 22:58

serem gan kok masih ada ya pengujungnya???

21-04-2012 23:15

yg mau nny no togel boleh tu kesana..
pas ktmu hantunya tanyain no togel..hahahaha..

21-04-2012 23:16

hotel berhantu di indo ga ada gan?
kyny seru klo ada

21-04-2012 23:17

masih ada aja gan. yang mau nginep disitu

21-04-2012 23:21

di indonesia juga banyak yang serem bro . hahahha

21-04-2012 23:26

cair yang di indonesia dong gaan hahaha

21-04-2012 23:28

ada penunggunya ngapain di jadiin hotel ya gan..

21-04-2012 23:28

kalo Iman kuat nginep di hotel mana ajah Jadi gan

21-04-2012 23:39

ane pikir di indo gan
klo di luar mah gak pape deh meski serem juga

21-04-2012 23:39

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Historic Hotels of America® offers travelers spectacular experiences and stories to take home with them, including the history of where they stayed the night. Every historic hotel has a story to tell and some offer more than what is found in a history textbook. For some hotels, the past is not only present in the architecture and authentic character, but also–according to legends–in the souls residing within it. The historic hotels highlighted in the 2022 Top 25 Historic Hotels of America Most Haunted Hotels are places where generations of staff and guests pass on tales of spectral Revolutionary War soldiers, smoky silhouettes of U.S. Presidents, the melancholy spirits of tragic would-be brides, unexplained footsteps, as well as friendly phantom bellhops. For believers and skeptics alike, these hotels offer legends of guests that never want to leave and staff that never stop helping. Some hotels celebrate the spooky season with “A Room With A Boo” packages, pumpkin carving contests, ghost story readings, haunted history tours, and specialty cocktails. Adventure seekers and heritage travelers interested in a local legend need to look no further than the grand hotels, legendary luxury resorts, and iconic inns found across the United States in Historic Hotels of America.

Concord's Colonial Inn(1716) Concord, Massachusetts

Due to the hotel’s age and role during the American Revolutionary War, Concord’s Colonial Inn in Concord, Massachusetts, is rumored to have a few resident ghosts. During the war, part of the historic inn was privately owned by Dr. Timothy Minot; it was where he operated a small medical practice. When Continental soldiers were injured at the Battles of Lexington and Concord at the North Bridge, they were brought to his home for medical attention. Dr. Minot used what is now the Liberty Room as a hospital and Room 24 as an operating room. Many guests who have spent the night in the infamously haunted room have reported some strange activity. Thrillseekers travel great distances to stay at the inn’s infamous Room 24, hoping to catch a glimpse of some supernatural activity. But the inn's resident spirits do not just confine themselves to Room 24; they like to wander the halls of the Concord’s Colonial Inn just as much as guests do. Both an older woman and a tall, slim gentleman with a top hat have been spotted in the sitting room–thought perhaps to be former residents Henry David Thoreau himself or his aunt entertaining company. A young girl wearing a bonnet has been seen walking around by the front desk of the hotel. Both guests and employees have spotted spirits in Colonial attire sitting in an otherwise empty Liberty Room. Books and décor fall from shelves without worldly cause, and items go missing without explanation for weeks, only to turn up in odd places. Both guests and employees have heard voices coming from right behind them–only to see nothing when they turn around.

The Omni Homestead Resort(1766) Hot Springs, Virginia

Being widely known for its more than 250 years of grand hospitality and as a favorite vacation spot for European royalty and former U.S. Presidents and their families, it should come as no surprise that a guest or two of The Omni Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, Virginia, might decide to stay forever. One of the resort’s most legendary spirits involves the spirit of a jilted bride who stalks along the 14th floor. Legend has it that this young woman was set to be wed at The Homestead during the early 20th century, but her groom-to-be had become plagued by second thoughts. On the day of their wedding, the groom instructed the young woman to wait in her hotel room while he ran out for a quick errand. Unfortunately, for the bride, her beloved was never to return. Distraught, she took her own life. Guests and staff have since reported sightings of a ghostly apparition, whose outline resembles that of a woman in a wedding gown. Many believe that she is still waiting in the hotel for her long-lost lover. Some lucky few have reportedly heard the spirit speak before disappearing in a flash.

Historic Inns of Annapolis(1772) Annapolis, Maryland

The Maryland Inn, one of the Historic Inns of Annapolis in Annapolis, Maryland, is reportedly haunted by a variety of specters since it was established in the 1770s. Supposed sightings by employees and guests include glimpses of shadowy figures dressed in Revolutionary War-era uniforms and 19th century clothing. Unexplained noises, scents, and missing objects–experienced by some employees–are thought by some believers to have supernatural explanations. Local legend suggests that at least two of the ghosts are that of Navy Captain Charles Campbell and his intended bride, known only as The Bride. According to the tale, Captain Campbell and The Bride were separated while he was at sea, during which time The Bride waited for him at the Maryland Inn. Campbell was killed by a horse carriage as he was returning to be reunited with his love and she took her own life minutes later, both dying right outside the historic inn. Both The Bride and Captain Campbell are rumored to haunt the Maryland Inn to this day. According to authors Mike Carter and Julia Dray in Haunted Annapolis, The Bride paces around the fourth floor and Captain Campbell has been seen in his naval uniform in the basement taproom. For guests, experiencing the ghosts in-residence is uncommon but not unheard of. Some guests in the fourth-floor rooms have felt a cold presence. Want to learn more? For ghost hunters and lore lovers, the Maryland Inn will host a special Sup and Spook event on October 20, 2022. This event includes a Chef’s Table supper at the Maryland Inn followed by a ghost tour around the Annapolis Historic District, with stops at spooky spots where a guide will tell local legends with dramatic zeal.

The Red Lion Inn (1773) Stockbridge, Massachusetts

Ghostly rumors swirl around The Red Lion Inn, in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, which has been visited by many paranormal investigators and mediums hoping to connect with guests from centuries past. The fourth floor in particular has been said to have the most paranormal activity and Guestroom 301 is also known to be a haunted hotspot. Housekeepers, staff, and guests have claimed to see a "ghostly young girl carrying flowers" and "a man in a top hat." Cold spots, unexplained knocks, and electrical disturbances have all been reported. A few guests claim they awoke to the feeling of someone standing over them at the foot of the bed, but staff familiar with the goings-on at the inn describe the spirits as friendly. On October 29, 2022, writer and teacher Robert Oakes will be at The Red Lion Inn to read selections from his book, Ghosts of the Berkshires. Oakes will be reading from his chapter about ghost stories from The Red Lion Inn. The special event is open to visitors and guests, and is scheduled from 5-6 p.m. that evening.

River Street Inn(1817) Savannah, Georgia

Built in 1817 and inducted into Historic Hotels of America in 1999, River Street Inn is home to numerous unexplainable events. As the oldest hotel on historic River Street, the inn is in a beautifully restored, 200-year-old cotton warehouse overlooking the magnificent Savannah River. The inn is located on Factors Walk, one of Savannah's historic downtown areas and home to hauntings and high levels of paranormal activity. The paranormal “tenants” at River Street Inn do not give the impression that they are evil or malicious; in fact, the few unexplained experiences of the hotel staff and guests hint at the spirits’ playful natures. The Paranormal Society of Savannah visited the hotel previously and captured multiple instances of unusual activities. Several guests of the hotel have shared over the years the sound and feeling of someone breathing into their ears when no one else is around, drawers opening on their own, items being moved around the room to odd locations, and even their names being called when no one else is around. Children have been seen playing in the halls and then vanishing. In one instance, several employees were together when the entire group saw a man walk past into an area that was for employees only. The team followed the person, assuming they would need to redirect the guest who took a wrong turn, however, when they entered the room no one was there!

The Sayre Mansion(1858) Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

The spirits at The Sayre Mansion in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, reportedly have mischievous natures. Employees and guests report experiencing tugs at their clothing that cannot be explained, as well as television sets that mysteriously turn off. A maintenance tech was alone repairing a toilet when a small washer suddenly disappeared and ended up across the room under the bathmat. It seems as if a playful ghost wanted to start a game of hide and seek! The standing theory is that these playful spirits are the ghosts of children, because the Sayre Mansion saw more than its fair share of tragedy in its early days. The Sayre Family moved into their Gothic Revival-style Victorian mansion in Bethlehem’s prestigious Fountain Hill in 1858. Of the family's 12 children, eight survived into adulthood with six drawing their last breath at the family home. A paranormal investigation several years ago detected supernatural activity in several areas around the mansion. Throughout the year, including during the Halloween season, The Sayre Mansion hosts a Paranormal Experience. The overnight stay features a catered dinner in the mansion’s refurbished basement, and a paranormal presentation and investigation led by a team of ghost hunters.

The Menger Hotel(1859)San Antonio, Texas

Three ghosts are rumored to haunt The Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas: a chambermaid, a U.S. President, and a Texas rancher. Established in 1859 and inducted into Historic Hotels of America in 1989, The Menger Hotel embraces its hauntings. In fact, it was its kindness toward chambermaid Sallie White in her life and in her death that supposedly keeps the tragic young woman’s spirit tied to the hotel. When Sallie White was killed by her jealous husband, the hotel paid for her funeral. Guests and staff have reported seeing Sallie White in the halls of the historic section of the hotel, and her popularity led to the hotel putting the funeral’s receipt on display in the hotel lobby. The other two specters are attributed to U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt and Captain Richard King, the founder of the King Ranch in Kingsville, Texas, and a frequent guest of The Menger Hotel. King died in his suite on April 14, 1885, and his funeral service was held inside the lobby. King is said to still be wandering the halls and is often seen entering his suite, where the original furniture including his bed are preserved. Roosevelt’s connection to the hotel dates to 1898, when he recruited his Rough Riders in the Menger Bar for the Spanish-American War. According to rumor and reports, Teddy Roosevelt is often seen in the bar alone or with his men, having a drink or ordering one. During the month of October, the hotel decorates its lobby and invites guests to vote for their favorite carved pumpkin.

La Posada de Santa Fe (1882) Santa Fe, New Mexico(1882) Santa Fe, New Mexico

Penampakan pertama hantu Julia Staab di La Posada de Santa Fe di Santa Fe, New Mexico, dilaporkan pada tahun 1979. Seorang petugas kebersihan sedang mengepel ketika dia melihat seorang wanita dengan gaun Victoria hitam dengan rambutnya ditarik kembali ke sanggul parah. Ini diikuti oleh beberapa cerita staf resor yang memperhatikan wanita yang sama, menghilang seperti tiba -tiba ketika dia muncul. Julia Staab adalah istri Abraham Staab, pedagang kaya yang membangun rumah bata tiga lantai asli di lokasi resor saat ini. Julia meninggal pada usia 52 tahun 1896. Tetapi sementara tubuhnya telah kedaluwarsa, banyak yang tinggal di rumah selama bertahun -tahun percaya bahwa semangatnya tidak. Dalam satu contoh, dia terlihat berkeliaran di lorong -lorong oleh seorang penjaga keamanan, yang segera berlari. Namun demikian, hantu Julia tidak digambarkan sebagai "meresahkan" atau "menakutkan." Penampakan yang direkam dari aktivitas hantu itu termasuk perapian yang berkedip -kedip, goyang gantung, dan barang -barang hotel tertentu, tetapi tidak pernah barang milik tamu, menghilang di kamar -kamar tertentu. Seorang bartender pernah menyatakan bahwa pada malam yang sangat sibuk, semua kacamata di satu rak terbang dan menabrak lantai. Selama hidupnya, Julia suka berkebun dan mendekorasi rumah dengan mawar. Dengan demikian, beberapa pengunjung bahkan telah mereferensikan menemukan aroma mawar yang berbeda di seluruh gedung. Banyak pengunjung yang memiliki pengalaman supernatural ini tinggal di Kamar 256 (juga dikenal sebagai Suite 100) yang merupakan ruangan yang dihuni Julia Staab saat hidup. Semua kegiatan yang diduga terbatas pada bekas rumah Staab, jadi para tamu yang tinggal di akomodasi lain tidak pernah melaporkan kisah seperti itu.

Hotel Monteleone (1886) New Orleans, Louisiana (1886) New Orleans, Louisiana

Hotel Monteleone telah mengembangkan reputasi selama bertahun -tahun sebagai salah satu tempat paling berhantu di New Orleans, sebuah kota yang sangat dihargai karena pesona Gotiknya. Kisah -kisah yang paling terkenal ini melibatkan seorang anak laki -laki bernama Maurice yang tinggal di hotel bersama keluarganya selama tahun 1890 -an. Orang tua anak itu adalah penonton teater yang rajin dan secara teratur mengunjungi rumah opera Prancis yang terletak di sepanjang Bourbon Street. Tetapi karena Maurice hanyalah seorang balita pada saat itu, keduanya sering meninggalkannya dalam perawatan seorang perawat setiap kali mereka keluar. Pada suatu malam seperti itu, Begeger memutuskan untuk menginap di Hotel Monteleone sebelum berangkat ke rumah opera Prancis. Saat berada di bawah asuhan pengasuhnya, anak kecil itu mengalami demam dan meninggal dunia. Dibuat kesedihan, pasangan itu kembali ke hotel dengan harapan melihat semangat Maurice yang mereka cintai. Menurut legenda, orang tua tidak harus menunggu lama untuk melihat penampakan Maurice. Bocah itu diduga muncul di hadapan ibunya, menyatakan: “Bu, jangan menangis. Saya baik-baik saja." Pengalaman itu membuat ibu menangis, senang mengetahui bahwa putranya damai. Banyak tamu juga melaporkan berlari ke dalam semangatnya di lantai 14. Bersama dengan Maurice, seorang pelayan, yang dikenal sebagai “Mrs. Bersihkan ”dilaporkan menghantui hotel. Peneliti paranormal pernah bertanya mengapa dia tinggal, dan pelayan, yang ibunya, nenek, dan nenek buyut juga bekerja di hotel, mengatakan dia mengambil setelah rumah tangga untuk memastikan standar tinggi.

1886 Crescent Hotel & Spa (1886) Eureka Springs, Arkansas (1886) Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Di antara beberapa roh gelisah yang diyakini menghantui Hotel & Spa Crescent 1886 di Eureka Springs, Arkansas, adalah Theodora. Pada 1930 -an, hotel ini adalah rumah sakit untuk perawatan pasien kanker. Sayangnya, seorang penipu, "Dr." Norman Baker, mengaku sebagai dokter berlisensi dan menuduh keluarga yang tidak curiga tabungan hidup mereka untuk "merawat" pasien di rumah sakitnya. Pemandu wisata, staf hotel, dan tamu sama-sama menuduh bahwa Theodora, salah satu pasien Baker yang meninggal di tempat, membuat kehadirannya dikenal dengan melipat pakaian para tamu, mengatur lemari mereka atau mengatur barang-barang pribadi yang telah tersebar di sekitar ruangan. Baru -baru ini, pasangan dengan sengaja tersebar di sekitar ruangan sebelum berangkat untuk makan malam. Sekembalinya, mereka menemukan koin -koin itu direorganisasi dengan rapi di tumpukan tempat, uang receh, nikel, dan uang dan semuanya ditempatkan bersama di atas lemari mereka. Para tamu juga melaporkan melihat Norman Baker di lobi hotel. Dia digambarkan sebagai seorang pria dengan kemeja ungu dan setelan linen putih yang cocok dengan pengusaha yang terkenal itu. Beberapa cerita yang paling menghantui tentang Crescent Hotel adalah yang diceritakan selama pemandu hantu hotel. Tradisi Crescent Hotel adalah untuk menjadi tuan rumah pemangguran Halloween tahunan bagi para tamu untuk menonton dua paranormal lokal melibatkan semangat hotel. Sepanjang tahun, Crescent Hotel menawarkan koktail bernama "Theodora's Surprise" untuk menghormati tamu abadi.

Jekyll Island Club Resort(1887) Jekyll Island, Georgia

The Jekyll Island Club Resort on Jekyll Island, Georgia, has seen many families come and go since it opened in 1887. Since that time, there have been seven different ghosts that have been reported to haunt this resort. One story is about a ghostly bellman who regularly delivers a freshly pressed suit to a soon to be married groom. Another story is about the ghost of a former president who walks along the veranda at sunset. Samuel Spencer, a club member who departed from this world under mysterious circumstances, is one of these ghosts. He is said to haunt his old rooms early in the morning, sipping coffee and reading the morning newspaper. Another ghost is a bellman dressed in period uniform from the 1920s with cap and suit and who is said to deliver freshly pressed suits to bridegrooms. More than one bridegroom, who had not ordered this service, has asked the hotel staff about the ghostly bellman. Another such encounter involves industrialist J.P. Morgan, who stayed at the resort’s Sans Souci building. Mr. Morgan was a lover of cigars. As the story goes, one could tell where he was by following the trail of smoke. To avoid criticism of his favorite hobby, he would rise early every morning by 5 am to have a smoke on the porch. While most contemporary guests are not rising at such an early hour for a cigar, those who have stayed in the historic Morgan apartment swear they have awakened to the faint smell of cigar smoke wafting about when there is absolutely no one else awake.

Hotel del Coronado(1888) Coronado, California

Hotel del Coronado, according to medium James Van Praagh, is “besides being gorgeous and completely unique, extremely haunted.” Van Praagh, who held a 2018 séance at Hotel del Coronado in Coronado, California, was especially impressed by the paranormal activity he perceived in the lobby of the grand resort hotel. Over a century of unexplained phenomena has occurred throughout the resort, where there have been sightings of a small Victorian girl, a man in period clothing, and a woman in white. Pots and pans rattle in the kitchen and objects move in the historic gift shop. The hotel’s most famous ghost is the tragic Kate Morgan, who died at the hotel in 1892 and is rumored to have never left. Her room (Room 3327) is the most-requested guestroom at the resort. Another room, Room 3519, is also the subject of ghostly reports and interest. In 1992, parapsychologist and investigator of paranormal phenomena Christopher Chacon assessed phenomena reported at the resort. This 12-month investigation yielded nearly 10,000 hours of content and documented over 400 anomalous phenomena in Room 3519. In 2022, for the first time ever, Hotel del Coronado is offering visitors the opportunity to explore Room 3519 and view some of the recorded footage firsthand. Along with this opportunity to tour one of the most haunted rooms during the Halloween season, Hotel del Coronado offers guests light-hearted, festive activities including pumpkin carving, roasting s’mores at a beach bonfire, Fright Night Movies in a theater under the stars, and guided tours exploring the haunted history of this legendary hotel. At Hotel del Coronado, Halloween offers the perfect mixture of SoCal beach life and seasonal fun.

The Union Station Nashville Yards(1900) Nashville, Tennessee

One of Nashville, Tennessee’s most iconic landmarks, The Union Station Nashville Yards resides in a building that previously served as the city’s buzzing railway station. Guests are reminded of the building’s rich history through another kind of encounter: with the hotel’s resident ghost, Abigail. Legend has it that during the World War II-era, a young woman, Abigail, said goodbye to her soldier boyfriend on the Union Station train platform before he shipped off to France. When she arrived at that same spot to greet him on his return, she was told that he had been killed in action. Distraught, Abigail lost the will to live. The forlorn spirit of Abigail, still looking for her lost love, can reportedly be seen wandering the main terminal and her presence felt in Room 711. Now known as the Abigail Room, guests can request to stay in the haunted suite, which is decorated unlike any other room in the hotel with antique furnishings, a four-poster bed and artwork inspired by her tale and her love for her solder that never returned.

Omni Mount Washington Resort, Bretton Woods (1902) Bretton Woods, New Hampshire

The Omni Mount Washington Resort, Bretton Woods in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, is known for its winter sports and luxury accommodations, as well as a place in the history of international relations–it was the site of the Bretton Woods conference of 1944 from which the World Bank was established–and for its ghost, affectionately known as The Princess. The Princess is believed to be the spirit of Carolyn Foster Stickney, who lived at the hotel and was the wife of railroad tycoon Joseph Stickney. Stickney built the resort in 1902 and designed an indoor swimming pool and a private dining room for Carolyn, a room known today as the “Princess Room.” A prominent figure at the resort since its opening, many guests who have visited continue to report sightings of the regal Carolyn. Visions of an elegant woman in Victorian dress are often spotted in the hallways of the hotel, and there are light taps on doors when no one is outside. Objects within the guestrooms will also suddenly disappear and then reappear in the exact place from where they were lost. But perhaps the most common sighting of the beloved Carolyn is in Room 314, where guests report seeing a vision of the woman sitting at the edge of the opulent four-poster bed–on which Carolyn herself used to slumber. The tales of the Omni Mount Washington’s hauntings have since inspired many people to hunt for ghosts on the grounds, including the crew of the popular television show, Ghost Hunters.

The Omni Grove Park Inn (1913) Asheville, North Carolina(1913) Asheville, North Carolina

Wisatawan, penduduk, dan staf telah percaya pada hantu yang berkeliaran di lorong -lorong Asheville, Omni Grove Park Inn yang bersejarah di Carolina Utara. Roh yang aneh tapi lembut yang berada di dalam dinding abu -abu, granit dan dikenal sebagai wanita merah muda, telah dilihat, dirasakan dan dialami oleh karyawan hotel dan tamu selama hampir seabad. Wanita merah muda itu secara umum digambarkan sebagai asap merah muda yang padat, meskipun beberapa melaporkan kabut yang muncul dengan bentuk seorang wanita muda yang mengenakan ballgown merah muda. Wanita merah muda itu diyakini telah menemui kematiannya di lantai Palm Court setelah jatuh dua lantai dari lantai lima ke lantai tiga pada 1920 -an. Sementara tidak ada catatan tertulis yang ditemukan bahwa mendukung klaim ini, penampakannya masih dilaporkan. Beberapa mengklaim bahwa mereka telah melihat kabut merah muda, sementara yang lain melaporkan melihat penampakan penuh dari seorang wanita muda berambut panjang dalam gaun merah muda. Para tamu telah melaporkan bahwa mereka telah melihat benda -benda bergerak di tengah malam, serta terbangun dengan merasakan sensasi yang menggelitik di kaki mereka. Sementara wanita merah muda itu ingin mengungkapkan dirinya kepada semua orang, dia dikatakan sangat menikmati ditemani anak -anak.

Claremont Club & Spa, Fairmont Hotel (1915) Berkeley, California(1915) Berkeley, California

Selama bertahun -tahun, Claremont Club & Spa, sebuah hotel Fairmont, telah membangun reputasi berharga untuk akomodasi mewahnya, pemandangan indah Teluk San Francisco, layanan spa yang memanjakan - dan untuk menjadi salah satu tempat paling berhantu di California. Dari laporan lift hantu hingga suara -suara yang menakutkan, resor ini telah menjadi sumber kisah paranormal yang tak terhitung jumlahnya selama beberapa generasi. Dari semua cerita, yang paling indah melibatkan lantai empat. Secara khusus, satu kamar tampaknya paling menarik aktivitas. Adalah umum bagi orang untuk mengalami perubahan suhu ekstrem di kamar atau berjalan ke ruangan yang memiliki bintik -bintik dingin. Tamu lain telah menemukan lift yang akan pergi ke lantai yang tidak diminta atau tidak mulai bergerak sampai pasukan yang tidak terlihat memungkinkannya untuk pindah. Berlimpahnya cerita tambahan di seluruh Claremont Club & Spa tentang semangat anak -anak. Salah satu kisah seperti itu berkaitan dengan seorang gadis berusia 6 tahun. Sementara tidak ada yang tahu mengapa hantu itu menghantui hotel, semua yang bertemu dia mengakui bahwa dia damai, melaporkan bahwa dia telah mengunjunginya di malam hari dan dengan lembut mengulurkan tangan seolah -olah mengatakan "halo."

Emily Morgan San Antonio - A DoubleTree oleh Hilton Hotel (1924) San Antonio, Texas(1924) San Antonio, Texas

Emily Morgan Hotel, yang terletak di seberang Alamo di San Antonio, Texas, dikenal sebagai salah satu hotel paling berhantu di seluruh Texas. Itu bahkan diperingkat oleh USA Today sebagai hotel paling berhantu ketiga di dunia pada tahun 2015. Menurut berbagai laporan, yang diberikan oleh tim manajemen hotel sendiri, lantai yang paling berhantu adalah lantai ketujuh, kesembilan, dan keempat belas. Lantai -lantai inilah yang pada suatu waktu berfungsi sebagai bangsal psikiatris, tingkat operasi, ruang tunggu dan kamar mayat. Di Emily Morgan, hampir semua laporan paranormal melibatkan hantu dan roh dari saat bangunan itu menjadi rumah sakit. Para tamu telah melaporkan hal -hal aneh yang terjadi di level ini. Pada tingkat keempat belas dari Hauntings Emily Morgan telah dikaitkan dengan aroma yang mengingatkan pada rumah sakit. Tidak umum, tetapi tidak pernah terdengar, bagi para tamu untuk melaporkan memiliki visi adegan rumah sakit - lebih dari kamar tamu - ketika mereka membuka pintu dari lorong. Di lantai dua belas, para tamu mengklaim telah menyaksikan pintu kamar mandi mereka membuka dan menutup sendiri. Yang lain melihat lampu berkedip di kamar mereka. Namun yang lain telah melaporkan melihat penampakan perawat yang sebenarnya di lorong -lorong ketika mereka mendorong rajutan reyot ke koridor. Kemudian pemandangan menghilang ke udara tipis seolah -olah gambar hantu tidak pernah ada di tempat pertama.

Hawthorne Hotel (1925) Salem, Massachusetts(1925) Salem, Massachusetts

Kota pelabuhan kolonial Salem, Massachusetts, terkenal karena uji coba penyihir Salem 1692, dan Hawthorne Hotel yang bersejarah ini rentan terhadap hantu dan roh -rohnya sendiri. Sering peringkat sebagai salah satu hotel paling berhantu di Amerika, para tamu telah melaporkan furnitur yang bergerak, penampakan seorang wanita hantu, dan suara -suara yang tidak dapat dijelaskan. Dinamai setelah warga dan penulis terkenal Nathaniel Hawthorne, banyak hantu hotel yang dikaitkan dengan kapten laut yang kembali ke tempat berkumpulnya. Menurut Lore, Kamar 325 adalah kamar paling berhantu di hotel, di mana para tamu mengaku merasakan bintik-bintik dingin dan mencium bau bunga segar. Para tamu yang tinggal di kamar 612, serta di lantai enam secara umum, telah melaporkan menyaksikan seorang wanita hantu berjalan di aula. Kamar 621 dan 325 juga memiliki laporan tentang lampu dan faucet yang dimatikan dan hidup. Pada tahun 1990, hotel mengadakan séance di Grand Ballroom untuk mencoba dan menghubungi Harry Houdini. Pada tahun 2007, pertunjukan paranormal populer Syfy, Ghost Hunters, mengunjungi hotel untuk menyelidiki.

The Hotel Viking (1926) Newport, Rhode Island(1926) Newport, Rhode Island

Hotel Viking dibangun oleh Newport, Rhode Island, komunitas dan seluruhnya melalui investasi komunitas di puncak Roaring Twenties. Usaha sipil ini membantu menjaga Newport dan orang -orangnya mengapung melalui perang dan resesi dengan menawarkan hal yang sama pada tahun 1926 seperti halnya hari ini: rasa kepemilikan yang tulus untuk pengunjung maupun penduduk. Rasa memiliki, mungkin, yang membuat para tamu diperiksa lama setelah mereka check out. Hotel Viking memiliki banyak tamu dan anggota staf melaporkan pengalaman paranormal. Salah satu jenis penampakan yang telah dilaporkan berkali -kali adalah anak kecil yang terlihat membersihkan lantai sayap bersejarah hotel. Ini juga telah dikonfirmasi oleh sebagian besar staf rumah tangga, yang sangat menghargai bantuannya! Hotel Viking juga diyakini oleh beberapa orang dihantui oleh sekelompok pengunjung pesta hantu. Seringkali, staf mendengar suara pesta besar pada jam -jam aneh malam ketika tidak ada acara yang direncanakan. Kebisingan ini awalnya terdengar di atas salah satu ruang dansa di ruang yang digunakan untuk penyimpanan. Tetapi setelah renovasi, lokasi soiree seram tampaknya telah berubah menjadi level bawah hotel.

Hotel Saranac, Curio Collection oleh Hilton (1927) Saranac Lake, New York(1927) Saranac Lake, New York

Goblin, Ghouls, Spirit, dan Specters semuanya berjanji untuk berkeliaran di jalanan Danau Saranac, New York, pada malam Halloween. Tentu saja, sebagian besar akan menjadi anak -anak yang mengenakan kostum untuk acara tersebut. Tapi jauh di dalam jantung hotel Saranac, mungkin ada penampakan seorang pria terkemuka yang mengenakan setelan hitam dengan ekor dan topi top. Orang percaya berpikir pria itu adalah Howard Littell. Dan, tidak, dia tidak mengenakan kostum. Sekolah Menengah Saranac Lake pernah berdiri dengan alasan di mana Hotel Saranac saat ini berada dan Littell yang sangat meninggal adalah pengawas sekolah selama hampir 35 tahun. Littell dikenal karena berkeliaran di lorong -lorong sekolah menengah dan menjaga para siswa dalam antrean. Sekolah menengah pindah pada tahun 1926 dan Hotel Saranac dibangun di tanah itu pada tahun berikutnya. Littell pindah dengan sekolah menengah baru, tetapi - rasanya - semangatnya tidak; Orang -orang mengklaim telah melihatnya berkeliaran di aula hotel, mungkin ingin menjaga siswa yang tersesat dalam antrean. Setiap lantai memiliki cerita, dari penampakan Specter dekat ruang dansa di lantai dua Frances Peroni, yang mengajar di sana ketika hotel dimiliki oleh Paul Smith College, hingga goresan kucing hantu di lantai tiga. Berlimpahnya cerita tentang para tamu yang mendengar bernyanyi di lantai enam. Tentu saja, beberapa melaporkan bahwa Howard Littell masih berkeliaran di ruang bawah tanah. Didirikan pada tahun 1927 dan dilantik ke Hotel Hotel of America pada tahun 1998, Hotel Saranac berada di peringkat #4 dengan pemungutan suara publik di USA Today 10 Best Readers 'Choice 2022 Best Haunted Hotel Contest.

Hassayampa Inn (1927) Prescott, Arizona(1927) Prescott, Arizona

Dengan berbagai pengalaman yang dilaporkan di abad ini sejak dibuka, Hassayampa Inn di Prescott, Arizona, memiliki reputasi sebagai tempat yang aktif. Sebagian besar kisah paranormal melibatkan hantu yang oleh banyak orang disebut "iman." Legenda mengatakan bahwa pada tahun 1927, Faith dan suaminya yang baru menikah memeriksa Hassayampa Inn pada bulan madu mereka. Pada malam pertama mereka, suaminya yang tercinta pergi untuk membeli sebungkus rokok, tetapi dia tidak pernah kembali. Setelah menunggu hampir tiga hari, Faith meninggal karena patah hati. Namun, banyak yang mengatakan bahwa iman tidak pernah meninggalkan alasan. Sebaliknya, rohnya kembali ke Hassayampa Inn, di mana ia terus menyesali kehilangan suaminya. Banyak kisah hari ini berlimpah tentang bagaimana tangisan yang tidak berwujud terjadi di seluruh penginapan, serta hilangnya benda acak yang aneh. Staf sendiri telah secara khusus melaporkan bahwa Faith kadang -kadang mematikan pembakar gas di dapur. Mungkin penampakan iman yang paling sering terjadi di Grand Balcony Suite 426. Dalam satu cerita yang menarik, seorang karyawan ingat bagaimana sebuah karangan bunga menggantung di pintu suite tiba -tiba jatuh mengikuti beberapa ketukan keras yang datang dari dalam ruangan. Ketika pria itu mendorong pintu, dia heran menemukan tidak ada orang di dalamnya. Yang lain melaporkan bintik -bintik dingin yang aneh. Seringkali bau bunga berasal dari ruang kosong. Iman tidak pernah tampak mengancam dalam pertemuan ini. Seorang tamu baru -baru ini, seorang pemuda, mengatakan dia merasakan seseorang di kamarnya ketika dia bangun. Dia melayang dan terbangun oleh seseorang yang memeluknya. Ketika dia bertanya apakah ada insiden hantu di hotel, petugas meja berkata, "Oh, itu hanya iman."

Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center(1927) Baton Rouge, Louisiana

It has long been reported by staff that the tenth floor of the Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is haunted by the ghost of the infamous politician Huey P. Long. Known as the most colorful politician from Louisiana, the infamous Huey P. Long's favorite saying was, “Every man is a King.” He frequented the Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center, then known as the Heidelberg Hotel, so often that he even had a tunnel dug to the hotel across the street, so he could escape his enemies and visit his mistress. The spirit of Long is thought to walk the 10th floor at a leisurely pace, puffing away on a cigar. Reports claim he will look in a guest’s direction and then fade away when acknowledged, extremely polite and well-mannered. Though the hotel has been smoke-free since 2006, housekeepers have reported catching a whiff of cigar smoke from rooms they've just cleaned. In recent years, a general manager–a self-described skeptic–was living in the hotel and reported that he experienced unexplainable activity: he witnessed lights turning on when no one was around and repeatedly saw a shadow of a person walking by the Mezzanine Suite, back and forth on the catwalk. When he opened the door to the room to see who was inside, no one was there.

The Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa(1928) Sonoma, California

Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa in Sonoma, California, welcomes guests past and present, believing that their ghosts haunt where they were happiest. The Inn’s tenured employees will testify that when the evenings are still and the fog rolls in from the San Francisco Bay, a beautiful woman has been seen strolling the hallways of the Inn in period dress: Victoria. One of the early European settlers of Sonoma Valley, Victoria is said to have celebrated her wedding and many anniversaries at the resort. For decades, guests have even commented on the otherworldly presence at the Inn. A handsome room in the original Inn building is reportedly haunted by a ghost of an elderly man. Guests have for years noted a feeling of not being alone in the room at night. They have described hearing doors slam, catching sight of something out of the corner of their eye, or seeing something run down the hall and around the corner. The hauntingly famous "Round Room" is perhaps one of the most haunted hotel rooms in California. Since then, guests have reported paranormal activity in the room, including flickering lights, unexplained noises, shadowy figures, running water and more. The hotel lobby bar, 38 Degrees North, offers cocktails for grown-up goblins.

The Wort Hotel(1941) Jackson, Wyoming

The Wort Hotel in Jackson, Wyoming, is home to a friendly, mischievous ghost named Bob, a former engineer at the Hotel who likes to play tricks on his successors. Robert “Bob” Tomingas took a job as The Wort Hotel’s maintenance engineer in 1950. Bob was a mechanical genius, and over the course of his career, he rebuilt the hotel’s heating, water, and electrical systems. During the winter nights in the 1950s when the temperature would drop below zero and the hotel’s overworked boiler would begin to act up, Bob would arrive in the middle of the night to nurse the system alone. Hotel workers arriving in the morning would find him asleep on a blanket next to the boiler. In life, Bob was known for being able to fix the impossible. He spent his time off repairing and maintaining equipment around the valley. In his later years at The Wort, Bob was often consulted on the whereabouts of wiring, pipes, valves, and all the secrets of the old hotel. Current engineers credit Bob for helping them solve the mysteries of burst pipes and broken wiring. On occasion, Bob also enjoys rearranging the maintenance shop, to the delight of the hotel’s engineers. While Bob never appears to hotel guests, the staff at The Wort consider him to be a valuable team member.

Tubac Golf Resort and Spa(1959) Tubac, Arizona

The history of the Tubac Golf Resort and Spa in Tubac, Arizona, can be traced back over four centuries to a young man named Don Toribio de Otero. Generations of Oteros lived on the ranch for four centuries before they were forced to sell, and the core of the estate was reinvented as a luxury resort in the 1950s. Harkening back to the days of the Otero family, occupants and guests have claimed to hear, see, and experience unexplainable activity. In recent decades, resort guests have reported at least four unique ghosts including a boy, a lady in gray, a very active gentleman spirit, and a cowboy. Some of these spirits are believed to date back to the early age of the resort when it was the Otero Ranch. The haunts have been investigated by the Phoenix Arizona Paranormal Society and featured in the society’s DVD, The Haunted Series (Arizona). Learn more about the Tubac hauntings in Haunted Otero: Ghost Tales from the American Southwest by Diana Hinojosa-DeLugan, who has given ghost tours of the Tubac Golf Resort and Spa.

"Roh -roh yang dilaporkan tinggal di dalam hotel -hotel bersejarah Amerika ini telah digambarkan sebagai sedih untuk bahagia, malu untuk ramah, perlahan -lahan berkelok -kelok dengan terburu Wakil Presiden, Hotel Bersejarah Amerika dan hotel bersejarah di seluruh dunia. “Beberapa pra-kencan pembangunan hotel dan yang lainnya menonjol dari tahun-tahun awal hotel-hotel bersejarah. Lebih dari sekadar cerita hantu, legenda abadi ini berkontribusi pada kualitas unik dari penginapan, resor, dan hotel hotel bersejarah Amerika. ”

Tentang Hotel Historis America®

Historic Hotels of America adalah program resmi National Trust for Historic Preservation untuk mengenali dan merayakan hotel bersejarah terbaik. Hotel Historis Amerika memiliki lebih dari 300 hotel bersejarah. Hotel -hotel bersejarah ini memiliki semua dengan setia mempertahankan keasliannya, rasa tempat, dan integritas arsitektur mereka di Amerika Serikat, termasuk 44 negara bagian, Distrik Columbia, dan Puerto Riko. Hotel Historic of America terdiri dari sebagian besar hotel bersejarah yang dimiliki dan dioperasikan secara independen. Lebih dari 30 merek keramahtamahan terbaik di dunia, rantai, dan koleksi diwakili di hotel bersejarah Amerika. Untuk dinominasikan dan dipilih untuk keanggotaan ke dalam program bergengsi ini, sebuah hotel harus berusia setidaknya 50 tahun; telah ditetapkan oleh Sekretaris Dalam Negeri AS sebagai tengara bersejarah nasional atau terdaftar di atau memenuhi syarat untuk daftar dalam Daftar Tempat Bersejarah Nasional; dan diakui memiliki signifikansi historis. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi historichotels.org/us.

Apa rumah hantu nomor 1 di Amerika?

Netherworld Haunted House di Stone Mountain, Georgia - #1 Rumah berhantu di Amerika! - #1 Haunted House in America!

Apa motel paling menakutkan di dunia?

Motel badut yang dinamai "America's Sasewar Motel" karena tema badut dan kedekatannya dengan Pemakaman Tonopah lama. Banyak orang takut dengan motel badut. Beberapa mural di kamar pasti akan memberikan mimpi buruk kepada tamu. Tapi jangan khawatir, ada juga "badut bahagia", terutama di lobi. It was named “America's Scariest Motel” due to its clown theme and proximity to the Old Tonopah Cemetery. Many people are terrified of the Clown Motel. Some of the murals in the rooms are sure to give guests nightmares. But don't worry, there are also “happy clowns”, especially in the lobby.

Apa yang terjadi di Stanley Hotel?

Stanley Hotel, dibangun dengan biaya $ 500.000, sebagian hancur tadi malam oleh ledakan gas. Delapan orang terluka, satu serius. Tidak ada tamu yang terluka. Elizabeth Wilson, dari Lancaster, Pa., Seorang karyawan hotel, dilemparkan dari lantai kedua ke lantai pertama, dan kedua pergelangan kaki rusak.partly wrecked last night by an explosion of gas. Eight persons were injured, one seriously. None of the guests were injured. Elizabeth Wilson, of Lancaster, Pa., a hotel employee, was hurled from the second to the first floor, and both ankles were broken.

Apakah hotel Sandman dihantui?

Dibangun pada tahun 1888 oleh Canadian Pacific Railway, hotel ini adalah situs dari banyak penampakan hantu yang menakutkan, termasuk keluarga yang terbunuh di kamar 873, seorang pengantin wanita yang meninggal jatuh di tangga marmer hotel, dan seorang pensiunan bellhop bernama Sam Macauley yang terus menghantuHotel mengenakan seragam penuh.this hotel is the site of numerous terrifying ghost sightings, including a murdered family in room 873, a bride who died falling down the hotel's marble staircase, and a retired bellhop named Sam Macauley who continues to haunt the hotel dressed in full uniform.

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